Seniors benefit from -Ontario's senlrs-will ben- efit from havlng their current co-payment spread over a 16- month period, "stated Durhamn East MPP John R. OToole. The benefit year which began on April 1, 1997, has been extended to July 31, 1997. -The start of the benefit year i 1996 was delayed by three and one baîf months" said Mr. OTfoole. 'This advancement of the benefit year makes sure that seniors will get a full year of coverage in the O.D.P. for their deductible. A number of con- stituents called and wrote me on this and 1 believe Minister of Health Jlm Wilson bas lis- tened." Mr. O'Toole also revealed that seniors entering the pro- gram for the first Urne would have their deductible adjust- ed to reflect the number of prog ram. months they are enrolled i the program. For example, soneone enrolled i the pro- gram for two months prior to the beginning of the new ben- efit year will pay a $16.66 deductible instead of $ 100.00. A senior in the pro- gram for il months will pay $91 .66 their first year. "When you look at the whole package, it's a good resuit for seniors," said Leonard Harrison, President of the United Senior Citizens of Ontario. -This govemnment bas listened and acted quick- 'y." Since June 1995, the gov- erniment bas added 465 new drugs to the Ontario Drug Benefit Formulary. The Ontario Drug Benefit prograin covers over 2700 quallty assured prescription drug products for those over 65 years of age and social assis-, tance recipients. Province announces partnership options - 407 Transportation Minister AI Palladini, and the Minister wthout Portfolio wth Responslbillty for Prlvatization, Rob Sampson, -jointly announced today the goverument Is examinlng options for involving the pri- vate sector in the financig, building 'and operation of Hlghway 407 West extension, Hlghway 407 East partial extension, and the fianclng of Highway 407 Central. "The Harris government recognizes the Importance of sound infrastructure to the province's economy. Once completed, Hlghway 407's western extension and the partial extension In the east will provide travellers wlith a congestion-free alternative," sald Mr. Palladinii. The Mînlstry of Transportation anid the Office of Prlivatlzaition look forward to worklng together to determine the most appropriate long-term strategy for the Hlghway 407 project. "As we've already seen i our experlence wlth the exlst- hIg H-lghway 407 Central, pri- vate sector Involvement in this pro] ect could result In the extensions belng built faster and more efficiently than they could be built by the government alone," sald Mr. Sampson. -The Ontario Office of Privatization will ensure all options for private-sector ivolvement are assessed and that at thceend of the day, the preferred option provides the taxpayer wi th the best value," said Mr. Sampson. Ighway 407 is the province's ]flrst fully electron- tc toîl highway. Whben these extension~s are completed, motorlsts will be able to trav- el from the QEW In west Burligtorn, across the top of Metropolitan Toronto, to Brock Rod ithe east. A36 kmi sectioni of lghiway 407, from Highway 410 to HIGHWAY 407 - Highway 407 Is a key component of highway net- work. As currently planned, it will extend 154 kilometres from the QEW in west Burlington, across the top of Metropolitan Toronto, to the junction of Highways 35/115 i Clarington. - Hlghway 407 Central is the 69 kilometre section from Highway 403 in Mississauga to H-lghway 48 i Markham. In May of 1994, the Government awarded the develop/deslgni/build con- tract for 407 Central, worth $930 million, to a consortium operating under the name of Canadian Hlghways International Corporation (CHIC). A separate. $72 mil- lion contract to develop the tollig system was awarded to a consortium of Hughes Alrcraft of Canada Ltd., Bell Canada, Bell Sygma, and Mark IV. - Short-term construction financlng for 407 Central has been arranged through the Ontario Finaricing Authority (OFA). - Phase I of 407 Central, the 36 kilometres of six-lane, divlded highway between Highways 410 and -104, opened to traffic on June 7, 1997. - pbase il, the extension of Highway 403 in the west and the Highway 48 in the east, is to be completed by the end of 1998. - Highway,407 West is the planned 24 kilometre exten- sion of Highway 407 Central from Mississauga to .3urligton. - Some design, property acquisition, and, construc- tion has been completed. Major freeway-to freewa-y interchanges at eachi end are partially built. - Highway,407 West would support exlstlng economlic ,and land development, and create new opportunities along the route. - lghflway 407 West would reduce congestion, and asso- ciated rehabilitation and BALLS RADIO & T.V. REPAIR RE-PAIRS TO MOST MAKES STEREOS, COLOUR AND B3&W TV.s AND V.C.R.s P.O. Box 27 R.R. 2, Orono, Ont. (905) 983-5721 i SERVICES JON STORY SCOTT STORY 905-983-9579 LAN-D SCA-P1-N G INSTALLATION- GROUNDS MAINTENANCE -WVATER RONDS - DESIGN - CONSULTINO SPECIALIZING IN PERENNIAL PLANT LANDSCAPES NewoS5tle PhiotcJrdphiC Summfer of Savingqs 21ST FREE f1111 Frlm- ,iI CMDOf COMPLETE CAR & TRUCK REPAIRS DIESEL ENGINES- CUMMINS, DETROIT & CAT RADIO DISPATCHED TOW TRUCKS~ MOBILE MECHANICAL SERVICE TRUCK R.R. #1 ORONO 4 MILES NORTH ONTARIO 0F HWY. 401 ON LOB 1 MO (905) 983-9151 HWY. 35/115 19g King 5t, eC75r Mewcd st/e Colour fili frane oni)y, O 34 9 Offer expires SEPT 15//97ý 1 10.126. Dsk & 135mm 949 m