4- orono We :kly Tms, Wednesay, Aýugust 927, 199ý7w GreenFiag drops at Mosport this weekend! The 'weekend', racing enthu- siasts have been waiting for is alrnost here! The green flag is ready to drop ai Mosport Park this Labour Weekend. IMSG Properties Ltd., the Canadian cornpany organized to run the famous track promis- es to provide plenty of action for both race fans and music loyers. Tom Cochrane will be head- lining the giant music festival planned for aIl day Saturday. Joining Cochrane will be 'Sasr Jordan', 'The Goo Goo Dolîs', Marcia BaIl', and other will nown groups. Thursday, August 28 the 2.459-mile track will be open for practice to'ail racers. Friday, the track open for practice and qualifying at 8 a.m. with a 30- minute race for the Black Magic Pro Series for World Sports Racers completing the Day's activities. Saturday, the Exxon Supreme GT Series Presented by Virgin Interactive tow-hour race for GTS-1, GTS-2 and GTS-3 cars begins at 1 p.m. and is followed by a one- hour World Challenge Race. The SPEEDVISION Cup for Stock SportsCars three-hour feature takes the green flag at 6 p.m. Sunday two supporting series hold races in the morn- ing, followed by the TransAm event at 13 p.m. At 2:30 is the weekendI's feature event, the two houf Exxon World SportsCar Championship race. 1Mosport looks the place to be this Labour Day Weekend. Whether you're a racing buf or music fan--dof't miss out; Look fof international and celebrity divers Ron Fellows and Canadn-,fl 'Jason Priestly' of 'Beverly Huis 90210'TV series. Fans can purchase tickets by calling TicKetMaster at (416) 870-1212. Irwin Tax girls end successful season In sofibaîl, as in life, one is their fate. The bad news- up-to-date, and tne parents foi not always treated as fairly as arrived at 7 p.m. making the season a very one feels is their due. Such it Coach John felt the girls pleasant one. He, also, was was for the Irwin Tax Peewee had a very successful season. very proud of his young assis- Girls' sofibaîl team. The girls He was particularly proud of tant coaches for their spirit worked hard in the many gru- .their never-say-die attitude and dedication. elling practices arranged by and the fun they had playing Congratulations Irwin Tax coaches Mel, Bob and John. together as a team. Peewee girls! They refined their skills and Coach John was apprecia- developed some of the finer tive of the Irwin's for their points of the game. In the support, Doug Henderson for process, they managed to fin- his statistical-work and scor- ish in third place in their ing, Ann Bickell for hier man- league just two points behind aeial expertise, Neil Allin the two tearns tied for first the convenor, the Orono place. This set the tg o Times for keeping the fansc the playoffs last weekend. _________________________ A double - header victory TNN Motorsport s to1 telecast weekend of racing over their cross-1town rivaIs from Steve's Diesel allowed the team to finish in 3rd place. L v r m m s o tP r The highlight was a sharedSaudyAuut3at BnmiTNsvic"o pizza party between games.. audy uut3 t BnmiTNsvoe' f Respective team sponsors 1:00 p.m. ET,- TNN Motor- SCCA Trans-Arn racing and supplied food and drink. sports will telecast the host of the weekly motor- Because of rain both Exxon Suprerne GT sports news series, teams ran for cover to the fair- Presented by Virgin RaceDay. Completing the ground stands until they could Interactive Pro Sports Car announcing tearn will be resume play. GT race live from Mosport Derek Daly with colour The two wins allowed the Park's 2.5-mile road course. commentary and David Taxers to have veteran leader On Sunday at 12:30 p.rn. Hobbs reporting from the Marly available for the Friday ET, the SCCA's Mosport garage areas. night match against 7th place Trans-Arn race will be tele- If you cannot attend the Solina. As mentioned, softball cast live from the sane events live--then tune in to is ikelif an Soinacam up venue. In the broadcast the races on TNN! with a red-hot