Ontario 9-1-1 Advisory Board The Ontario 9-1-1 Advisory Board, an entity sanctioned to serve and repre- sent the 9-1-1 providers and users in the Province of Ontario is concemned over the recent release of Telecom Decision 97-8 and 97-9-on May lst, 1997 by the Canadian Radio-television C ommnnu ni ca t ion s Commission. TheOntaria 9- 1-1 Advisory Board after careful review of this decision lias filed an appeal with the CRTC addressing the con- cerns for both the safety of our citizens and for those costs associated with provid- ing 9-1-1 service. We believe that the CRTC must respond to these concerns before a tragedy occurs. The public safety aspects, liabîlity issues, and costs associated with 9-1- 1 must flot be a the expense of a telephone industry trying to gain initial and future mar- ket share. We believe that the CRTC must respond to these con- cerns before a tragedy occurs. The appeal to the CRTC lias requested the.following: -A clear set of rules for the interconnection of 9-1- 1 by any existing or new telle- phone company without jeop- ardizing the safety of our citi- zens or causîng those munici- palities that provide 9-1-1i ser- vice any additional expenses as a resuit of the unbundling of telephone service: Work is, presently on going with a 9-1 - 1 sub-working group but the Telecom Decision of 97-8 provided no clear direction or timetable for interconnection 9-1-1 t Public Safety Answering Places. -Telecom Decision 97-8 stated that 9-1 -1i wasflot an essential facility. In technical tenus that may'be correct, but to those citizens that utilize this service when an emer- gency exists would certaînly disagree. We believe 9-1-1 is an essential facility and that the CRTC muiist assure the public of its present and future existence. - Telephone re-seller ser-, vice has flot been clearly addressed by the -CRTC as it relates to the provisioning 9- 1-1 service. The CRTC has been vague as to who a tele- phone service provider is. We, would insist that any company' offering local telephone ser- vice must provide the same 9-1-1 service as is presently available in that part of Ontario today. *The issue of wireless telephone service and 9-1-1 lias been an on going dispute with the emergency service providers and the wireless industry. The CRIC lias failed to address this issue, yet fully knows of thie recent ruling in tlie United States by the Federal Communication Commission on tlie provision- ing of wireless 9-1-1. We firmlv believe that the time has corne for the CRTC to take a stand on this verv important issue. The world we live in appears to be liead- ing to one of more mobility. The public expectation in.a LUCIEN LAMBIER Broker Best Mortgage Rates as ot May 28197 Adjustable Rate ... 3.740% 6 Month ........4.900% 1 Year ........... 5.150% 3 Year ..........6.050% 5 Year ......... 6.750% 10OYear.......... 7.730%/ We specialize in obtaining for you the best possible mortgage. For a ne w fmort- gage or rene wal cati us at (905) 983-9777 mobile wor1li is t hat 9-1 -1 Advisory Boird fully recog- nizes the position of the CRTC on the unbundting of telephone service but needs to assure its citizens and emer- gency service providers that there will be no degradation of 9-1 -1- service as a resuit. 4464 Conc. Rd. 6, KENDAL 983-9777 - 1-800-243-3309 E mail: lambierl@mauîdurham.net Serving DURHAM & NORTHUMBERLAND DONNA FLETCHER Sales Person - Kendaa Village, 65'x 165' lt, worksnop- garage combo, need some TLC, original Ihardwood & pine board floors, but could be a doîl house. Asking only $119,000.00 Excellent building lot, level, back- ing onto conservation area and ravine... asking only: $49,900.00 GLOSSARY 0F LEGAL TERMVS AGENCY: That relationship between principal and agent which arises out of a contract, either expressed or implied, written or oral, wherein an agent is employed and authorized by principal ta do certain acta on hia behaif in dealing wit a third party.I AUTHORITY : The legal power or night given by a principal and accepted by the agent ta act on the principa'a behàlf in performing apecîic acta or negotiationa. CLASSIFIED MARKETPLACE "A dvertise A cross Ontario or A cross the Country" BUSINESS OPPS. HELP WANTED GOVERNMENT FUNOS. Government assistance pro- JOCUS EDUCATIONAL TOYS oueds consultants inter- gramo inormation available. For your new or existing esead lu Home-tased Business, representing 350+ Quai- business. Tal<e aduantage o the govemmeut grants and ty Isys, games,,catts.70% onder $15. Home-parties, loans. 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