WEEKLY iE Ivision of. Loyal Printing Ltd. Publicatioa Publishing 47 Issuei J3310 Main Street, P. e ma«.: Telephone 90. ns Mail Regstration No. 0368 s Annually at thse Office of Publication -O. Box 209, Orono, Ontario LOB iMO oronotimes@apeedline.ca 5-983-5301 Fax 905-983-5301 Hermian and MWarg Zwart $1 00, 000 plu~s per second The big race that is Canadian is over. 1 would race. Has Donovan Baile) er? supposed to make us feel proud to be like to concentrate briefly on the foot y captured our hearts and souls forev- Personally, I was aiways proud of Donovan Bailey and his accomplishments. He did however lose some of my admiration when he agreed te, run this race. He earned the titie of "fastest mari on earth"--a titie that goes to the record holder of the 100 metre race. The fact that cour neighbours to, the south don't want to recognize this does not'change anything. Bailey lost more of my admiration with bis post race comments on Sunday, but was slightly redeemed by the apology issued on Monday. Races are won by the athiete who is most physically and mentally fit at the time of the race. Bailey was ready to run and he won. End of story. The TV commentators at Sunday's race kept bringing up the fact that our track and field athietes get no recognition. Track and field athietes in Europe are real stars. 1 believe the Ben Johnson cloud stili hangs over our track and field like a bad odor. He showed us once too often that he could not run a dlean race. Ben Johnson had the opportun ity to owii up to bis mistakes, and apologize to bis fans for using per- formance enhancing drugs--instead, he cons istently, lied about knowingly taking drugs, and when he was given second chance he blew it. If Ben Johnson wins bis court case and gets te, com- pete again I think it will set track and field back many more years. ELECTION RESULTS (unofficial) Area Poli NDP CHP Argyle Bruinsma Kendal 158 Leskard 156 Newcastle 169 170 Newcastle 166 Village 167 168 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 Newcastle/ 180 Newtonville Newtonville 181 Orono 159 163 Orono 160 Vil lage 161 162 Starkville 164 27 10 7 14 21 24 23 17 9 10 24 7 1.9 7 12 10 13 23 24 11 8 19 17 9 PC LIB REFO. Cureaiz Shepherd Smyth 69 45 32 43 99 57 76 65 33 30 74 53 44 59 63 43 43 63 67 36 35 25 45 67 121 115 73 78 110 102 121 124 74 58 113 87 89 103 110 91 78 92 135 119 73 57 114 114 87 101 65 60 69 82 43 57 55 27 102 53 57 82 66 47 67 Summary of votes cast in the Durham Riding Following are the election resuits for Durham riding. The last resuits were avaîlable at 12:32 Tuesday morning, three hours after, the polis ciosed. The last poil to come in was from Hamp ton, their car broke *Candidate Ark-ye, C. (NDP) Bruinsma, D. (CHP) Cureatz, S. (PC) Shepherd, A. (Lib) Smyth, I.(Rf down on the way to the returning office in Oshawa. These are stili the unofficial results, but should not vary much from the officiai resuits. The officiai resuits were not available before press time. Vaiid Votes -.% of Valid Votes Cast 3,249 682 9,045 19,918 13,059 7.1 1.5 19.7 43.3 28.4 Total Vaiid Votes Cast 45,953 Poli 161 upsets CBC tabulation by Roy Forrester The OBO pre-election weekly survey of voter preferènceý in Poli 161, Orono, may well have been cause for the hlgh 77 percent turnout on Monday. 0f the total 211 elegible voters 164 voted. The Reform party took the edge over the Liberals i the poil as it did ti Poli 162, also an Orono Poil. Last Thursday the CBC tabulation had placed the Liberals at 46 percent considerably above the Reform Party with 32 percentage points. Monday the voters gave the edge to the Reformers CO 0UN1\lCI1L N DECISION ON OLDER ADULT CENTRE NOT FAR OFF Monday's counicil meeting was largely taken up with the need for an older adlult centre within the community. Don Welsh made a presen- tation on- behaîf of the Ciarington Older Aduit Activity Centre Commîttee. In his presentation, Mr. Welsh noted that the need for a cen- tre was identified ten years ago and as yet the Seniors remiain without an Activity Centre. Over the years possible sites have corne and gone. The site that Mr. Welsh's group would prefer