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Orono Weekly Times, 28 May 1997, p. 2

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2- Orono WeekIyTimes,.Wednesday May 28, 1997 Here we go again! Well, this it il! It's timie to cast our votes on Monday. We've al had the opportunily to sec and listen to ail the party lead- ers, watched the debates on national and local television with each party claiming--their way is best for the country. Every election, now as well as iin the past--has the samne scenario. The incumrbent party is being judged by the people for past actions (or inactions) during their termn. The other parties look at this record of the party in power and dlaim to have a better way, offering new solutions to old problems. As voters we have aIl seen it before and again--it is a toss- Up as to who we elect (uinless of course we are a party fanatic). Somehow I think that this grouip is getting smaller and that people are more open to vote for whîchever party stands by their promises at ahl cost--popular or not. Just look at recent history. We've got Ralph Klein, Premier of Alberta, who made promises, followed throuigh with themn, and no matter how deep the cuts--hie was successful in his endeavours. The result--he was re-elected. Closer to home, we have Mike R arris with his unpopular cuts, but hie is getting somnewhiere in his mnadness. 1 think it is timne for the feds to take the bull by the homns and have the courage to put their own careers aside and put the country first. The party who does this will get the votes. As for now, it seems to me that we're still in the samne boat. We'il vote whichever parly in and again, say to them "Let's see what you can do, we'Ill]et you know in four year's time how you made out". Standing for the four political parties in Poili 161 Orono There has been little change in the standing for the four political parties in Poîl 161, Orono over the past week according to the CBC tabulations as of last Thursday. -A.greater number of voters, 103, in the poîi have decided or have stren~gthened their leàning durinig the past week. Yet there is still enough undecided voters that positions could well change. Te Liberals are stilîl well out i front with 47% of the decided and leaning voters. This is one percentage drop from week tbree. The Progressive Conservatives have risen to 14% from 13% in week three. Reform continue their climb and have reached 30 percent. The NDP have remnained stable at 10 percentage points. The CBC will present their last update on Thursday or Friday of tht s week, a few days prior to the election date of June 2. Lt }vill be interesting to find the final result of election day for Poil 161 and how close has been CBC wvith their survey. by Roy Forrester -cy7jcc W 17 M mb DearEditor: t is about tirne that Canadians recognize -- and appreclate -- the fact that they canonily expect fair and objective coverage of political events in small, independent, local newspapers. These smalland independent news- papers are one of the last bastions in the defense of the freedorn of the press. This is, no doubt, due to the close relationship between these newspapers and their read- ers and customers. t creates mutual appreclation and respect. In alI other branches of the media this respect if missing. This is most evident now, at election time. At present, Canadians are constantly' it is a sad situation that these media people, who depend on the freedom expression to make a living, are so openly abusing this freedom to promote their own political preferences and to manipulate fellow Canadians. It is time for Canadians to stand up to these manipula- tors, in every legal way. and by hitting them wihere it hurts most - by taking their busi- ness where they get some respect. Sincerely, Evert Vroegh 4527 T'rulîs Rd. Hampton LOB iJO Dear Editor: So, it's time for another Canadian Federal Election, eh? And, so soon after the last one. Only in Canada. l'Il tell you, these are certainly exciting urnes! Words like mistrust, indifference, àpa- thy, scam, etc. corne to mind almost immediately. So does Roy's recent editorial... It need not have happened now". How perfectly tru e! This is a most flagrant waste of tax payer's dollars, not to men- tion a plain and simple case of grabbing another five years' job security. Strike while the iron is hot, eh, Mr. Chretien? Well, the iron isn't hot. Not even luke warm. And, the only reasons you're doing this is not because of the great- ness of your party, but, instead, the absolute medi- ocrity of the rest of the wannabes. I suppose it was quite the honourable thing for our local Honourable Member to opt out of the M.P.'s pension plan, thereby saving taxpay- ers, according to his pam- tneir caucus meeting in a phone booth, very seriously. Besides, ît's gonna take aniother generation or so to get over the putrid stench of Brian. Hey, whiat about Preston and his Green Teain? Theguy may look like Casper Milquetoast but at least he's got the guts to speak out on THE SEPARATION ISSUE. Or, should 1 say national unity? And what did it get ,im? The three other spine- less, do.'t-dare-take-a- stance, wishy-washy S.O.B's are callmng for bis head, say- ing he's going to cause a Civl War within Canada. Yeah, right! E ven so, the idea of Preston leading the country is kind of a scary thought. Better pass on that one. Well then, what's chances for the Black and Orange Team, and, their new leader, What's lier Name. (Can YOU narne her?) Actually this team is s0 beaten up from last fed- eral and Ontario provincial elections, they could become the Black and BIlue Team. No way for the NDP. And you can forget the rest of the pre- tenders. So, -what arn I going to do, corne the Bigs Day in June? Like 60-70% of the rest of Canadians who don't want or care about ttiis election. . .absolutely nothing! And, wvhat if my party doesn't get in? If you've been paying attention, I don't HAVE a party.! Anyway, best of luck to Jean and ail the wannabe's out there on June, the what- ever, as the gripping election lever bas a choke-hold on the entire country. Go get 'ern. I keep hearing there's a lot at stake here. Like jobs. Your own jobs! Regards, Bob Rotz KlUrby, Ontario Sunday, June 1, 1997 Worship & Sunday School 11:15 a.m. J>Iease loin as "a good place to be a healthy place for children" Minister: Rev. David Black 786-2950 St. Saviour's Anglican Chu rch MILL STREET ORONO, ONTARIO Minister: Rev. Ann Tottenham Reotory 987-5678 - Church 983-5594 SUNDAY SERVICE. SUNDAY SCHOOL and YOUTI-I ROUP 9:30 ar. IST & 3RD SUNDAY ÔF MONTH HOLY COMMUNION -ORONO CHARGE Minister eRev. Mervyn Russeil Secretary 'Marlene Risebrough 983-5702 Church Office 983-5502 CHURCH SERVICES Sunday, June 1, 1997 Kirby United Church 9:30 a.m. Sunday School during Service Orono United Church 11:00 ar. Sunday School &Nursery during Service A.A. meets evey Thursday 7:30 p. m. OWIRNO "WEEKLY TIMES Division of Loyal Printing Ltd. Publications Mail Registration No. 0368 Publishlng 47 Issues Annually at thec Office of Publication 5310 Main Street, P. 0. Box 209, Orono, Ontario LOB 1MO e mail: oronotî Telephone 905-983-5301 Pax 905-983-5301 Herman and Marg Zwart

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