( 112 Orono Weekly Týime, WdnsdSptember 10. 19979 ý Suffolk Sheep Sciloal Displays French Fries - Standard Pair Pare Memorial and VON launch shared services Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville and the Victorian Order of Nurses, Durham Regian Branch, have formed a partnership ta share services thatwxiii better link heaith care services for patients and their families in Clarington. Memorial Hospital, Is the first hospital in Durham Region ta formaliy partner with the VON. The Hospital is also considering additional alliances with other commu- nlty partriers. The VON bas contracted BONNECHERE CAVES 'Ontarios Natural Underground Wonder, Eganvilin, Ontario. Gurdeit tours suitubie for al ages May until Labour Day, weekenits unti Thanksgiv- iog. Natural Air Connit6oning 1-613-628-2283. FIREARMS AMNESTY consultants. Dispose unanted guru egaliy, rofi dentaliy, to colectors, museunis, for cash. Bud t-aynes & Co Canada's argest firarers auc. ioneers Phone 403-347-7301, fax 403-347-7633, GOVERNMENT FUNDS. Governmenf assistance pro- grams information ausiioble, For your new or existing business. Take aduantage of the governmeof gmants and boansý Cal 1800-9t5-36t5. COLLEOT CASH. Coke, Pepsi, Hostess, M&M, Cadbury, etc Restock estabished unique vendors in your ares. No neiing, fuik-time, partfinie Minimum inivetment $13,980. 1-800-546-279(24 heurs). Member B.BB. TRAVEL AGENCY FRANCHISE - discover mhy Travef Professînnais Internationnul s Canadas ONLY way ta enfer the Travel Business. Ful-time, Part-finie, home based, orostorefront Invesînient $15000 Financrng avail abe! 1-800-79-9910, AMAZING FACT. The lnfernt iii 9mow by 2,700% in 24 mos Huge earing potentiol with Canadars fastet prom- ing Internet Franchise. Full training. Investmenit required, t-88,675-7588. YOUR OWN BUSINESS SELLING EXERCISEWEARI dancewear. Ftness contacts an assef Generous profits, No invstnient Canladian mude. Free information pack- age Fineliîes, 2768 Dufferin, Toronto M6B 3R7ý (416)785-7788 CHRISTIAN FRANCHISE. Hope earrirg potentiai -nivic- ieg the exposive Christian markef with today's fechrois- gy. Home based, Ful taining and suppurt. Culi 180 863-7326. 1 NEFO Hoip Overwheimndi V4il heip gel tartodi Earn substantiai umount per month part-finie Fantasfic sup- port No sniing, st MLM, 2 mis ,message 1-800-322- 6169, Ft 2577. COMPUCHILD...Brnging 'Toays Technology' te your chiid, Owe yslsr onhame-bsed business. Unique, Fu! FTIPT. Fuit trairning, support, start up packages. mmm compuchiid.cnl Coul 1-888-835-6654. FREE REPORT - Unlimiteri earning potentiai. Cnm pany rires al tise recruihing and seIIng We just refer prospects fa cnnipany 800#. t-800811t-2141 <Monday - Saturday) CODE 24595. oq.. YOUR OWN heath business. American lest ilte of Natu- rai Sciences offers Home Sfudy Dipisma Courses sn: Health, Business Nutrition, Aromtherapy, Magnetrc Ttrerapy, Astentogy. Alcohol & Drug counseling. Many more. Frêe prospectus 1-888-516-1212. MONýEY MAKiNG 0fPPORTUNITIES1 Lears income fao preparaion or basic bonkkeeping Tan dedactible certi8 cale cours by home tady Foi free brochures, no obli- gation, U & R Tax. Scisoofs, 1345 Pembhina Hey ., Wi- ipeg, Maritoba, ROT 2B6, 1-00-665-5144. Enquire about Ince franchise territaies. the services of one of its employees, a Cammunity Outreach Nurse, ta the Hospital ta work at the Hospital three days a week. Cheryl D'Angeio is initialiy focusing on out-patient pro- grams in the ophthalmology and obstetrics areas. In oph- thaimaiogy, she foiiows up with cataract patients regard- ing their medication ta ensure proper dosage and frequen- cy. In obstetrics, she arranges p ast-natal care for new moms after they are discharged fram the Hospital. CERTIFIED HAROWOOD LUMBER INSPECTION train- ng course offereit January 12, May 118. Ciassuomnad practîcaltfraining appling Natiosol Hardwood Lumber Association ruies, Cou Sir Sanford Fleming Coitege 705- 457-1680, Bon 839, Haliituron, Ontanu KOM î100 COUNSELLOR TRAINING Insotufe ut Canada ottani on- campus and correspondance courses foward a Dipama n Counseiiing Practice, to begin tfis nonfis Feme cata- logue, cail 24hrs 1-800-665-7044. SAWMILL $4895 SAW LOGO INTO BOAROS, pankn, beais. Large capacify, Bet nawmiuil value anywbere. Free nfortn'ion 1800-566-6899. Norwood SawmilIio, RR 