Orono Weekly Th~ies, Wednesday, Septe*nber 10, 1997 9 Rick Willford - Lakefield 1944 McCormnick Farmali A on the teeter-totter W s place Japanese Silke Border Leicester Ewe Lamb 1 st prize WonbyW.L. ronPeterborough owned by Wes, and Les GI aspell, Won y W.L. BownOShawa Flowers entered by Shelley Etmnanskie in the Autumn category C COeNNI The quality of your life isý a reflection of your ability to connect with yourself and other people. ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THANIWORDS Glenda folds the $2,6 17 cash inside the ad she had tomn from the newspaper, and slips it into the bottomn of ber purse. She ecears off the table whiere here new computer will sit, grins at herself'in the mir- ror and leaves the apartment. At the electronics store a trim, young salesman wan- ders over to Glenda, unbut- tons his jacket, spreads bis hands out palms up, looks her in the eye and smlles. 'I see you found it already. Hi, rny name's Tim." He has rioticed the ad in ber band. For the next ten. minutes Tim stands, bands on bips, feet apart, leaning forward from time to time, as they dis- cuss the features of tbis par- ticular model. Glenda listens witb interest, her head tilted, hand on cheek, appraislng what Min is telling her. He offers to "tbrow in,",ninety- four dollars of extras and even agrees to "eat the tax." Flnally, strolng ber cbln as she forms a decision Glenda nods and agrees "Yes, this is the model for me."' "Great," says Tim, eagerly rubbing bis palms together. 'It will take about five min- utes to take it down, and find some boxes."ý "You don't bave a new one in a box?" Glenda looks side- ways at bim and frowns. Tim's bands become fists, and he pops them Into bis pockets. "They've just been flying out of the store, tbey are such an unbelievable deal." IHe buttons bis jacket, sbmugs and laugbs-nervously. "So this Is a demo?" Glenida tiltsber bead inquir- ing. "Cam--e ona the floor this morning." Tin shoots back wltb a nervous smile. He folds bis arms, flsts clencbed and turns blmself sldeways to ber-, p-retendlng to be dis- ECI BowmonviIIe Toastmasters bNick B3ootbman Bowman'ville Toastmasters spellhng prowess of Iocý :::L: olnned h fàl11season with a, vuth . Judups W,, tracted by the TV depart- ment, "'lt bas the same war- ranty as a new one." "Came on the floor this momling?" Glenda rubs the side of her nose in doubt. "Fine, can I have that in writ- lng'?" Mlm bas tumned bis back to her and is leaning over'the monitor fiddllng around ner- vously with the cables, any excuse not to look at her. He catches a glimpse of bimself iu one of the wall mirrors. "Oh boy, what an Idiot I amn," he thlnks to bimself. 11m bites his lips together and tumns back to face ber. She has left. Like most good waitresses, Glenda is an expert at reading body-lan- guage. She knows that the sales- man's actions conflicted with his words. When that hap- pens, she knows she must believe the gestures. Actions speak louder than words. A verbal excbange does not take place In a vacuum. In any communication the flrst thing that happens is the for- mation of an instinctive men- tal reaction to what is sald or done. It is this reaction that we immediately signal to oth- ers with our gestures. Their are two main cate- gories of gestures. Positive, open-body gestures that reach out to others and say "I am open, 1 have nothig to hide," and negative, closed- body gestures that-say -I arn being defensive." Gestures that signal open- ness, cooperation, agreement, willinigness, enthuslasm and approval expose the body, they are meant to be seen, they show trust, they say "Yes." Gestures that signal impa- tience, nervousness, stub- bornness, frustration, anxi- ety and resistance, sbleld the body, they close it off, they say "No." It is wlse to remember that you body has a language of tsonand actions, or ges- tures, speak louc1er than words. 'The kev to connecting double headçr at The Durbam Agriedîture Central Fair. Once agàin we had a dlsplay under tile direction of Toastmaster Sberrill Leetooze. As well Toastmaster con- ducted the anpilal spelling bee Friday evening at the fair. Our Minlister of Education bas few WorrWf- about the is open' welcofling, trusting body-language. 1When words and gestures conflict, believe tbe gestures. ýai -Y utL 'Li. u uges weIt Toastmasters Irene Konzelmann and Carol Wonnacott ably assisted by special guest Fran Lunn. The contest was cbaired by Toastmaster Connie Nelson Mai n Street, Orono PAINT TRAY- SET Includes single-uiO ref 111, tray andi trame. 276,-8073 Sale Price $5.99 Strong handle, two Slate bNue. 619-62 Sale1 Ail towels are ma material and are w bleach. White 663-5510 who was delighted wlth the enthuslasm of the partici- pants. Come to see a regular Toastmaster meeting any Tuesday and our speclal con- test on Septemnber 23, 1997. Ail meetings are held at 7:30 p.m. at The Darlington Hydro Information Centre. For more Information please call Irene Konzelmanu 983-9423. 983-5207 TEA KETTLE 1-litre capacity. Easy pour/easy filI spout. Automatic safety shut off. Ideal for home 1or travel. 1000 watt. 501-7637 Sale Price $11.99 2 SUICE ELECTRONIC TOASTER Variable browning control. Integrated cord wrap forsafety and convenience. 2 year warranty. 503-8047 Sale Pric $10.99 NEAT 'N' GARBAGE ~1MGTI 1TIDY BAGS IMAf/ITIC BUCKET LL1BROOM pouts. 1 0-litre capacîty. 4o bags per package. ýýP7 Almond. 619-6265 .26" x 36". 42" handie. P.rice $2.44 658-2704 Sale Price $3.99 660-2312 SalePrice $2.49 "FIRST"6-OUTLET PAPER RESPONSE P OWER TOWELS SMOKE BAR ALARM ~ I/l- A ,e from 100% recycled 9 volt battery and mounting hardware On/off switch into the combination rb.itened without chlon ne included. Low battery warning. switch/circuit breaker. e, 2-ply. 2 rollsfpkg. 1 year warranty. 15 amp circuit breaker. White lale Price S-79 9041-2,300 Sale Price $4.99 901-2360 Sale Price $3.99 IS L OTS MIORE INl-STORE SPECIALS Saturday 8:00a.n - 5:00 p.m. Sundy 1000 -3:00 p.mn. COMPLETE CAR & TRUCK REPAIRS DIESEL ENGINES - CUMMINS, DETROIT & CAT RADIO DISPATCHED TOW TRUCKS MOBILE MECHANICAL SERVICE TRUCK R.R. #1 ORONO 4 MILES NORTH ONTARIO 0F HWY. 401 ON LOB 1iMO (905) 983-9151 HWY. 35/11-5 ROLPH fw~~HARDWARE ODQq!ýY9SIJ)q3 V 'TW<RSALT M.