Ladies auxiiary dona tes cheque ofresources. lInput can be faxed to my office at: 1-905-697-1506, 715 King Street E., Bowmanville On. LIC 1N4. The Ministry Fax is: 1416-325-6370. Mail: Fair Funding, 2lst Floor, Mowat Block, 900 Bay street, Toronto, On. M7A 1L2. e- miail: fair website: We have a supply of (OSAR) Ontario Student Assistance Program guides at our con- stituiency office. Please cali if you wishi to receive a copy. As 1I meet people each day, 1 listen and watch to undler- stand what is on their mind. What I have noticed is as we become busy with our out- door duties of lawns and gar- denis or evening walks, we have less time to sit and watch the news and worry about the world issues. Enjoy it, as this season is far health- ier and far too short in my opinion. Dr. H. Yasseln, accepts Hospitals Ophthalmology This donation, raised cheque in, the amount of Program. Part of that pro- through bingo gaines, will be $2, 100 from Dorothy gram includes cataract used to purchase special Richards, President of The surgery. On average, 20-30 stools. These stools allow the Royal Canadian Legi on, cataract surgeries are being' surgeon versatility and hielp Branch 178, Ladies Auxiiary. performed per week, and this enhance comfort during the Dr Yassemin s with Memorial number continues to rise. intricate eye surgury. Durham Federation of Agriculture. Saturday, I attended the Ministry of' Natural Resources introduc- tion of thie Lake Scugog map- ping project in partnership with the Fawartha Fisheries Association. Sandy Beaton and Steve Wickens have formned a number of alliances with Ducks Unlimiited and the Ontario Federation of Anglers, & Hunters, as well as a num- bet of private sector sponsors to mnap the flsh and wildlife habitats of Lake Scugog. Saturday was also the 25th anniversary for the Women's Institute of Scugog Island. They celebrated their 25th while the (FWIO) Women's Institute also celebrates their 1Oth anniversary this year. This quiet organization is part of an international women's organization that has very strong roots in the traditions of "Home and Country". Sunday was a special day from the Courtice Carnival and other events. If you are planning an event where I can bring greetings frorm the province or provide certifi- cates or recognition, please caîl my office at 697-1501 or L/D 1-800-661-2433. What i enjoyed the most about this past week was get- tinig back to the fundamental of mny duties which is to meet with fdie people who elected me to serve at Queen's Park. What I missed the most was driving to Toronto and aIl the debate/antics at the îegisla- ture. Next week, things are back to normal as the house will resume sitting. Weekly, I try to keep you informed of the business of the legislature. This past Thursday, the Ministry of Education and Training released a discussion paper on the proposed new funding model. This new approach of I have a supply of a guide book entitled, "Excellence in Education: Student-Focused Funding for Ontario". If you or your school community council wish to receive a copy, please contact my con- stituency office. Over the next three months, the minîstry will be excepting input from educators, students, taxpay- ers and others. If youwish me to participate with your school cotnmunity council, please advlse as your input is very important. We must al work together to ensure that our students and classroom Have You Fed Your Composter Lately?