Oron> Wekl Tines Wenesay.Auigust 27, 1997 Newcastle Funeral Home host seniors Final, approval for construction of HoIy Cross Sec. School, Newcastle Funeral Home Williams, and Inez Boughen fours. A wood carver and a hosted over 60 seniors fromn were among the guests who wool spinner demonstrated Wilmot Creek. Newcastle, enjoyed'Higli Engish Tea at their skills, and hosts Judy Newtonville, Orono, and Quinton House in Kirby. and Cliff of Quinton House Elizabethvflle at its first annu- which lncluded fresh bei-ries introduced everyone to their ai August Outing. Isabelle topped by imported clotted Champion Chow showdogs. Challice, Wilda Johinson cream and imported petit- Arthur Black A reporter -is a person who becornes an expert on any con- ceivable subject between 1 o'clock in the afternoon and a 6 P.M. deadline. Anon Let me declare my infirmi- ty right off the top: 1 am a newspaper junkie. I love 'em Dailies. Weeklies. Fat.ones. Skinny ones. Prestigions international 'Journals of Record' and lurid, scummy supernaàrket tabloids. I read them ail just about every chance I get. And I guess you've go a soft spot for papers too - or else we wouldn't be meeting iike this, would we? one of the things I find most endearing about news- papers is their fallibility. You neyer know when you're going to open a p aper a nd discover a tremendous boner i black and white. Last monthi, The Globe and Mail ran an illus- tration of the locks at Sault Ste. Marie. The cutline under the illustration explained that the iocks controlled the water "from Lake Superior as it i-uns ito Lake Ontario". .Grade Seven Geography, anyone?, Newspapers (not this one of course) get it wrong. A lot. Maybe it's because they're produced in such a rush. Somethimes the error is seri- ous. Sometimes it's even libelous. IýBut a lot of timies it's mere- ý- nsider newspaper want ads. lhe Society For The Prevention of Cruelty to Animals could probably Win a lawsuit on behaîf of the pets in some of the want ads I've read - such as: Lost: Apricot poodle, Neutered. Like one of thefam- ily. For sole: Eight puppfesfrom a German Shepherd and an Alaskan Hussy. Dog for sale: Eats anything and isfond of children. Are you looking for some- one to hire? If you use the want ads, make sure you get somcbody to proofread your plea. Otherwise you might get something like: Wanitedl: MFtj girls for strip- ping machine operators inifac- tory. Wanteck Mari to takce core of cow wvho does not smnoke or drink. Mnlwanuted to work in dynamite factory. Must be willing to travel. Lawtyer seeking accomi- plished, wllrecommnended deceptionsL E-ven travel adisca turîu out to be middiens of unin-- tentional humour: nhe hotel has tennis courts, soft bedLs and other athLetic facilities. Mt. Kilimanjaro, the breathi- taking backclrop for the Serena Lodge. Swvim. in the lovely pool while you drink it ail in. Somenewspaper ads you don't even want to think about. Such asthis, one plug- ging the dramatic ineup ata New York theatre: Featuring three Shakespeare plays: H-amlet, Macbeth and Anatomy and Cleopatra. Or the Used Furniture Want Ad that offered: An antique desk suitable for lady with thick legs and large drawers. Or my personal favourite - an ad I actually read ini a paper years ago. Illiterate? Write today for free help. Finafly, a sobering exam- pie of how newspapers trying to do the right thing often wind up making bigger boo- boos. This 'correction' actual- ly appeared in a Thunder Bay newspaper: A report in yesterday's Times-News referred to 'Sergeant Blaine, a 20-year veteran defective of the police force'. This was an error. It should have read 'Sergeant Blaine, a 20-year veteran dletective of the poli -ce fa rce." RECYCLE THIS NEWSPAP'[mr-ER Come to the Orono Fair this Sept. 4, 5, 6, 7 The Peterborough Victoria Northumberland and Clarington Roman Catholic Separate School Board is pleased to announce the final approval for construction of Holy Cross Secondary School in Peterboroughi. This approvai bas been obtained from the Education Improvement Commission and the Ministry of Education and Training. The approved cost speci- fied by the Education Improvement Commission and the Ministiy of Education and Training is $e8,208,000.00. The Board xiii now proceed with the construction of the secondary school with a total project cost of $11,986,779.00. The Board's share will be deben- tured. The tender for this project bas, been awarded to Bradscot Construction Ltd. of Toronto and construction is schedul-ed to begin as soon as possible. Although con- struction deadlines have been tightened, it ià stilli anticipat- ed that the schoo illii be occupied in September 1998. For further information regarding this news release, please contact Joel Sloggett, Supervisor of Planning/Assessment and Transportation at (705) 748- 486 1, ext. 232. Thank you. Nancy Sharpe Supervisor of Communication and Freedom of Information/Protection of Privacy How do 1 get started? (NC)-You should first determine who wilI be using the computer and what they will be using it for. Then you can begin to look for a computer that, wi11 help you now and several years from now; -You'l want a computer that is upgraýd- able and has the capacity to grow with you and your needs, thereby, protecting your investmenit. The key to determining upgradability is the number of free expansion siots and bays available. Forftutherinformnation, eallCompaq Canada me, aIi1 800 567-1616 or visit our website atlittp;//www.com paq.ea R "ESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE RATES Owner Occupîed 6'mo. 5.10% 1 year 5.30% 2 years 6.00% 3 years 6.25% 4 years 6.50% 5 years 6.50% RATES SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE Cali us for other deposit rates and services including FREE PERSONAL CHEQUING. Rates subject to change without notice. PAUL MULLER, Branch Manager 15 Charles St., Oshawa 728-4658 Office Hours: Monday to Wednesday 9:30 - 5:00 Thursday 9:30 - 7:00.- Friday 9:30 - 6:00 ) NEWCASTLE FUNERAL HOME fFnerai-D ire ctor CaufG0odi Personal, professional, affordable service. Genesis Bereavement Resource Centre on-site to serve the community. Informative funeral home tours are welcome. 386 Mili Street South, Newcastle (Y-çtn-th, f401l- Tarkng off R6ert Sùret) (905) 987-3964 11- -- . 1 - -.1- . ý - -I.. .. ý 11, - ý . -.- Il.-