)RONO0 WEEKLY TIMES Sevn Eas - -ntn be. sice 197 650 GST lncluded Wednesday, June 11, 1997 Hlorticultural Society donate benches Mayor Hamre meets with the Orono D.B.I.A., Rob Groen and Howard donated by the Orono and rest awhile. Anyan instail two park bench- Horticultural society in memno- Alil are welcome to, attend es on the lawn of the Clarke ry of 1) past members and 2) the June 19, 7:15 p.m. dedica- Library. These, benches made Adele McGill, former treasur- tion service of the benches. of 100% recycled plastic, were er. What a perfect spot to sit Happe n ings.. ORONO TOWN HALL EUCHRE RESULTS 1 - Lorna Crocket 91, 2 - Shirley Brooks 88, 3 - Jim Gordon 86, 4 - Walter Murphy 81, 5 - Mary Henderson 80; Low - Paul Mucha; Draws - Shirley Gordon, May Tabb (2), Joan Sutoliffe, Arvila Partridge, Francis Cathcart, Shirley Brooks. Euchre every Wed. Night ai 8 p.m., Orono Town Hiall. ORONO HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY JUNE FLOWER SHOW Thursday, June 19 ai 7:30 p.m. at Orono United C.hurchi. Guest Speaker - Kathy McHolm. Toplo - 'Things That Happen In My Garden" Al are welcome BOWMANVILLE MUSEUM 'YARD & BOOK SALE' On Saturday, June 141h, the Bowmanville Museum 'ai 37 Silver Street, will be holding is fundrais- ing 'Yard & Book Sale' on the front lawn. The sale wilI be from 10 a.m. 10 2 p.m. and there wil be lots of bargains for everyone! The is looking for donations for the yard sale, and we will take any, item except clothing. If you need more information or want us 10 pick up your donation caîl the Museum off ice at 623-2734. BOWMANVILLE LIBRARV BOOK SALE Bowmanviîîe Branch of Clarington Public Library will hold a book sale on Saturday, June 21 from 9 a.m. 10 4 p.m. A variety of books will be for sale, including chiîdren's and non-f iction materials. Prices will range from $0.25 for a paperback 10 $0.50 for a hardcover but some prices may vary. Help sup- port your library--come 10 the sale and get some great books at great prices. CLARINGTON OLDER ADULT CENTRE At the Clarington Older Aduft Association ai 10:15 a.m. on Tuesday, June 17 as the Osteoporosis Support Group meets at 9 to 10 a.m. or join the card players. At 10:15 a.m. Tracey Hockin wîll dis- cuss 'Herbs and Osteoporosis'. Lunch ai noon and local transportation for a nominal f ee can be arranged when requested in advance by Monday noon. Phone Community Care ai 623-2261. Ail are welcome. EMPIRE ORCHARDS & HERB FARM GRAND OPENING Saturday, June 28 at 1 p.m. The Herb rope wiIl be cul opening a pathway to a stimuîating Durham Region ecological experience for both tourists and residents.Stroll along the birdwalk in a 25 acre hardwood bush catching glimpses of uncommon birds, ancient beech trees and wildflowers. This is truly a haven of nature, enhanced by the 101 herb garden. Open House 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Bob & Gail Simpson and the staff wili greet you and you'll be plied with HerbaI Delicacies and Tea while listening to the strains of live chamber music and baird song at the Apple Farm with a Difference - Empire Orchards & Herb Farm, 4550 Middle Road, Bowmanville (north on Waverly Rd., right on Taunton then right on Middle Rd. - look for our signs.) For more information cal<905) 263-8161. Mayor Hamre was invited to meet with the various busi- ness owners in Orono last Tuesday. The mayor had asked that questions be in writing some lime before the meeting s0 she could do her home work and corne 10 the meeting informed. 1In answer 10 the question of dismantling the Region of Durham and becoming part of the GTA Services Board, the mayor said it was her gut feel- ing that people in this munici- pality want nothing to do with the GTA. Clarington's taxes have been assessed on market value since 1979 and were updated in 1984. Oshawa and Whitby have been using 1950 rates for their assessrnenîs. An alternate entrance 11110 Orono was brought up again, and the need for a flashing light at the intersection of Main and Mill Sts. were dis- cussed. In response 10 a question about the state of the Orono Hotel, the Mayor said that a demolition permit would be issued this week. If the business community comes up with a plan for addi- tional parking space that the residents of Orono can agree with, the town would be wilI- ing 10 work with us on devel- oping these spaces. Murray Taylor brought up the fact that a Downtown Orono needs a healthy Mosport. A good race week- end brings lots of people to Orono 10 buy staples. The Mayor reported that the new noise by-law would be one that ail parties could work with. In regards 10 the Forestry Station, Mayor Hamre said the Ministry would soon be asking for proposais. In ils present (continued page 2) Local artist donates mural The north wall of the Beckers store in Orono has been yelling "mural" 10 artist Dave Storey for quite a while now. This spring, afler obtain- ing permission 10 paint the wall, Storey went 10 the Clarke museum and looked at prints.of Orono in the early 1900's. One half of the mural will depiet the former train station and the other haîf will show what the hotel used 10 look like. Storey is donating his talent and bis spare lime 10 the pro- jeet that will take most of the summer 10 complete. Orono Fuel and Lumber bas donated some of the paint and for the rest Storey is using recycled paint. A native of Springhill Nova Scotia, Storey now catis Orono home. For years Storey (continued page 2) Volume 61, Number 22 1 ýli @mm il; li li