< 8 - Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, June. 4, 1997 What's new at Clarington'Libraries Multicultural festival being LIBRARY OFFERS SUMMER READING CLUB The Clarington Public Library invites children of ahl ages to "Read Around the World" this summer! Say "Bon Voyage" at our kick-off on Thursday, July 3, from 2:00 - 3:00 p.m. at ail branch- es, get your Reading Club Passport and join us for excit- ing stories and activities. For kids 6 and older, activ- ities will be held throughout the summer at ail three branches: at the Clarke Branch on Tuesdays, 1-2 p.m. from July 8 to August 19; at the Bowmanville Branch on Wednesdays, 10:30 - 11:30 a.m., from July 9 to August 20; at the Newcastle Village Branch on Thursdays, 1:30 - 2:30 p.m. from July 10 - August 21. Dr. Seuss' beloved "Cat in the Hat" tumns 40 years old this year and children ages 3 and up are invited to help us celebrate! Parties will be held at the Clarke Branch on Tuesday, July 29 from 1 - 2; at the Bowmanville Branch, Wednesday, July 30 from 10:30 - 11:30 a.m.; at the Newcastle Village Brandi, Thursday, July 31 from 1:30 - 2:30 p.m. No registration is required. Our famlly storytime pro- gram this sumxner is called "Tales for Travellers". Children ages 3 and up are invlted to Ibis program, fea- turingstories from around the world. Join us on Wednesday, July 16 and Wednesday, August 6 at the Bowmanville Branch from 1:30 - 2:00 p.m. and at the Newcastle Village Branch on Thursday, July 17 and Thursday, August 7 from 7:00 - 7:30 p.m. No registra- tion is required. EAGER READERS CLUB Do you know a child who has trouble reading? The Eager Readers Club is for children in grades 1-3 who have leamned the fundamen- tais of reading but need prac- tice during the summer. Each reader is paired with a stu- dent volunteer and spends an hour and a haîf practicing reading skills through oral reading and reading related activities. The program runs on Fridays, from July 4 to August 8, 10:00 - 11:30 a.m. Registration for readers begins June 17 at the Bowmanville Branch. Register in person or cail 623-7322 after 10:00 a.m. We are also looking for stu- dent volunteers to assist with the Eager Readers Club. If you, or someone you know, bas graduated from at least Grade 8, has good reading skçills and enj oys working with children, this volunteer opportunity may be of inter- est. You will be asked to vol- unteer 1 & 1/2 hours-of your time on Friday mom-ings from July 4 to August 8 - this is a great way to gain some prac- tical experience working with children. Applications' are avallable at the Bow manville Branch or call 623-7322 for more information. sponsored June 6, 1997 Fr iday, June 6 will be a day ffiled with good food, enter- tainment, interesting displays and family fun at the Oshawa YWCA Gymnasium, 1 McGrigor Street. From 2:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m., the Oshawa YWCA Gymn will be the site of a Multicultural Festival joint- ly sponsored by the Oshawa YWCA and the Oshawa Seniior Citizens Centres. The Festival, funded her elevator. But then Maxine's flot your usual ele- vator operator. And this is flot your usual elevator either. For one thing, there's a portrait of Elvis on the wali. And a television set playing in the corner. And three chairs. There's also a floor lamp, an electric fan, scads of famiiy photos -- and Maxine, the comfortable-looking grand- motlierly boss of ail she sur- veys in her six-foot-by-s ix- foot domnain. Maxine, as likely as flot, will be talking on the phone when the elevator doors open. She and lier eievator-cum- one-room flat have become somnewhat famous. A national tabioid lias done a feature story on lier. Good Morning America sent a camera crew to film Maxine at work. She's also been on national radio - both in the U.,S. and in Canada. The kicker is: Maxine's been operating elevators like this for the past 41 years. Forty-one years! And she toid me on tlie teleplione that she's enjoyed every momnent of it! Well... almost. There was that time the elevator got stuck for three hours with Maxinie, five large men and no air conditioning on a swei- teringly hot August afiemoon. "That wasn't much fun". says Maxinie. And thiere was that other time when she had to throw two guys off her