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Orono Weekly Times, 25 Jun 1997, p. 8

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Page 8 Orono Weekiy Times* J-ne '5, 997 Oronoà Method)(ist Suniday, School (May, 24, 1888 '). As mark11ed fror Miss Lydia T ourjee - S.S. Teacher. AIso idlentified in picture: PoIl Armnstrong, Clarence Vinson, Frank McCulolugh, Tamnbly'n boy s. by Rosey 1Batemi-an ofeteOrone Zlniteé C/turc/t (1847 - 19917) is cefebratiug its birff4y t/lis year... its ses quicen- tenniaL 'One /tunéfred au ifiy years cf C/istiani witness and ser- vcice, oee /undref auJ fifty yeairs in t/te /teart of thte Orono wmmu- ity., 'Li7e Orono 'eekfy i'imes ta/Ces great p(easure in pubi.W&/ting t/is special issue commiemorattrng t/e 150t/t Ynuîversarytcf t/te Orono 'ilite C/turc/i. Combine J witft /istoric p/totos, t/te story cf t/te Message from the Minister Rev. Mervyn Russel The church at the heart of the community! That is the slogan of the Orono United Chuirch as it celebrates having a building on thie samne site for 150 years. The church uilding is, of couirse, the symbol of the con- gregation's presence. The pre- vîous buildinig, which buirned down in 1950, and the presenit building, have both been very beautiful and prominent symi- bols of this kind, symbols located righit at the geographi- cal hecart of Orono; but, over and above being a symbol, the chuirch buiilding is the site where the congregation meets for wvorsip, teaching, ouit- reach, and socializing. t is the energy and inspiration givenl and received in these activi- ties that hias placed the con- gregation, in mnany instances, right at the social and person- ai heart of the comimunity. Orono United Church hlas hiad a long and continuous tra- dition of providing leadership, support, and space for a large number of community groups. As individuals and as a con- ýCregation, we have considered this sharling of our resources Iyý Odeli, Nellie Ne\\son. ]du Souýei,'Kate Vinson, Emma CI c/turc/i auJi its spirite J memtbers bing t/tffe past vivid-lj te t/te _fore- fronltý for a fitt(e w/tife at leaist. Iu addition te t/Uis specia( Aliniversaryi issue, once a meint/t /tereatfter untitf Decemiber, 7we wi«f be incturiing an Orono- 'United- C/tuirc/t Ses qui Mvoment ce/umru in our paper w/tic/t I an sure you'fi finJ very ruteresýtiîg. --Ve congratu fate t/te c/turc/t ou reac/ting tMis nmost /istoric imife- stene aud-iocforwarJ to stariug in t/teîr ses quicetenniaf celebrato- leveuts. as the way ini whichi we serve God by serving- our nieighi- bour. This service hias been giveni willing and gladly even thioughI, very ofteni, it has involved a conisiderable cost in ternis of eeryand wealth bothi for inidividual chutrchi mem-bers anid the conigr-ega- tioni as a whole. Ini behaving ini this way, Oronio United Church hlas been a genuine example of the *Uniited ChurIIch of Canada as a woealthough this may niot be the style of somie other Christian Churches. t imeans we do niot spenid att our efforts on promnotinig ourselves or in competing with others. Lt does meani we are inivolved in the developmnents and issuIes of our time anid place, about ýN7hiehl we theni, inevitabt5', have to mnake decisionis anid take stands. Thiat hias, does, and will inivolve uis from time to time ini controversy. But thiat is the kind of churchi we are and, in the main, are proud to be. We are part of our com mu- nity, local, provincial, niation- al, and intenationial. That lis why we have beeni, an-d intend to do our best to remaini, at the heart of the community. Special Events The Anniversary Comimit- tee hias planned many celebra- tory events throughout the year in hionour of their Sesquiicenitenniial--sever-al of which hiave already taken place: 4> Sunday, Mar-ch 2nd week- en-d, Oshawa Presbytery held a retreat at the Orono United Churefh wïtth Dr. Rev. Herbert O'Driscoll as presenter. He wvas also guest preachier at the Sunday Ser-vice. e. On the evening of Saturday, April l2th the O.U.C. presented a "Spring Concert" featuring the fabu- ltus "Country Four" quartet and the "Orono Choir". 4> Friday and Saturday of May 2nd and 3rd the U.C.W. held a "Quilting Show and Tea" with a variety of newv and otd quitts on display, a quilting demronstration and a special signature quilt in, the iLog-Mercýhant & Choi. 1Leader, Hleber Souch (hands in ront) S,..Tahr M elDavy , Ednla Moon, May Vinson-, Alima Tambhlyn, IaLintÀonh +> On Friday, May 3th, the O.U.C. hield a 'Fashion Show' by Monica Rose (a local store owner). t was an "Evening of Fun" with coffee, tea and desserts fotlowed by the fash- ion show'. 44 Juty 2lst throughi 25th the Church hlolds its annuat 'Vacation Bible School' with closing ceremionies taking place during Sunday Worship on Juty27th. <In September, a float an-d a booth will be manned at th~e 145th Orono Fair with the themne "The Church at the Hetrt of the Commilunlity", 4- On Anniversary weekend there is to be a banquet Saturday, October 1 8th at 6:30 p.m. with the Very Rev. Dr. Sang Chut Lee, former moed- erator of the United Chuirchl of Canada as speaker and cur- rently Chancellor of Victoria University, Toronto. A speciat musical selection is planned for the evening and tickets will be on sale. Rev. Dr. Sang Chut Lee will atso speak at the Sunday mnorning %worship service October 191th. +*:. Decemiber 6th promises to be especially exciting as the OUC is having a "Sing Atong Messiahi" with the "Amadeus Choir of Greater Toronto" and Lydia Adamns- conductor, Eteanor Daley- organ and orchestra, Barry Peters - tenor, Bob Stewart - bass, Judy Young - alto and Cathy Robinson - soprano. Tickets for this evening of music will go on sale. -> No t only hias the Anniversary Commh'itee planned for ail these sesqui evenits--thiey also produced an anniversary calendar com- mnemorating their sesquicen- tennial whîch contains miany fascinating-, historîc, blick and white period photographs fromn their archives and pri- vate collections. There are still calendars avaitable at the Laing of the Cornerstone October 1950. Back Rowv: Building Committee - Bill Riddell, Melville Staples; Percy Chapmnan - Builder; Carlos Tamiblyn also Building Comimittee. Front Row: Rev. D.T. Lancaster, NewtonviIlle Rev. S.R. Hendersoni, Bowmanville; Rev. G. Telford, Oshawa; Rev. W.C7.Sm-ith, Port Perry; Rev. A.E. Eustace; Rev. M.C. Fisher, Newcastle.

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