n 12 - <Yronc> WeeklyTimes. Wednesday, June .11, 1997 N EWTON VILLE PUBLIC NEWS (continued from page 11) SCHOOL LUNCH The parents who have con- ducted the scbool lunches at noan bours this year are meeting at 9:00 a.rn. at the school on Friday, 06 June. Al lnterested parents are invit- ed ta corne. N.P.S. GREENING I hope yau have noticed aur gardens' progress. Our thanks ta NEWCASTLE SAL--- VAGE for their klnd donation of manure/topsoil mix and ta WINDATI"S NURSERY for the Brldalwreatb Spirea. A marathon session by MaryJean Brown, Debbie Armstrong and, Debbie Dunham saw the new soul added, beds edged and some donated perennials and bush- es planted. I'd also like to thank the, Newcastle, Sparks/Brownies/Guides for their cash donation, sorne of wbicb wfll be used for bulb purchases this fail ta really brighten aur scbool grounds next sprlng. Sharon Steele PRINCIPAL'S NOTE: On behalf of ail, I would like ta heartily thank Sharon and ber crew for their fine contri- butions. They sure make a difference. SCHOOL CALENDAR Please check this carefuily. There are a number of activi- ties scheduled between now and the end of the rnonth. 3-PITCH TOURNAMENT At the 3-Pîtch Toumanient recently held at the Kendal Fields, Newtonville had an even 2-2 record. The students who represented the scooal were: Sarah Carter, Meghan McOustra, Sarah Armstrong, Mellissa Currie,- Jessica Nichais, Brianna McKay, Kyle Searle, Ryan Frank, Paul Hlghgate, Michael George, Jamie Haward, James Sarginson,,Devan Sutton, Greg Dunharn and Michael Sharpe. Thanks to Jeannie Carter for ail of ber work in preparing the students for this event. Thanks to Donna Adams and Cindy Searle for ail their efforts related to this event. A special thanks goes out to Brian Foster of Kendal wba made the facilities available for our use. We were quite proud of the good behavlour and sportsmanship shown by these students. DANCE FEST Special thanks to Linda Butterley and Lisa Randail for preparing the followlng stu- dents for the Dance Fest which was held at Orono Park on May 29th: Emily Barker, Shawna Boden, Sarah Frank, Amanda Hambleton, Jamie Haward, Saniantha Petersen, Dana Schultz, Michael Sharpe, Qana Tanasescu, Dawn Travell, Lisa Willett, Katie Wood, Katie Adams.' Sarah Armstrong, Sarah Carter, Jessica Caswell, Mellissa Cuniîe, Ryan Frank, Devon Hurvid, Brianna McKay, Meghan McOustra, Jessica Nichols. Once again we were very proud of the good behaviaur and enthusiasm shown by our students. Tbanlcs ta the parents who provided trans- portation. THE CENTRE FOR INDIVIDUAL STUDIES What's the best kept secret in Clarington? The Centre for Individual Studies! The Northumberland- Clarington Adult Education Centre on Maple Grove Road is celebrating 10Oyears of ser- vice to tbe comrnunity. It con- tinues to offer higb scbool credits for, students wishing ta complete requirements for a grade 12 diploma. (Adult PROVINCE TARGETS WORST OFFENDERS Transportation Minister AI would încrease fora Palladini introduced legisia- drinking driver o. tion that targets this with flrst Urne offerý province's worst offenders. ing tbeir licence for( "We're going after tbe bad and those caugbta guys-- the people who put Urne facing a three- others at risk," said Palladini. pension. Drivers 'Tbese are people wbo took a drinking and drivini chance and got caught. With Urne would lose thei thîs legislation. tbey're going, for life, witb the pasç to pay the price." reducing the loss ta In 1995, one-third of aIl "Three strikes an fatalities on our roads aut," said Palladini.' lnvolved drinking drivers. way ta get a driver, And more than two-thirds of back after 10 yearsN drinking drivers were repeat ta complete a remed offenders. Tbat's a 15 per sures prograra and h cent increase since 1988. tion interlock in Witb this, Bill, drinking Fourtb Urne offendez convictions would stay on a receive a lifetime sus] driver's record for a mnimlumr One of the worstc of 10Oyears. up from five. First on Ontario Roads is Urne drinking driving offend- pended driver. With ers would attend a mandata- islation, anyone caul iy education prograrn. Repeat Ing wbile suspend( offenders would undergo an Crirninal Code offenc assessment and then educa- lose the vehicle they tion or treatmnent. "No Urne ta ing. The vebicle w, take an education or treat- impounded for 45-da ment prograni? Too bad -- no side for first Urne o licence," said Palladini. I with fines rangin would be up to these people $5.000 ta $50.000. ta, prove ta us that tbey've got ond Urne a owner'sv thelr problern under- contraI. inipourlded It will b The tab for these programs would be picked-up by the offenders, not tbe taxpayer- The Suspension period I students are offered up ta twvelve maturlty credits by the Ministry of Education and T'rainlng!) As well, we have the best, rnost thorougb and cbeapest computer progranis in town. Instruction ln Micro Soft Word, WordPerfect 6. 1, Excel, Access and Sirnply Accounting are available. Registration for the fal semester continues until the end of June - then resumes on August 25th. Wby don't you plan to take advantage of this wonderful life-long learn- ing opportunity? For more information please cail 623- 6505. all repeat Ifenders, nders las- one year, a second -year sus- îcaught ag a third eir licence ssibllty of 10 years. id you're The only 's licence Swould be liai mea- have igni- rstalled. ers would ipension. offenders, sthe sus- ithis leg- Lght driv- .ed for a ice would ïare driv- would be lys road- offenders îg from The sec- vebicle is be for 90 days. Ail repeat offenders would also be bit witb fines ranglng from $10,000 ta $50,000. Trucks or buses caught witb a critical defect sucb as faulty brakes or cracked wheel rirns would face îImme- diate vebicle impoundment for 15 days. As prornised, thiÉs Bill would include wben sep- arations as an absolute lia- bility offence witb fines rang- îng from $2.000 to $50.000. 'Truck irnpoundment and tbe wbeel separation offence are strong medicine --- our toughest to date and tbe mos t stringent in North America. if you don't make safety your business In Ontario, tben you won't be in business," said Palladii. Drivers passing a scbool bus witb its stop ami out and overbead ligbts flasbing would face fines that bave now doubled ta $400 ta $2,000 for a first offence. Fines for a repeat offender would also double ta $1,000 to $4.000. Goiîger's Travel, ENIDAI. ORANGE HALL 15 Church St., Kendal Starting May 6th e 7:00 P.m. Everyone Welcorne' For more information please cail Roberta (905) 571-4852 COMPLETE CAR & TRUCK REPAIRS DIESEL ENGINES - CUMMINS, DETROIT & CAT RADIO DISPATCHED TOW TRUCKS MOBILE MECHANICAL SERVICE TRUCK' R.R. #1 ORONO 4 MILES NORTH ONTARIO 0F HWY. 401 ON LOB 1iMO (905) 983-9151 HWY. 35/115 B ALLS RADIO & T.V. REPAIR REPAIRS TO MOST MAKES STEREOS, COLOUR AND B&W T.V.s AND V.C.R.s P.O. Box 27 R.R. 2, Oro no, Ont.. (905) 983-5721 ~SERVICES JON STORY SCOTT STORY 905-983-9579 L AN D SC API1 NG _ INSTALLATION - GROUNDS MAINTENANCE -WATER PONDS - DESIGN * CONSULTINO SPECIALIZINO IN PERENNIAL PLANT LANDSCAPES