pitcher. Despite ______________________________________ a comeback seven-run 6th inning, the girls bowed out 7- Orono #2 fin ishes season 15 in the lstgame. The 2nd game on Saturday On August' 21 st, Gary some great soccer and deserve vs. 4th placed team Graydon, Bridger's tyke soccer team met a lot of praise for their hard was a must-win situation -if up with Tyrone. Orono played work. The team consisted of the Orono Il team wished to a strong, solid game defeating Meghan BaIl, Michelle advance to the championship Tyrone 5 - 0. Goaltenders for B ridger, Felicia Brown, round. The game was well- #2 were Dillon Ernpey and Courtney Elson, Dillon Empey, played and completed in less Cary Konopka. Scoring for Megan Ernst, Cary Konopka, than the allotted 1 hour and 45 Orono was Michelle Bridger Christopher Lunn, Martin minute tim e limit. Taxers with 2, Lucas Martin with 2, Lucas, Bernard (B.J.) Reilly, scored one run in each of the and Chris Lunn with 1. Ryan Wood, Tyler Webster and flrst three innings while pitch- On Saturday, August 23 thie Darren MacGregor. er Katie, with support from team took part in 'Fun Day' at 1 On behaîf of-the team, hier infield crew held the Darlington. The teami played "Thanks coach! Well donie!" opposition to one run. Jenn r n v IIgp a oi contributed some impress ive u o o# atn for I.CCoff catches in the outfield. Oronos big inning came in After grue lling back-to- Adam Wood an 1d'Taylor Doyle. the 4th when Ashley 13. led_, back- gamnes with Andy's The other' contributing off with a line drive to, righit Landscaping, Orono#43 is wait- nmembers of the, Orono.#3 field--then Stacey's triple ing for the playoff schiedule. squad were Kristof Balling, scored Heather, Michelle and On AUgusýt 20t,Orono10lost Matt Baxter,. Matt Bester,, Lindsay. 8 - 2 going dowii to defeat to Dan ielle Crowe,, Sarah- Graydon scored 7 in the the Landscapers. Orono led 2 - Donnelly, Erin Doyle, Sable, 6th and 7thi to take a 1 run 1 up to the lialfway point but Empey, Josh Flynn, 'Brock lead and neyer relinquishied couldni't contain thieir opposi- Hienry, Chris Kindratiuik, their lead. tion- in the second hiaîf, garrett MacDonald,: Michelle Withi the loss the Taxers Michael Lemnay hiad the McKinnon, Amanda-Stewart, had to go home and waît for~ goaltending duties and played Shane Winters and Garrett Graydon and Solinia to decide welI. tGoals were scored by Wood. Are yvu a shaky, wuûbbIy, nervcrn, Kunakaze aduit skater that's tÎred ct tcrpeddîn2 the bcards? Would you like to hold your head high and skate with confidence?!! ORONO ARENA September 20& 21 -11am - 12 noon September 22, 23 & 24 - 8 - 9 p.m. Course Fee - $8000 So, dig out your gloves, sharpen the blades, & enjoy the ice. After ail... it's only frozen water! Have the edge with NAUCNAL ICWýL&I\ATIMIiPJS Cail (905) 983-1148 to Register Resuits of August lOth Games Noelover Titans 25 - 4 <Vagabonds < over Mudhens 37 -1 Kinsmen over Pitbulls 31 - 8 Evergreens over Cernent Heads 7 - 0 Blazers over Blackjacks 10 - 7 Last regular season game - Mon., Aug. 31 Titans vs. Vagabonds - 2:30 p.m. Kinsmen vs. Blackjacks - 4:00 p.m. Cernent Heads vs. Mudhens - 5:30 p.m. Noveil vs. Blazers - 7:00 p.m. Evergreens vs. Pitbulls - 8:30 p.rn. Standings as of Sunday, August 24th 'A' NORTH GP W L TIE RF RA PTS Noveli 17 13 4 0 346 171 26 Vagabonds 17 13 4 0 289 189 26 Kinismen 17 12 5 0 310 207 24 Cement Heads 17 12 5 0 279 210 24 Blackjacks 17 Il 6 0 271 209 22 'B' SOUTH Blazers 17 9 7 1 219 241 19 Titans 17 7 10 0 240 251 14 Mudhens 17 4 12 1 198 295 9 Evergreens 17 3 14 0 176 357 6 Pitbulls 17 -O 17 0 143 331 0 Senior Division Dar.lington, Soccer League LEAGUE CUP RESULTS TO DATE: (Second game of best of three game series.> PORT PERRY 0 - ORONO 5 Orono advances to the semi-fials výs. Tyrone SOLINA 0 - COURTICE O Solina advances to'the semi-finals vs. Bowrnanville HAMPTON 0 - TYRONE 2 Tyrone advances to the semi-finals vs. OroniQ SEMI-FINALS - lst GAME ORONO 2- TYRONE I- BOWMANVILLE 1 - SOLINA 0 )f y it x