is on Church St. Bowmanviiie, (current Rice/Daros propos- ai). The Lions Club have offered to seil their property on Beech Ave. to the town for the much needed centre. The Older Aduits are not keen on this proposai due to the tact that an older building wouid have high maintenance costs, and the tw has not offered to pay for these costs. A branid new building would be maintenance free for the frst five years according to Mr. Welsh. The cost of purchasing the Lions Centre, the cost of renovations and upgrades, aind the cost of the addition are not availabie to the Older Adluits group at this timie. Thiey would be surprised if' the total costs were not as rmuclIas, or more thian and Rice/Daros proposai for a new building. with 37 percent meanwhie dropplng the Liberais to 35 percent. The CBC pre-election survey recorded the Progressive Conservatives at 12 percent and the NDP at 9 percent. The voters upped the perc entage to 15 percent for the Conservatives and the NDP to il percent. There is no doubt that the CBC per-election surveys did add interest in this area to the federal election and did highlight the Orono community. .Somewhat surprising Orono gave a slim edge to the Reform party. OTES Another proposai to, build a centre beside the Garnet Rickard Complex is not an option said the Mayor. After hours spent behind ilosed doors Monday, the Mayor in8tructed Mr. Stockwvei the C.E.O. to con- tinue negotiattons with Rice/Faros and report forth- with. Apparentiy this does not mnean that the Lions Centre proposai is dead. WOLF DAMAGE In 1996 the Municipality of Clarington pald out $102,930 to farmers in compensation for predatory kils of ivestock. This number rose from $66,753 i 1994 and there is no reason to believe it wiii decrease. Manvers township have been able to decrease their dlaims after hiring a veteri- nanian as the livestock val- uer. Ciarlngton will do the same but not til 1998. The current livestock valuers were hired on for a three-year termi. Dr. Martin, the Sheep Health Veterinarian with the Ministry of Agriculture and Food, advised that the ."wolves" being encountered i this area are in fact Eastern Coyotes. These animais are a cross between the grey woif .and the coyote. They are iarg- er than a coyote but have wolf genes. Unlike the woif, the Eastern Coyotes move in famn- iiy packs and hu nt i groups. T1heir population is presentiy at a peak. The issuie of a bhouint on thle coyotes %Vaýs discuisse-d with the Ministry of Natuiral Resources. Bounties were removed apýroximate1y 25 years ago as they were found to be ineffective. They do flot remove problem animais and may, in fact, remove non- offending animais and ailow the probiem animais to expand their range. A Municipality cannot offer a bounty as this is in violation of the Game and Fish Act. It is' suggested that a farmer who is experiencing problems with coyotes could contact a trapper to enter onto his property for the pur-- pose of trapping the animais. The Ministry regulates the trapping, ie, foot and leg-hold traps must be used, not. snares. Traps must be checked at least once every 241 hours. Coyotes are not an easy animal to trap, therefore, it is recommended that if a farmer is interested in this alternative he shouid look for a frapper with previous coyote experience. A list of trappers will be available upon request. KENDAL UIJNTED CHURCH Kendal, Ontario Sunday, June 8, 1997 Worship & Sunday School I1: 15 a.m. Please loin us "A good place to be.. a healthy place for oidren" Minister: Rev. David Black 786-2950 St. Saviour's Anglican Church MILL ST., ORONO, ONTARIO Minister: Rev. Ann Totenham Rectory 987-5678 - Churchi 983-5594 Sunday Service, Sunday School and Youth Group 9:30 ar. lst & 3rd Suýnday ofMonth HOLY COMMUNION ORONO r*V4 lPASTORAL là CHARGE * - * Minister Rev. Mervyn Russel -Secretary Marlene Rsebrough * 983-5702 Church Office * 983-5502 CHURCH SERVICES Sunday, June 8, 1997 Kirby United Church 9:30 a. m. Sunday School during Service Orono United Church 11:00 ar. Sunday School & Nurser during Servie A.A. meets every Thursday 7:30 p. m. - ýOron, ýÀcekly ýTjm--S, ýWqný,llly,ýJtn e