Orn eklyl Time.WensayJn 2,197 13: This year, the Grade /2 class at Kirby School made their own quilt. They ail put their names into a draw and paints the tov Over tlie summier, Clarington is going t be seeing tlie namne Carron Manning app.earlng in many locations. Now that the scliool year is rapping up, this Courtice Higli Scliool art teaclier, wlio devotes ten montlis of tlie year to enliglitening lier stu- dents into the world of cre- ativlty, is bus'y making lier creative dreaxns corne true. Manning is an artist's, artist. Slie puslies the bound- aries and. produces a prolîfic array of diversifled crations. There are no dimensions slie lias not dabbled in. Manning started lier artis- OUC l5th ... cont'd. lfrom page 9 were placed into a new cor- nerstone (of the present day church) at a ceremony of "the, laying of the cornerstone" officiated by Rev. Eustace. Mrs. Henry Barabaîl placed the coins as she was celebrat- ing ber 99tb birthiday an October 3 1 st. Percy Chapman was again chosen to build the new church which was modeled after "The Little Church Around the Corner" in New York City. "Total cast of this' truly beautiful and practical church was $72,000". The 'Opening Service' on Sunday, September 9th, 1951 was a celebration indeed. Approxîmately 700 district citizens participated, with Rev. Dr. Archer Wallace as guest speaker. In May of 1954 the "Burning of the Mortgage" Ceremony was held--the cul- mination of countless hours of work by so many was finally realized. The Church Today Over the past century and a baif the sanctuary bas -Claringlon Museums Mr. Henry drew out the name to take home anld enjoy it. of the wininer. Tom Meester Pictured is the grade 1/2 (fronit row centre) in Grade class with çeacher Mrs. One is the winner of the quilt Westheuser. tic endeavours as a cliild. "Tliere wvere always competi- tions," slie explains. "I was bornwitlitliis gift for art." By age elglit, Manning.was con- sldered a professional artist witli regular sliows, botli group and solo, at commnuni- ty areas sucli as tlie Markliar Fair and public libraries. Encouraged to excel in lier vocation, Manning graduated fror tlie Ontaria College- of Art & Design. Manning obtalned lier Assoclates Degree in Fine Arts, Painting & Drawing and spent lier 3rd of 4tli years studying in Florence, Italy. chianged several times but stood always on the same ground. The pastors bave been many -- tao numerous ta list but none the less signifi- cant to the spiritual character and growth of the church.Generations of fami- lies bave passed througb these one bundred and fifty years witb many names as familiar now as was then. The faces of the building, its pastors and members have cbanged but the faitb and spirit of the Orono United Churcbi reniains uncbanged today as tbey pre- pare to enter the the twenty- first century--still at the beart of the community. Acknowledgements: Many tbanks to Dorathy Barnett bead of archives at the Orono United, Cburcb for her assistance and for providing the photos shown bere. Also tbank you ta Helen Schmid and Sid Rutherfor authors of 'Out of the Mists', A History of Clarke Townsbip--whose accounts of the bistory of the Orono United Cburch proved invaluable. She went ot.1 ta get lier Honours BA o'ne Art at tlie University of Guelpli, and finally lier Bachelor of Education of ti of Toronto. Now at agi, 39, she lias lau-nched tlie creative minds of rnany studenits at Courtice Higli. I believe tliat the kids of today would be far better off if tliey spent more tirne ..participating' witli life than "observing" 111e tlirougli TV. Tlieir lives would be riclier and our culture would be riclier," expresses Manning. "Kids are naturally born witli creativity but loase it. It is my job to rekindie this back into rny students". For tlie sunrner rnontlis, Manning is planning a series of reductive arclittectural watercolour pantings of tlie Ilistorlcal sites of downtown Bowmanville. "Tliis project was inspired by my colleague Gartli Gfipin," says Manning. According to Gilpin, tlie gen- eral manager of tlie Historie D owntown Bowinanville Business Center, "Carron Manning displays an unusu- al sensitivity to tlie architec- tural ambiance of smali towns." Manning is also accepting students for the sunirer. Slie will accept seriaus teens and aduits wlio want to learn watercolours, acrylics and basic drawing and composi- tion. Tliese classes will be tauglit in downtown Bowmanville at tlie Bowmanville Artists Co- Operative space, of wliicli Manning is a key liolder. For anyone looking ta give a very speclal gift, Manning is accepting clients for com- mission work. You can meet witli ler at the Sun Aqua Festival every Saturday at tlie Port of Darlington Marina, ta discuss private commissions. Manning Is currently sliowing a collection of lier wildlife watercolour art at Espresso Legato in downtown Bowrnanville. Tliis sliow is only available until July lst. Part-proceeds from this show Grade 1/2 quit Celebration Tent wIll be featurlng Canadian authors for a quiet trne wlth the chludren. A new feature this year will be the Loo-ney Raffle, witl Iitem donated by local businesses and supporters. The fun al begins with the sack races at 11I arn, so corne early and bring your blanket or cliair. Canada Day Corne one, corne ail to the Bowmanville Museum and the Clarke Museumn Annual Canada Day Blrthday Party. This year our country is 130 years old and we're celebrat- lng in a big way. Our party is one Tuesday, July lst, from il arn to 3 prn and features: Runnlng Races; Hamburgers & Hot Dogs; Apple Bobbing; Snow Canes; Face Painting: Cotton Candy; Shrlner Clowns; Birthday Cake; Balloons; Flags; Reading Tent and Sparky the FIre Dog. The 'Down On The Corner Gang' will be providing the musical entertaimnent, which will begin at noon with the Flag Raising and slnging of '0 Canada'. Earl Brown, the Magician, will be on hand at 1:30 p.m. to astound the kids (and someaduits) with lits feats of magic. The Reading will go to support the Clarington Teen Youtli Centre project. For more informa- tion: Carron Manning (905) 434-1999 - carron@speed- line.ca FUNERAL SERVICES PRE-ARRANGED AND PREPAID Funeral Directors Paul R. Morris Robert E. Williams Gary M.' Conway Doug R. Rutherford ,jean Sim on e School oflDance now r-egistering for S-ummer Campl Dance -Crafts -Drama Songs Movies- DaiIy Qutings Summer camp provlded at 'Kld's ParadIse' An Indoor playground closed to the public. Begins juIy i 4th and runs to August 22nd Monday to Friday from 7 a.m. ta 5 p.m. J 3 years of age and up Arrangements can be made for early drap off Priva te daycare pro vided ful- tim e (infants welcome) for more information cal!: JEAN SIMONE SCHOOL 0F DANCE 122 Waverly Rd., Bowmanville (905) 697-1943 14APPY e0ttOW GARI)îj HOSTAS PERENNIALS TREES AND SHRUBS PLUS ONE 0 KIND ART AND CRAFTS ALL IN A GARDEN SETTING ,147 Paît ronRoad Orono. Onwan, LOB IMO (905) 983-8246 Clarington artist