-m Orono Weekly Tinies, Wednesday, JuIy 9, 1997 - 7 Hodgson announces improvements - deerhunt Natural Resources Minister Chris Hodgson announced a new approach to the con- trolled, deer hunt that isà more responsive to deer popula- tions ti agricultural areas, offers more deer hunting opportunities and provides improved customer service. "The changes we are mak- ing to the controlled deer hunt will continue to ensure that Ontario's deer popula- tions are xnanaged in a sus- tainable way," sald Mr. Hodgson. The changes are expected to take effect for the 1997 deer hunting season. There are currently 17 wildlife man- agement units (WMUs) that offer annual controlled deer hunts in five MNR districts in south-central Ontario. "In providing more hunting opportunities, we will ensure that the strength and health of the local deer population is considered in relat ion to agri- cultural land use," said Mr. Hodgson. The recommended changes increase hunting opportuni- ties through longer seasons, where warranted, and by allowing hunters to take more than one deer in some areas. This will provide an opportu- nity to better control deer populations in areas where agricultural damage is a con- cern. Pxpanded Controlled Deer Hunts Include: *Archery seasons will be expanded in many controlled deer hunt WMUs. *For shotgun and muzzle- loader deer hunting., Monday through Saturday hunts will be allowed i many controlled deer hunt WMUs. The hunt- ing seasons i many con- trolled deer hunt WMUs will also be expanded. - Multiple game seals will be available in controlled deer hunt areas where there are sufficient deer populations. This may permit, some hunters to take two deer ti selected areas. The recommended changes also improve the administra- tive system for the controlled deer hunts. Administrative Changes Include: Any person ti possession of a valid Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs farmer registration number will be consldered a farmer for the purposes of the controlled deer hunt e Reporting hunting infor- mation continues to be an Important method for MNR to collect information. As a result, archery hunters Ii controlled deer hunt areas will now be required to report their hunting activities to the ministry. - In order to streamîtie 'hunting eligibility. the defIni- tion of "immediate relative" of a farmer or landowner will be amended Once the regulation change has been enacted, the local MNR district or area office will provide speciflc information on deer hunting in the WMUs within it's administrative boundary. RZECYCLE NEW S-PA P ER flAPPYz ob1l'OW GARI1eN HOSTAS PERENNIALS TREES 1AND SHRUBS PLUS ONE 0F A KIND ART AND CRAFTS ALL IN A GARDEN SETTING (905) 983-8246 Happy 25thi Weddinig Anniversary Marilyn & Donald Ra'nsberry julv 8, 1972- 1997 I e uot Staying In Touch John O'Toole Durham East MPP Canada's l3Oth birthday wiII always serve as a very me marable time in my life. 1 shook the hand of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth Il in Toronto at a Canada Day reception. I also spoke ta His Royal Highness 'the Duke of Edinburgh. This past week, the Legislature met in an unprece- dented one day sitting. The purpose of the day was ta deal with the amendments ta the standing orders. Mare impor- tantly perhaps, was the unani- mous support for the new transportation safety legis la- tion and the new system to help prevent child abuse. The Minister af Cammunity and Social Services, the Hon. Janet Ecker, is working 'with the Children's Aid Societies and child protection workers ta set up a new risk assess- ment system, as' well as, a new computer data base for caseworkers ta track children at' risk. The Minister Respansible for Women's Issues, the Hon. Dianne Cunningham, released an agenda for action on the Prevention of Violefice, Against Women. The Hon. Charles Harnick, Attorney General, in ca-operatian with Minister Cunningham, has extended the, Domestic Violence Court ta deal with family canflict. Domestic assault is a crime and cannot be tolerated. Every resident of the province of Ontario has the right ta live their lives without the fear of physical abuse. I have a document, "Prevention of Violence Against Women, - Its Everyonc's Responsibility". Caîl if you wish ta have a copy, 697-1501 or L/D 1-800- 661-2433. The Minister of Health, the Hon. Jimn Wilson, announiced an additional $100 million in annual finding ta the province's 495 nursing homes and homes for' the aged. This new funding wilI improve the care for the over 57,000 patients, as well' as, create some 2,500 front line jobs. As the population ages, Ontario has a long way ta go ta keep the level of service and access ta care at a level that is bath reasonable for the province and the patient. As 1 mentioned last week, we have plenty of information at aur cammunity office, dis- cussion papers. cansultation papers and videa tapes on almost every subject from long term care ta changes in the education syst em, small Séan Barry On Saturday, June 7, 1997, Dr. Sean Barry graduated from the University of Ottawa with a Ph.D. in Chemistry. Congratulations from Mom and Steri (par- ents); Steven, Kate, Patricia, John (siblings); Rick and Donna. Dr. Séan Barry has accepted a position at Corneli Uni versity in New York State. RADIO&,T.V.REPAIR REPAIRS TO MOST MAKES STEREOS, COLOUR AND B&W T.V.s AND V.C.R.s P.O. Box 27 R.R. 2, Orono, Ont. (905) 983-5721 NEWCASTLE FUNERAL HOMIE <uneraf Director - Cat ood *Personal, professional, affordable service. Genesis Bereavement Resource Centre on-site ta, serve the community. Informative funeral home tours are welcome. 386 Mili Street South, Newcastle (iust mrt/iof1401 -fParkingq off rI<gert Street) (905) 987-3964 The Co-operativîe Education Students and Staff 0f Clarke High School extend a sincere THANK YOU to ail the, many Co-operative Education Employers 'Because ofyoq it's working' 9,ap business and agriculture. In the interest of savîng your tax money. 1 have adopted a poli- cy which eliminates blanket mailings ta every home. However, please contact us or drap by and pick up a copy. This material makes great summer reading and will keep you up-to-date on what is happening i n Ontario, In the next couple of weeks, there Iwill flot be a reg- ular article. If there is a major announcement. we wiII issue press releases. If you have any questions or inquiries, please remember that our community office is there for your conve- nience. "A farmer ïs a man out- standing in his field." 1Have a great summer and please stay in touch. 5147 Patterson Road Orono, Ontaro LOB1 MO