12-Oron&Weekly Times, Wednesday, August 13, 1997 s Music at flower show Put a piano in close Such was the case at the vlcinîty of Martha Farrow recent Orono Horicultural and you have music. Summer Flower show. High Blood Pressure: Expl ore Your TreatmE High blood pressure, or nel blockers. An hypertension, is frequently receptor antagor referred 10 as the 'silent niost recent adv killer" because it is an treatment of hypç asynplomnalic disease. Diuretics (m Hypertension resuits lower blood pi when blood presses on the increasing the artery walls with too much excretion of wat force. This occurs if the um (sait), whi( vessels are 100 constricted reduces thev or if the hieart "works too blood. Dîureticý hard," pumping 100 much kidney function blood at a lime. High blo od lead 10 depletior pressure is a serious condi- Beta blockA lion which, if flot controlled, blood pressuret significantly increases the through the nerv risk of heart attack, enlarged reducing the heý heart, sîroke or kidney dam- the heart's outpu age. Side effects of bc Tie différent treatments for high blood pressure During the past 40 years, many medications have becomne available 10 treat i g l blood pressure. Vaiious antihypertensive drugs are accessible which work in different ways on the heart, blood vessels and nervous system to reduce blood pressure. The m-ost widely used trealment types are diureîics, beta blockers, vasodilators, angiotensin converting, enzyme (ACE), inhibitors and calcium chan- AdvantageTm rids pets of fl-eas within 24 hours Canadians can rid their cals and dogs of virtually ahl fleas within one day of applying AdvantageTM, a new produet from Bayer Inc. that is redefining the way Canadians control their pets' fleas. "Advantageî- is a revo- lutionary new flea control product for both prevention and trealment of flea prob- lems," says Kim Rankin, Product Manager, Animal Health, Bayer Inc. "It is all a pet owner needs t0 elimi- nate a pet' s flea problems quickly, easily, effectively and safely." Within 24 hours of appli- cation, AdvantageM kilîs 98 t0 100 per cent of fleas on the animal on contact, and prevents further infestation for up te, four weeks on cals and at least four weeks on dogs. Advantage- is avail- able through practicing vet- erinarians, but no prescrip- tion is required. The pet owner can quickly and easi- ly apply AdvantageTM, plac- ing a small amount of the odorless, non-staining liquid directly onto the skin of the pet's back. Effective and convenient "Pet owners will find the product's combined effec- liveness and convenience particularly appealing," explains Rankin. " A'd m i n i s t e r i n g AdvantageTm does not require the peî's cooperalion - aIl the pet has 10 do is remain still for a few sec- onds while the owner applies the solution." The pet owner places the solution onto a single spot for most pets, or onto addi- FLEA-FREE IN ONE DAY... Safe, easy and effective is how Canadian pet owners are describing AdvantageTM, a revolutionary new flea con- trol product from Bayer lac. that kils 98 to 100 per cent of a pet's fleas, on contact, with- in 24 hours. AdvantageTM is now available in Canada through veterinary clinics without a prescription. tional spots for big dogs. The animal's body move- menîs spread the solution at the hair root level and the whole body is covered. AdvantageTM is not absorbed, mbt the bloodstream or internai organs of the pet. Through ils unique mode of action, AdvantageTm kilîs fleas on contact, so the pet does flot have to endure flea bites in order tu work. "Some animaIs suffer from flea allergy dermatitis, a condition wiîh aggravated and oflen painful itchiness that us set off by flea bites. Fleas also can cause lape- worms, secondary skin irri- tations and, in exîreme cases, anemia," explains Dr. Bruce Kilmer, Technical Services Vterinarian, Bayer Ine. "Advantage-' effective- iy eliminates the cause of such problems in one day." AdvantageTM breaks flea life cycle AdvantageTM treats exist- ing flea problems and also is an effective preventive product. t breaks the flea life cycle, killing adult fleas before they lay eggs. It also continues bo work afler bathing or swimming, with efficacy rates remaining high. "Dead fleas don't lay eggs, s0 no new fleas are produced," explains Dr. Kilmer. "B ecause AdvantageTM keeps working for at least a month on dogs and up 10 a month on cals, any fleas jumping onto the animal wiîhin that period are killed."' For most effective flea prevention and control, AdvantageTM should be applied in advance of the flea season and treatment should continue once a month throughout the sea- son. The flea season varies throughout the country, beginning in April and run- ning through October or November in temperate areas, but is at its height across Canada throughout the summer. Pet owners can learn more about flea conîrol by consulting their veterin- arian, browsing the AdvanlageTM Web site at www.nfieascomor caîl- ing the toll-free telephone information line 1-888-no flea-6 (1-888-663-5326). ent Options ýngiotensin-iI nists are the lvance in the pertension. ýwater puIs) pressure by e kidney's 1er and sodi- cih in turn, volume of is may aller )ns, that can i of sodium. kers lower by working 'VUS system, eart rate and )ut of blood. beta hloPIoers may include depression, dis- turbed sleep, aching limbs and impotence. asodilators relax the muscles in the artery walls. This action widens these blood vessels which decreases the resistance 10 blood flow. Ail vasodilator drugs may cause flushing, headaches, dizziness, faint-, ing and swollen ankies. ACE inhibitors interfere with the bodys production of angiotensin, a hormone that causes the arteries 10 narrow. ACE inhibitors relax arteries and Iower the resîstance to blood flow. While generally well-îoler- aîed, some patients using ACE inhibitors may experi- ence skin rashes, taste dis- turbances and/or chron ie d ry cough. Calcium channel block- ers keep the blood vessels open by blocking the pas- sage of calcium into the muscle celis that control the size of blood vessels. This type of drug can reduce the heart rate and relax blood vessels. Some side effecîs include swelling of the ankles and hypotension (blood pressure that be- comes toc, 10w). First breakthrougb treatmnent in a decade Since 1995, two new medications wiîlî a highly specific mechanism of action have heecn miro- duced. They work by blocking the receptors of the angiotensin-II hormone which is associaîed w'iîh the narrowing of the blood ves- sels. By intervening aI the receptor site, thiese medica- lions offer an excellent tl- erability profile. It is important 10 remiem- ber that treatmenîs for high blood pressure reduce the risk of sîrokes or hieart attacks only if they are taken accordi ng 10 your physician's instructions. For more information on high blood pressure or treat- ment options, speak t0 your doctor. COMPLETE CAR & TRUCK REPAIRS DIESEL ENGINES- CUMMINS, DETROIT & CAT RADIO DISPATCHED TOW TRUCKS MOBILE MECHANICAL SERVICE TRUCK R.R. #1 ORONO 4 MILES NORTH ONTARIO OF HWY. 401 ON LOB 1iMO (905) 983-9151 HWY35/115 . . . . . . . u. . . ..i :i .m u ORONO WEEKLY TIMES (905) 983-5301 Business Cards, Envelopes, Letterheads, Flyers, Newsletters Fuil Colour Printing - GOING ON A TRIP??? GETTINO MARRIED??? Planning a Special Evening on the Town for Dinner, the Theatre or the Big Game??? -IOURGLA5S SLimousine Service wi!! get you there and back in safety, com fort and style. CALL TO RESERVE EARLY 1 -