...... ky im sW dnsdy.Jne2...9 -i Published poets from Kirby Cen tennial' Bowmanville Toastmasters This year Kirby Centennial P.S. had five students whose poems were chosen to be published in the N/C Poetry Anthology Book -This is Just to say..." The following students dents were each presented with his/her own book. Claire Daizeli, grade one with two poems, "Valentine's Day" and "Chair Lift", Tom Meester, grade one with "Hockey Practice", Dana Sellars, grade two - "Sn)ow", Melissa Howlett, grade two - "Wind", and Alexandrîa Bliiht, grade six - "The Siuent Cat? Bowmanvllle Toastmasters is in a very fortunate position at this time with a complete slate of officers for the 1997- 1998 Toastmasters year. This assures the Club of both experienced and vision- ary guidance through the upcomlng year during which the Club will celebrate the Tenth Anntversaryof Its char- terîng. There is always variety and innovation in the program- ming. "Anomaly" was the order of the day for Bowmanville Toastmasters backward meeting on June 17, 1997. The meeting opened wlth the adjourniment and ended with the Loyal Toast which Is usually proposed at the beginning oflToastmasters. The assembly found the evening Invlgorating and humour filled. Admittlng that she felt «sheepish" Toaster Marilynn Dow a local sheep breeder, delivered an informative and entertalning speech ln which she regaled us with storles, poems and rhyrnes pertain- mng to sheep. This marked Toastmaster Dows completion of the requirements for the Able Toastmnaster designation. June 24 will be our last regular meeting. Summer months we meet only every second week, July 8, 22, August 5, 19. Regular meetings will resume on September 9, 1997. Visitors always welcome no obligation. Join us Tuesdays 7:30 - 9:30 at "The Darllngton Information Hydro Centre". For more information please cei Irene Konzelmann, Orono 983-9423. Darlington rep soccer club: 4T CLUB under-nine team news The Under-9 Darlington Rep Soccer teami played a great game Moniday night- defeating Wexford 2-1 on their home turf in Scarborouigh. Paujl Siciliano slamimed in a rebound bail afier a good high cross from Carmen Shah and later, Andrew Fudge crac ked a shot that the goalie just couldn't get a grip on. Good bail con- trol skills demonstrated by Greg Nem-iisz, Brandoný Weigei and Lukas Pither as they helped conItain Wexford in, the second haîf. Goalie Corey Prince played a strong game allowing just one bal past him. The team's record shows 5 wins, 1 tie and 2 loss- es. The 'boys in blue' look for- ward to hosting a tournament at the Darlington Hydro Fields this weekend where they hope to shine and show the teams in the Ontario Central Soccer League that there's a lot of talent in this neck of the woods! Hodigsoni unveils new logo for Ontario parks Natural Resources Minister Chris Hodgson launched a new parks logo that will create increased awareness- of Ontarlo's provincial parks. "Ontario has one of the finest parks systems in the world and we are committed to making it even, better," said Hodgson. "We want to ensure that more people than ever know abouti our parks and visit them." T1he main symbols of the new parks identity -- trees, water and waves -- represent the beauty, tranquilllty and recreational activites offered by parks. The new logo will be gradually lntroduced on merchandise, signs, staff uni- forms, publications and vehi- cles, and will play an impor- tant part In creating a maemorable visual ldentity for the parks. The new ldentity marks the first anniversary of Ontario Parks, t he Harris govern- ment's program to protect and enhance Ontario's parks system. Ontario Parks will better promote the parks, and ensure that every dollar raised in park revenues remains within the parlçs sys- tem to be used for continuing improvements. Customer service ipoe ments to the parks have included more hydro-electric p ower, new campgrounds and comfort stations In selected parks. Last year, Ontario Parks launched an Internet web site (www.mnr.gov.on.ca/MNR/p arks) that lets on-line visitors explore the opportunities available at Ontario's 270 provincial parks. To date, the Ontario Parks web site has receiyed more than 60,000 visits. "Every person in Ontario should be proud of our unparalleled parks system, and we can't do enough to tel people about our parks," said NEWS 1The 4T Club hield their month-ly supper and mneeing June l9th at 6 p.m. with 40 in attendance. After Grace was sung we sat down to a lovely salad, supper catered by our local Figure Skating Club which was enjoyed by ail. Mfter a short meeting of Up coming events etc., we were enter- tained by Jean Lepine and friends with some toe tapping music. At 8:30 p.m. the meeting came to a close. Next event will be our bar- becue to be held August 21, 6 p.m. until then havea nice summer. Pres. Marlon Hodgson. "They offer the best opportunrities for familles and individuals to relax and enjoy themselves, and to explore nature first-hand. "We're anxÎous to show off our parks to the world." Orono Town Hall Euchre Resuits High - ï) Roy Hayward 86, 2) Joan Stucliffe 83, 3) Lena Graham 78, 4) Clara Meuleman 77, Gladys Greenwood 77; Low - Ruth Grady; Draws - Helen Thorn, Gladys Greenwood, Ruith Grady, Walter Murphy, Bernice, Partner, Marie Couroux. Next wveek wilI be the last night uintil we commence aýgain ini the Or maybe oue coulId ntwalk. Or your vision was blurred. Thafs what ifs like to live with mutiple scierusis. But with your help, we cn connect with a cure. 1-800-268-7582, Multiple Scierosis Society of Canada oWedding Cakes eCakes for ail Occasions ePastries-Donuts-Pies '&Te ,flJJ Bread & Buns Proprietors: Cary & Carol Vreeker 983-9779 Main Street, Orono Closed Sunday & Monday