( 12 tono eek1Timews, Wednesday. Aune 18, 1997 St. Stephens Secondary School News by Rachana Gupta and Keri Jones It's bard to believe tbe scbool year Is drawlng ta an end. This 96-97 year bas been a successful anc. Eacb anc of tbe scbool clubs bas accompllsbed goals and are proud of them. Just t:o men- tion a few..- OSAID (Ortario Students Agalnst Impalred Drlvlng) beld a presentation witb MADD (Mobers Against Drunk Drlvlng) representa- tives. Guest speakers and a slde sbow tactfully got tbe message across about tbe dangers of drlnking and drîv- lng. OSAID students orga- nlzed tbe annual May Day BBQ and sold mock drinks at tbe Semi-Formal Dance, tbe Milk Dance, and tbe Parent Couneil's Annual Fun Nigbt. Speaklng of Fun NlgbL ..it too was a great success. Those who attended enjoyed tbe varlous games of cbance sucb as Bingo, Blackjack and Crowns and Ancbors. There were many prizes ta be won and a silent auction. Thanks are extended ta aill of tbe local businesses that donated the prizes and ta al thc parent volunteers. Next, we would like ta acknowledgc tbe St. Stcpbcn's Band made up of students from grade 9 to OAC. They recently played at Oanada's Wonderland durlng the Band Festival beld on May 29th. Tbey presented their talents wandcrfully and wcrc given a commemorative plaque in recognitian of their participation. Over the course of the year the Band also entertained at variaus ele- mentary scbools, retirement bornes, and at aur own scbool flinctions. Miss Harrison, aur Music teacbcr, did an excel- lent job of conducting tbe band. A luncheon was beld at the Golden Griddle restaurant on June 5th ta celebrate tbe year's accomplisbments. K-risty Burke, anc of thc dcd- icatcd band members rcccivcd flic MW award of thc ycar. Good wark, Kristy! Congratulations ta all of thc sparts tcamns wbo did a great job represcnting aur scbool thiis ycar. Rccently a Basebaîl Taurnament was 'feld ta maise money for people ini Mexidca. Students from al grades tried out and, altbougb it was a tougb cbaicc, only a maximum, number of students from- eacb grade was cbosen ta play. Tbe Atbletlc Awardsý Banquet was beld on tbe evening of June 5th ta recog- nize all atbletes on aur scbool teains. Last week anotber Awards Ccremony was held at St. Stepben's. Certificates, Scbool Crests and Letters, and Tropbles were awardcd for students' achievements Inx botb academic pursuits and in ca-curricular activities. Our Prime Minister, Lisa Locatelli, was Mistress of Ceremanies and gave credit ta sucb groups as Drama Production Team, Student Coundcil Members, Yearbook Contributors, Newspaper Reporters, Music Ministry, Math Competition winncrs and Social Science students. The Father William Mloney Award was also given out. Tbis award is presented ta aa teacher or student who bas demanstrated fine qualities in the .scbool' community. Cangrats ta Mýr. Santomera wbo rcceived thc award this year.. .After much planning thc Prom turned out ta be a won- derful, memorable nlgbt for everyone. Our pictures sbow that everyone certainly enjoyed themselves. We'd like ta acknowledge Mr. Harwick, Leslcy Lee, Head of Prom, and ber troupe for doing an excel- lent job of organlzing, fundraising, an-d decorating for thc evening. These students htod fun at the prom. St. Stephcn's Student Council bas workcd extraý bard this year planning tons of excitlng activities. At eacb monthly meeting suggestians and new ideas were brougbt up by bath Executive mcm- bers and Homeroom Representatives. We feel that witb cvcryane's Input and bard work aur goals for Uic ycar were accomplished. Mucb appreciation goes out ta ail members, including Mr. Joly, wbo graciously gave of their time for the scbool. Goad luck ta next year's Prime Minister, Martin Geai-y, and Uic other members of thc 97-98 Student Coundil., As one will galber from reading this, Uic 96-97 scbool ycar at St. Stepben's bas been very busy. The school cam- munity bas donc a fine job in working together over thc last ten monUis. We're proud ta be able ta tel Uic rest of Uic community that St. Stcpben's takes pride lin Uic abilities, talents, and accomplisbments of its students and staff. Bcst of luck toalal thase graduating from St. Stepbcn's and ta those entering grade 9 ln the faîl. It wlll be tbe school's last ycar in Uic pre- sent location and, as of now, it promises ta be anc of Uic best ones yet. CLASSIFIED 1Advertise, Across Ontario or A cross the Couint&i ,COMi ÉVT fl FOR, SAuE LORETTA LNPRAiRIE 0YSTER, GEORiGE FOX, SWIL.$4800 SAW LORS IUT0 BDOAROS, pianko, Hanir Wiliams 111, Riva Rodeo. Camping. Aug. 141h, 151h, busams. Lrge cqpiciiy DeRosi vwroil value anywliere, 16t1h , .Haveiock Counr Jamboree. 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