Orono Weekly Tîmes, Wednesclay. dune 4, 19~7 - 5 Clarington Estate Planning Council As the population of our communities becomes older, the nieed for professional ser- vices to- support retirement planning grows proportion- ately. Recently, a group of professionals involved in the area of estate planning formed a council to address the need for better informa- tion on this subject matter within Ciarington. Moreover, the council wants to promote the concept of pianned giving in Ciarington. The Clarington Estate Planning Council is a group of professionals from varous filds inciuding financiai planning, insurance, bank-, ing, legal services, account- ing, tax preparation and estate planning. This group is working together to share their particular skilis and knowiedge ti order to develop materials and programs to assist non-profit organiza- tions in promoting pianned giving. Properiy pianned gifts are intended not onily to heip the non-profit organizations but also the donor. Any gift of significant size. made witli forethouglit about the benefit to the cliarity and the fùian- ciai and tax implications to the donor and the donor's famiiy is a pianned gift. .The climate for planned giving has neyer been more favourable.,With the govemn- ment cutbacks the demand on services from non-profit organizations xiii become more pronounced. Therefore, the needs of non-profit orga- nizations xiii also need to grow., Wil Bakker, Cliairman of the Council, stated that "the Estate Planning council hopes to serve the commun- ty througli newspaper arti- cles, -public seminars and tlirougli strong ongoing com- munication between estate planning professionals.". R E C YC-L E INTERACTIVE -HEALTH When we find ourseives in need of emergency or any acute medicai care, Ontario is stili one of the best places to be. Chronlc iiiness, liowever, is another story. Heart dis- ease and cardiovascular ilus in general.continue to be responsible for the mai ority of deatlis eacli year, foliowed by cancer in ail its various forms; killer diseases. they get a lot of press! The truiy rav- aging, but iess dramatic chronic ilînesses, including arthritis and allergies incite less fear ti our hearts; they don't kidl us outriglit, but tliey wreak liavoc i our lives, and in the lives of those around US. So what does milk have to do witli ail of this? Approximately 70% of the aduit population, woridwide, cannot tolerate milk: this fact due to tlie absence i our bodies of lactase, the miik- digesting enzyme. Dr. Bemard Jensen natur- opatli and iridoiogist, states that pasteurized milk is lack- ing is minerai content, and, in some people.,lias been proven deficient and disease- producingfromn a nutritiv~e standpoint. If the miik is not p roperiy absorbed it then becomes additional waste to use up the, body's resources to elimmnate It. Dairy produce 18 one of the foods that chli- dren are most allergic to, and studies have sliown that 92% of chidren with ear aches MILK IS THE PERFECT FOOD (For Calves) By Pat Jrwin Lycett Nutritionist, Certified Iridologist Phone: 983-9475 who were treated witli serial dilution titration tlierapy (a particulariy efficient method of calculating 'shots') and a food elimination diet improved. The surgicaliy treated control group (tonsil- lectomy and/or ear tubes)' showed oniy 52% response. Many studies indicate that food allergies play an impor- tant rcile ti asthma and liayfever. The food most com- moniy associated with deiayed onset reactions, here, is miik. The Encyclopaedia of Natural Medicine dlaims that food ailergy is a very impor- tant cause of eczema, and infant eczema is most comn- monly due to milk. rIn a recentiy televised heaitli program, Dr. Andrew Weil said that 90% of lits -patients with sinus infection improve wlien they give ups milk products. On the upside, miik DOES have its place. People with intestinal disorders are par- ticuiarly in need of sour milk products sucli as yogurt. This aids digestion by improving the ratio in the bowei of good versus harmifui bacteria: the good stuif being essential to proper bowel liealth. Another miik product gen- eraliy not on the aliergen list is butter. Sherry R'ogers, an American Moiecular Medicine specialist says 'butter is bet- 51111 watching fuzzy TV/? 1Get the satellite system that delivers digital, eye-popping picture, ear-stroking sound and a big family of channels that's multiplying fast. Tune in to the ultimate TV entertainment experience. ,S A ,-.; - I ICE, fBnjon &' £larg qrnduy of Orono are p(eased ta announce tt6e engagement of tfeir son Scott Yfan ta 9Yvonne Dianne daugIhter of Ifden & G~ordon Dejager of Bowmanvif(k. <Weding ta, tak[e place September 26,19.98. ter for you than margarine which can contain disease- producing elements.' Heating and hydrogçnation of fats changes their structure mali- ing them less favourable to the body's fragile system. rIn lier book entitled Wellness Against Ail Odds, she notes that, 'many kids have a marked reduction of phlegm just omitting milk,' Phelgmn is that mucousy stuff that almost always accompanies ear, throat, sinus and chest infections. A frequently heard ques- tion from well-meaning par- ents is "But where will the kids get their calcium from without nmilk??' One mi ght respond with the question "WHERE DOES THE COW GET ITS CALCI- UM? IT DOESN'T DRINK MILKII" Anyone with a milk toler- ance, one suffening the types of symptoms discussed above, is not absorbing ade- quate calcium from the milk. It becomes one more' item for the body to elimate. COWS GET THEIR CALCI- UM FROM GREENS, and 50 can wE. When your mother toid you to eat your vegeta- hies she was on the right track. Two cups ofgreens have about as mucli calcium as a glass ofmnilk. Greens also contain the trace minerais necessary to put the calcium in the bones. There are many *green drinks' on the market, which go a long way towards encouraglng those who find greens too bitter. They are an acquired taste for most peo- ple. FOR ALL YOUR HEALTH CONCERNS BE SURE TO CONTACT YOUR HEALTH CARE PROVIDER. REFER- ENCES ARE AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST.