~CY2 -, î< ,, imes,30, 1997 7iVmOi997 Something to Whine about One of the joys of running a newspaper is that everv week space is offered were the edîtor can whine about anything, but preferably a local topic. This wý,eek 1 would like to whine about road names. Local road names of course, but especially the numbered roads. What does a numbered road say about a place? Can anyone new to the area distinguish between Conc. Rd. 3, or its neigbour to the north, Cone. Rd. 4. A trip I make several times a day starts at Regional Rd. 57, often incorrectly referred te, as Hwy 57. I make a right onto the 3rd Cone., efi onito Regional Rd. 42, also known as the Town Line, and right ontothe 4th conc. As 1 get dloser to civilization the roads have names. Ochonskï Rd. named aler a Mr. Jan Ochonski who buiît many of the homes on that road. (l doubt any truc Pole would recognize the namne fromn the Canadianized pro- nunciation). Then onto Station St. named for the Railway station that once occupied that street, then onto Main St and 1'm home-free. Unless 1 identify a numlbered roadwith a. landmark. the number means nothïng to me. You have your numn- bered concessions, conicession roads, fines, counity roads, regional roads and hiways. According to Helen Schmid. east/ west roads were numbereci. and every two tfarms or 410 acres, a north/south road was buîlt bearîng the name of la local farmer. Many of these north/ south roads today are dead ended ordcosed. AIl this no doubt truly sounds like whining to locals who grew up in the area., They know the roads by the people who live on them and ofien have their own refer- ence names for rural roads. But for newcomers the road names can tell us allot about the history of a place, where as a number says nothing. Old family names, that were once prominent in an area show up in road names. I am flot suggesting names be changes just to accom- modate newcomers to the area, of course numbered roads have their own historical significance. 1 just-had to whine about something this week. SNext week we are on holidays so there will be no paper. The lung association needsyour helping, hand ('I RONO WEEKLY TMMES I I I I I 1I. . . Division of Loyal Printng Ltd. Publications Mail Registration No. 0368 Publishing 47 Issu es Annually at the Office of Publication 5310 Main Street, P. 0. Box 209, Orono, Ontario LOB IMO e mail: oronotlmes@speedline.ca Telephone 905-983-5301 Fax 905-983-5301 The HonoïTrable Elizabeth Witmer Minister of Labour 400 UnivefsitY Avenue, 14th Floor Toronto, Onptarlo M7A 1T7 Dear MiniSer: I have recelved your incred- ible letter of e4 July 1997 in which you repeat your false assertion thiat I have rejected your invitation' to meet to dis- cuss Bill 136. In titis same letter, you falsely allege that in drafting Bill 136, you listened to the ..expressed concerns" of orga- nized labour, when you knlow full well that Bill 136 was drafted in total secrecy from the labour movement. It was sprung upon us on June 3rd as yet another fll fledged fait accompli. In this saine letter, you betray an appalling misun- derstanding of the provisions of the Bill itself, unless of course you are deliberately seeking to convey a false pic- ture of what Bill 136 actually does. What- Bill 136 really does is to substitu ,te for the impar- tial and trusted labour court of this province an arbîtrary Court of Star Chamber, made up of political patronage appointees, operating with no rules of practice or procedure from which there is no appeal. The powers-bestowed by Bill 136 include the ability to re-write collective agree- ments, to determine arbitrar- ily and unilaterally. at the mere request of an employer, issues of wages, benefits, job security, seniority, and even what union a worker can belong to. The practices, pro- cedures, and traditions of our 25 July, 1@97 tri-partite system of labour adjud iction are being thrown on the scrapheap for ail pub- lic service workers in Ontario. And yoll dare to talk about fairness. For the public record, I have, as you know full well, written to Premiîer Harris and to you on July 22, 1997, requesting a meeting with the Premier and those Ministers lie deems appropriate.,v whch I presume would include yourself, to explore alterna- tives to Bill 136. Yours truly, GORDON F. WILSON President - OFL ORONO FAzi&IRg PARADE (co ntinued frorn page 1) Categories for prizes are: Best Musical'Float, Best Group Float, Best Jr. float, Best Musical Group; Best Non-Musical Group, Most Original Float, Best Aduit Horse & RIder, Best Jr. Horse & Rider and Best Horse Drawn Vehicle; TRACTOR SECTION: Best restored Tractor, Best Origi.nal Tra ctor, Best Implemnent (Running) and Best Junior Farmer Entry; CAR SEC- TION: Best 1950 & Back Vehlicle, Best 1950 & Newer Veh-icle and Best Customized- Modified Vehicle. Entry deadline is August 30 - Charles Gray 987-4551. NaIOTE The Orono Weekly Times will be closed for the week of August 3 - 9. There will be no paper that week. Do you have a Iew hours a week to help a local charity? First established in 1900, The Lung Association is one of the oldest not for profit organiza- tions in Canada. We are ded- icated to the improvement of respiratory health through fundraising activ4ties for the support of medical research and Lung Association com- munity heal th programs. The Lung Association offers a wide range of oppor- tunities that will allow you to be a part of an important team.effort that reaches out to your community. We are looking for volunteers that are interested in program, sup- port, indluding the delivery of our Lungs are for Life school program, fundraising. office support and public relations. We all have skills we can share. Whether you have time every week, once a monîli, or only periodlcally during Oie year ... we provide Oie orienta- tion and training if you pro- vide the helping hands. For more information on volunteerism or any of our other programnsand services, please caîl (905) 436-1046. "When you cant br eathe, nothing else matters!" THANKS A MILLION In lasi weeks police report we reported that two Orono residents had their wallets stolen their parked cars. One of these victims would like to thank Brien Konopka and John, Gregg for finding her stolen papers and returning themn to her. KENDAL UNITED CHURCH Kendal, Ontario Sunday, August 3, 1997 SUMMER WORSHIP 9:30 a.rm. at Newtonville United Church Rev. David Black Kendal United Church Pleasejoin us "A good place t0 bc... a healthy place for children" Minister: Rev. David Black -786-2950 r St. Saviour s Anglican Church MILL STE. ORONO, ONTARIO Minister: Rev. Ann Tottenham Rectory 987-5678- Church 983-5594 Sunday Service. Sunday School and Youth Group 9:30 a.m. 1Ist & 3rd Sunday of Month L HOLY COMMUNION ORONO PASTORAL CHARGE Mînister Rev. Mervyn Russell Secretary W' Marlene Rsebrough 983-5702 Church Office 983-5502 CHURCH SERVICES Sunday. August 3,10,17 & 31 Newcastle United Church at 10:-30 ar. A.A .,mets every Thursday 7:30 p. m. TICKETS Anniversary Dinner 983-5550 or 983-9308 Sing Along Messiah 983-5208 Marg Zwart