elevator. Ordered them to get out in the lobby. Told themn to use the stairs if they wanted to go into the Conrad Building. "They were using the,'F- word"', recails Maxine. "I won't tolerate that kind of lan- guage on my elevator." Other thian thiat, Maxine says if's been a bail. 1 said, "Comne on, Maxine -- don't you get a litie bored going up and down like a yo-yo for 41 years?" Maxine didni't appear to understand the question at first. "Bored?" she said. "I've got my television and my tele- phone in here. I've got friends on every floor of the building. I meet new people every day and 1 get phone calis from all over the world - even Canada!" "How could 1 get bored?" 1 had to admit she had me there. through a grant from the Multicultural Council of Oshawa and District, will mnclude displays and enter- tainment from various coun- tries and cultures, and oppor- tunities to sample ethnic foods from around the world. Festival planning is being managed by an intergenera- tional committee composed of young people representing the YWCA and seniors from the Senior Citizens Centres. Area schools have been invited to schedule an after- noon "field trip" to participate in the Festival, free of charge. Thle public also is invited to attend. Admission is by passport. Advance passports may be purchased at several Oshawa locations: the YWCA, 1 McGrigor Street; the Senior Citizens Centres, 43 John Street West and 150 Beatrice Street East; and the Information Oshawa Kiosk in the Oshawa Centre. Admission is $2.00 for adults and $1.00 for seniors and children under 12. Arthur Black So what's the most boring job you ever had? Mine was 'inventory cierk' for a steel manufacturing company in Montreai. I sat aI a paper- strewn desk and processed -- ie. transformed one huge mound of paper into many small mounds of paper--what we calied 'flimsies' -- records of alI the steel that had been sold by who and on which day and for how mucli. I did that eight hours a day, five days a week for more mnonths than I care to remember. But whenever inventory clerking started 10 get to me 1 found consolation in tlie knowledge that things could be worse. 1 could have a real- ly, REALLY boring job like, oh, say... elevator attendant. No there was the ultimate in boring jobs. Can you imag- ine? Standing in a littie cage eight hours a day, jerking a lever while hordes of strangers trooped on and off at every floor? Up and down, up and down, -- knowing exactly what you were going to see every time those cursed doors opened, whetlier it was Fourtli Floor Plumbing and Electrical or Basement Men's Shoes and Shopper's Layaway. No, being an elevator jock- ey had to be the most boring job in the world. Or so I though. Righit up untîl 1 met Maxine Quinni last week. 1 didn't actually 'meet' Maxine -- 1 phoned lier. In lier elevator in the Conrad Building in downtown Cincinnati, Ohio. Maxine's the one and only elevator operator in the Conrad Building. She knows every- body who works there and which floor they work on and usuaiiy a good chunk of their personal life as well. People just seem 10 open up to Maxine wlien tliey step mbto Ulm presents.. SImmffer Ad&'enhtre emp '97 Register for Summer Adventure Camp 1997 TODAY! SESSIONS: June 30to JuIy11..*$109.00 JuIy 14 to July 25......$121.00 July 28 ta Aug. 8..*$j 09 .00 Aug. il to Aug. 22 ...$121 .00 The camp wiII operate on Tuesday, July 1, 1997 or Monday, August 4, 1997. AGES: 6 to 12 Years Alil camps are booked first corne first serve. For more information on how to register, please cal the Community Services Department at 623-3379. The fi,,, hlh swer ili ,,;à;JNKPArrY 0 ON TAR IO Scott Rose, clerk Municipality of Clarington Dates1 of Publication, 40 Temperance Si. May 28, Junie4, Sowmanlville Llc 3A6 2 * Wedding Cakes iR *Cakes for ail Occasi ons *Pastries-Donuts-Pies 04Tea0 e Bread & Buns Proprietors: Gary & Carol Vreeker 983-9779 Main Street, Orono Closed Sunday & Monday KENDAJ. ORANGE HALL 15 Church St., Kendal Starting May 6th - 7:00 p.m. Everyone Welcome! For more information please cali Roberta (905) 571-4852 FUNERAL SERVICES PRE-ARRANGED AND PREPAID Funeral Directors Paul R. Morris Robert E. Williams Gary M. Conway Doug R. Rutherford ANSWERING YOUR CALL 24 HOURS 623-5480 4 Division St. Bowmanville B <1,$, B r,