Abandoned house burns down 'the abandoned house on the north west corner of Acres Rd. and Concession Rd. 6 burned to the ground in the wee hours of Friday morning. The Fire Department received the cail from a neighbour shortly aller 1:00 a.m. Trucks from Bowmanville, Newcastle, Orono and Arthur Black In the future, everybody wlLl befamous for 15 minutes Andy Warhol Christina Hance is ornly 36, but she's already had 'way more than her allotted 15 minutes of fanie. She's been fanious for 12 years. Twelve years of oohs and aahs from crowds, of popptag flash bulbs, and spontaneous applause from total strangers. Twelve years of waltlng Uîmos, fawrilng shop- keepers, five-star hotels and front row centre seats at the theatre. Twelve years of being a world celebrlty. And she's slck to death of It. You've neyer heard of Christina Hance? Don't feel bad. You have heard of Princess Diana. right? Well, Christina Is a dead ringer for Princess Di. Not when she gets out of bed In the mornlng, you understand. Christina has to work at it a bit. She dyed her mousy brown hair the same shade as DI's and got an identical cut. She learned to tilt her head just so, and to smile that famous, shy, half- smile. She also got herseif a set of boob Implants to complete the effect. Ftaancially, it was a bril- liant career, moire for Christina. ýBefore her Prlncess Di makeover, Christina was Enniskillen responded to the cati. The cause of the fire is believed to have been "vandal arson", anddamage is estimat- ed at $5,000. The Fire Chief said on Monday that they so far they have received 140 more catis than on this date last year. just one of a million London shop girls. Single mother. Part-tlme stripper. Golng nowhere. Then, ta 1986 she entered and won a Prlncess Di Lookalike Contest on Brtish TV. Since then, Christina's been on magazine covers and bllboards from Land's End to John O, Groats. She's worked 'frade Fairs, shown up ta food cominercials and been 'pre- sented' at parties and corpo- rate functions from the Middle East to South America. And it paid well. In her Prlncess Di persona, Christîna earned up to $15.000 a day. But It wasn't much fun. "A lot of jobs were set up as if 1 were the real Diana" she says. "I traveiled in limousines and private jets and was even given a bodyguard. I lived the life of a princess for a day and then went home to do the washing up. I fanted ta a stu- dio once because 1 was 80 tlred. T'heyjust plcked me up, made me a coffee and told me to carry on." Betag a Princess Di clone wasn't 50 hot ta the Romance departrnent eiher. TIhere areý some men who only want to sleep with me so they can CLOCA gives Durham creeks a check-up The Aquat%ç Resources staff of the Central Lake Ontario Çonservation Authority are conductin g water quahity test of six major creeks ln Duïham Region during May aîid June. The Blo Monitoring Assessment Program deterMifles if the creek habitat ip lmpaired or unlmpaired. Thie information gained through this program wIll allow the Authority to develop appropriate manage- ment strategies for the aquat- le resources Jf our water- ways. The creeks to be studied Incitide Pringle. Oshawa (east branch), Black, Bowmnanville, Lynde and Tooley. To study the creek habitat Imagine I'm the real DIana. I've been out with men Who say 'Go on, do the volce' or 'Can you dress up as Di when we go out tonight'. I find that really bizarre and lt's insult- ing." Has Christina evýer encountered the woman she imItates? Only once, and it wasn't pleasant. "I was appearlng as Prlncess Di inaa video and we were shooting at the gates of Buckinghamn Palace" she recalis. "The real Princess Di drove out the gates and shot me a look that was pure daggers." And that wasn't the only unpleasant experienc e Christina Hance bas had pre- tending to be DIana Princess of Wales. Do you remember that mini scandai ln which The Sun newspaper pub- llshed a grainy photo they claimed showed Prlncess Di and her ridlng Instructor dotag some off-tral bareback riding in a hotel roomr? Well, it wasnt Princess DI's rlding instructor. And It wasn't Princess Di either. The guy was some porn video actor. The woman was Christina Hance. It's hard to say from talk- tag to her, just how Innocent' Christina is inalal of this. She took the money. And she couldn't be so dim as to not realize that many of her asslgnments were on the sleazy side. Still, she's had enough and she wants off the celebrîty merry go round. "I'm gotag to let my hair grow natural and I'm golng to slob out" she says. So she's gotag to shed the Princess Dî exoskeleton she's been wearing for the past twelve years. And hope like hell the world appreciates whatever's underneath it. Authority staff lnventory aquatic tavertebrates such as caddlsfly and dragonfly numphs ustag a -T- sampler and various nets. After sani- pling several areas of the creek, the aquatie life is stud- led to determtae the quality of the creek's habitat. "Evexyting we do on the land is reflected ln the water,- states Jeff Andersen, CLOCA's Aquatic Resource Technlcian, "'herefore it is Important to study the effect we have on, one of our most important resources - water." Wbat we do on the land la mirrorcd ln the water. KENDAL NEWS (continued from page 8) "The Churches One Foundation". The Colours were returned and ail sang "God Save The Queen". The Colours were marched out foiiowed by the combined Lodges. Don't forget the "Ham and Salad Supper" this Saturday, June i 4th serving from 5 to 7 p.m. Tickets availabte at the door. $8.00 aduits and $.0 for children. Under school age are free. This is sponsored by the Manse Committee. e Wedding Cakes '4# ilhte i ke eCakes for ail Occasions *Pastries-Donuts-Pies 4' e Bread & Buns & Tea Roorn Proprietors: Gary & Carol Vreeker 983-9779 ManStreet, Orono Closed Sunday & Monday min ininininn Thank You I would like to personally thank ail those who support- ed me in the recent federal elect ion. "a' Canada works when Canadians participate in the political process. I thank you for working ta make Canada a better place. 1 Alex Shepherd CA., M. Constituency Office (905) 721-7570