2, KWorthy, Ontario POE I108 EARN EXTRA MONEY aeiing C & M Gifts' Uique Lire of toyo art gîfts Cal 519-258-7905, fan 519-258-8707 to meceive hree catalogues and information about this mon- derful opportunity. $ATTENTION STUDENTS$ Make a lotof umnoney neling chocolafe bars, New pmoducts anailable, Nofhing ta pay in aduance. Fast deiiery 1-800-383-3589. AN OPFORTUNITY TO EARN extra income seling hosiery and ondergarmenro to your frierds, faniîiy ard co- workem .Cali 1-80-263-1432 SUMBUNNYS DESIGNS chidrenrs wear reqoîres con- sultants for FaliWliinter sson. Ouality cotiun ciothiisg, infant f0 pre-teen. Fexibe home-bsnd business. Cati 00w te loin our tean.I-519-473-8588ý HEAVENLY PSYCH IC 190451-3781 $299 min 18+ 24 hrsý DAîLY HOROSCOPE 1-900-677-7770. PLAT FEE $55O0. ASHGROVE CHRISTIAN SINGLES. Cnmpanionnhiis Imrriageý Ages 18-85. Single, widowed,dinnrced. State age, Att ocrons Caoada. P.O. Box 205. Chose, B.C, VUE 1tMO. Free information. 1-250-679-3543. mmm bcweb- sites.cnmsemijceslAshgrove STEEL BUILDINGS FOR SALE Ends înciuded. 250x 40 mas $5624, nom $4989. 32 o 44 was $6,835, n0W $6524. 40 o 68 a$9,988, num $9644. Many others. Pioneer 1888-668-5422, FUTURE STEEL BUILDINGS. S. Serins Straightm1ii 30W X 401 $6918. 35 W X 50'L $90834. Complete with Slidng Doors. Freighf & Taxes extra. For Fee Brochure cail 1-80-668-8653 et 536. GUJLF-FRONT VACATION PAIIADIiSE. Panama City Beach, Fiorida, Luiorîus 1,2,3 bedrconn suites, indoor heateri puoi, tennis andnmore. Onowbird acliitiea, etended stay discounts. 1"80-874-8823, 'The -staff§ of both organi- zations have been working on this initiative for many months, and we are proud to see this phase compieted," said Tom SchQflberg, Hospital president. "Ms. D'Arigelo's position offers the apportunity to opti- maily use the imited resources of the Hospital and the VON," explains Sheila David, Executive Director for the VON. It also ensures patients areprepared for the visits of our in-home staff. For exampie, we will have the ability ta discu ss with the patient the required- supplies, equlpment and perhaps introduce vislting staff to the patient that may help ailay fears, of discharge for the patient." SVON provides a number of mn-home health care services ta people throughout Durham Region. "We would like ta empha- size we are not replacing any services already provided by agencies such as Durham Access ta Care," explains Ms. David. "However, where Durham Access ta Care cari- not provide service, this new arrangement is an, ideal option." "Staff at the Hospital and VON will be working closely together ta evaluate ail the Hospital's programs ta deter- mine other areas where VON wo'ç y AN4~PD New standard report card released by minister The new standard report card released August 29 -by Minister John Snobelen was met with high praise by Ontario Public School Board's Association represen- tatives. "We are delighted that parents lhad the opportu- nity ta provide input on the new report cards,' says Lynn may be able to f11 a gap after patients leave from the Hospital," says Margaret Wrightson, MHB's Program Director for Obstetrlcs and Ambulatory Care. "The goal is to provide patients with the best care possible, -,hat we like to cail seamless care, whether it is from the Hospital, or a community partner such as VON." -icenbclt ýnSERVICES Peterson, president of the Ontario Public School Boards' Association. Parental input has contributed toaa user friendly format. Parents will also continue ta have clear opportunities ta com- municate directly with their child's teacher. "This type of ongoing communication between parent and teacher is critical for a child's success. This report card encourages that and we are pleased," says Peterson. Parents wili have an indi- cation eariy in the school year if their child is falling behind. "We hope that this early warning systemn will signal that remediation is necessary, and the proper assistance will be prový/ided ta ensure, thie child's success," said Peterson. JON STORY SCOTT STORY 905-983-9579 CLASSIFIED MA RKETPLACE 0Advetse Across Ontario or Across the CounfryM L AND SC A PIN G INSTALLATION* GROUNDS MAINTENANCE WATER PONDS - DESIGN CONSULTING SPECIALIZING IN PERENNIAL PLANT LANDSCAPES ) ; a,, * W Ai~rmb.'~W~F"ýtfrWv e s-one.WII los iRAI[,:,.