8-OooWeekly lMimes, Wedinesday, Augfust 13, 19-97 In June we launched our 'Vacations /97 Column', where readers could write stories about their summer vacation and send them f0 the paper. Although the Sherwins' sfory is more than a vacation story, 1 thoughf if would be a good candidate for this column. Thanks to the Sherwins for sharîng their story with us. If you have had a summef vac ation expe- rience you'd lî,ke to fell others about, write ii down or cati us and togefhef we'll make a story. Lumbers gallery. Lumbers asked if he could take a few pîctures of the the 1930 Ford for a series of paintings he was working on. In a series of paintings on the four sea- sons, and the Sherwins Ford is in the 'Summer" painting. Mr Sherwin rejoices in the fact thai he has been able to make the tour with the same car and the same wïfe for the pasf 35 years. "Not a small dlaim in these days", says Laurence. The Sberwins have had such good times with friends fhey have made touring these 35 years and woutd recommend this kind of a holiday f0 anyone. 35 years and going strong S A few, weeks ago Laurence Sherwîn came Ïnto the office to tell us about the trip he and bis wife Glenda took on the occasion of their 35th wedding anniversary. The thing about this trip was that tbey used the saine car on their honeymoon. Laurence said; "35 years with the same car and the samne wife, flot many people can say that". When Laurence came into the office, hie was armed with antique car club magazines and bookiets. He also had their wedding picture clipped from the 1newspaper. The pic- ture showed the bride and groom posing beside, the 1930 Ford. So 1 made an appoinfment f0 meef with the Sherwins and gef the whole. story. Mr Sherwm likes to falk about antique cars and the Antique Car Club, s0 the story below are just fhe bigh- lights from the story told f0 me. Laurence and Glenda were married on July 7th, 1962 in the Orono United- Church, witb a reception fol- lowing the, wedding af the Oddfellows Hall. Affer fhe recepfion the newlyweds jumped info their 32-year-old model A Ford and drove f0 Toronfo. In Toronfo they joined- up with their chapter of the Antique Automobile Club of America. on the annual London f0 Brighton tour. The Car Club's London f0 Brighton four was a direct spin-off of fhe London f0 Brighfon tour in England. In England in the.late 1 800's, the 54 mile trip from London to Brighton, over hill and date was considered a relia- bility test drive.* If your motorized vehicle coutd make the trip witbout a break down, it was considered fit. In Canada the London f0 Brighton trip is 265 miles, over good roads. The car club does make use of sec- ondary roads on their tours were ever possible. the Sberwin's have been making the London f0 Brighton Ontario Tour witb their club, and in their 1930 Ford for the last 35 years. This year tbey cetebrated their 35th wedding anniver- sary by going on the tour again. If bas been a greaf way to holiday. "We don'f cottage or camp but we go on the car four" said Mr. Sherwin. Their two chitdren who are grown and married now. used f0 come along f00. As babies tbey were ptaced in the back window, but when they got a bit older fhey sat in the rumble seat. On Sunday morning, July 2Oth. Laurence and Glenda once again hopped into their 1930 Modet A Ford and drove f0 London via the 401, f0 register for tbe 1997 London f0 Brighton Tour. 1997 marks the 4Ofh year that the car club has been having tours. The four touches London and Brighton but not in a direct line. Tbis year's tour took par- ticipantson a îoop from London f0 Buffalo on the Monday, and f0 Niagara Falls on the Tuesday. 'on Wednesday the group wenf f0 Canadaigua, where they went on an otd fashioned paddle wheeter boat for a dinner cruise. On Friday they crossed th@ border at Gananoque. The Sherwins happened f0 get a border patrol who ives in the log bouse on the 8tb uine. The young lad r@cOgnized the Sherwins anid'fheir car 'as being from Orono and gave themn the mo§t pleasant bor- der crossing Of their- lives. The group heIn their wind-up banquet on Friday night and on Saturday, J QOO miles later, they arrived ifi Brighton wifh official greetings from the mayor of Londonl. Close to 50 vinfage cars made fhis frip, and fhere was- nft a sîngle break down. Alfhough club' members are quick f0 help each other wifh a break downi, members are expecfed 10 haýve their cars in top runningr condition before setting out oil tour. If the unexpected happens andi a car breaks dowri, mem bers band togefher andi can have a motor completelv overhauled mn a day. -e .Laurence 5hewin bought his 1930 Modiel A Ford in 1958. If had been the rural mail car in Bei.hany, and prior f0 Laurence buying if, if was put ouf f0 pasture behind the barn. After removing the chïckens that tîad been roost- ing in if, Laurence brought the car home. The Ford was restored if f0 it's original beaufy in 1960. and if's been a great source of enferfain- ment for the Sherwins ever since. The resfored car now has 70,000 miles on if. The Sherwins" car is depîcfed in a painting by Ontario artîst James Lumbers. On the way home from Brightonî in 1987, the Sherwins sfopped af the BALLS RADIO & T.V. REPAIR REPAIRS TO MOST MAKES STEREOS, COLOUR AND B&W T.Vs AND VO .R.s P.O. Box 27' R.R. 2. Orono. Ont. (905) 983-5721 Lpig LMÉ Brigitte Brown15 FM Ç EARTS cift Cri ats 15 ~ Pedcuresavailable. Manicures BRIDAL 15 mJ Waxing SEIL 5 Nail ExtensionsSPCAS J Ear Candling E STHETIC STUDIO AVAILABLE M 171 Mill St., Orono, Ontario LOB iMO 905-983-8169 mi ~~ Js ~~~isr~ 11"] Ji~~J rîiH Pr* Wedding Cakes ~4q *Cakes for ail Occasions, *Pastries-Donuts-Pies #&Te ~ *Bread & Buns Proprie 1tors: Gary & Carol Vreeker 983-9779 Main Street, Orono Closed Sunday & Monday ORONO WEEKLYffTIMES (905) 983-5301 Business Cards, Envelope s, Letterheads, Flyers, Newsletters Full Colour Printîng- NEWCASTLE FUNERAL HOME Funerak Direc tor -Carf Gooi * Personal, professional, affordable service in a beautifully * restored century home. Wheelchair accessible, ample on- site parking, comfortable coffee/reception lounges. 386 Mill Street South, Newcastle (Jlust nortfi of 401 Tarf(ul off J<gtert Street) (905) 987-3964 J'v