Or-ono Weekly'fMmes, Wedrxesday, Septemnberl0 77 Percheron, Filley or Colt, 3 years old Miniature Ilorse hrisa'stmefraoe ato Gillian Tinney, Gores Landing won 1lst place Judy Bakker - Djundas woTerni aways iefraohrtto True love at last Doris' Law and Chester MasofiWèfe united in miar- riaf g he Vérsa.C'iré Centre in -Ne'wcàstte 'oni Satu rday Sept. 6 at 7.p.mn. Rev. Noel Knox officiating. Best man was Charles LaRose,' friend of the ýgroom, and the maid of honour was Vera Morrison, friend of the bride. What made this wedding extra spe- cialwas the age of the bride and groom. Doris is 91 and Chesteris 75 years old. Doris mnved 'into the Versa Care Centre on Good Friday of this year and Chester moved in just three days before. A month later Chester proposed to Doris. At first Doris thought he was joking but Iter she consent- Staying In Touch Joh'n O'Tool e Durham East MPP The sad, untlmely and traigic death of Diana, Princesa of Wales has caused eac h and every one of us to stop and grieve. Diana touched so many people that now ahl the world seems to have embraced her as, their own. The media has con- sumed each of us with the images and has almost spoiled the personal story of her two surviving children Prince William and Prince Harry. Mother Teresa, the Saint of Calcutta also dled tIs past ed, and they have beer arable ever since. The wedding cerenr the dining hall of th centre was attended close friends and rel Several of the relative great nieces and nephe there were also some great relatives. After the weddinî mony Carl Good to, wedding party on a ha limousine ride. Durii timethe dining rooi converted into a rec hall. The infirmary at the was converted into a moon suite complet champaign and flowen week. This was a won gave 50 years of her l for the destitute a dying. When she was ed the Nobel Prize, sh the monetaxy award, can continue to feed t gry". These two womeni poor, young and old dîfferent, yet both t mankind ta a specia arn convinced that no the stars lis mere cotaý What are we to leai these two famous v Both women were kli erous and îovifig- Perhaps these events afe signs to rernmnd alI of us, Ërch or poor, Ss .that each one of us have the power to give. Furtherinore, we are instructed in the Bible, that the most iffiportant gift is, "to love one gnother as I have loved you". There are miafY confusing issues today âround the municipal propcdr'tY tax sYs- tem. Furtherfflore, the province is remüTing some of education fundif'g from the r-esidential tax base and transfers some iew funding ~* responsibilities to the munic- ipal. To help sort out some of these complex Ëhanges, let me start to explata some of the changes. Bill 106, The Fair Municipal Filance Act becaine law on May 27,'1997. This overdue legisiation n insep- addresses the old system of .11unfair and une(tual assess- nony in ment. For instafpce, proper- he care lies ta the Regioni of Durham, by 40 Oshawa and výBitby do not atives. have market value assess- es were ment. Most other munîcipali- ws and. ties have been reassessed. gra, The saine is trug im Toronto gcere- and other cities àid towns ta ok the the province. Effective tif hour January 1998, everY property ing this in the province wlll be )m was assessed at the eurrent value eption with a base year of 1996. This means a home of similar cur- ecentre rent value in a community honey- will pay the saine taxes. This e with is onlyfair. -S. In 1995, the province announced that ît was elinil- nating the Municipal Assistance grants over a three, MRyear period. TI-is amounits to a $1 .4 billion dollar reduction ta municipal spenitg of over $20 billion dollars (less than a 5% reduction). The second part of the provincial & municipal exchange of fund- tag and responsibilities is as folows. Part of the "Who Does Wýhat" swap is that the province is taking 50% off L : your municipal school tax (50% of approx, 60%). This nan who arnounts to $2.4 billion dol- fe caring lars that the province is and the removing from the residential saward- tax bill. in exchange, the e said of province is giving back a ["Now I1 number of services which will he hun- be paid for by the municipal- ity. Public health, ambulance rich and ,services, social houstag, Go were so Transit, transit capital, the ouched farmn tax rebate, managed for- 31 way. 1 est rebate and a number of thtaig ta other smaller areas wilî be icidence. assumed by the municipali- rn from ties. Thie Premier and the women? Minister have pro mised that nd, gen- this exchange will be revenue neutral. The province has committed $800 million dol- lars to ease this transition. 0f the $800 million, $570 mil- lion is comm-itted annually for those municipalities that have a weak assessment base. The third controversial area is the pooltag of costs in the GTA (Greater Toronto Area). The Province commis- sioned 'a report by Milt Farrow. The "Getting Together" report suggested that services like social assis- tance, social housing and mass transit should be pooled amongst the four Regional governments and Toronto. The argument is that tadivid- uals on assistance gravitate to the larger urban centers. I recognize that this is general- ly unpopular with my con- stituents. However, I have put forth the argument that we must ensure that the service levels are equal. By this I mean, that in Durham we should not be subsldlzlng a higher level of social assis- tance services that may be offered in larger cities. The statistics do Indicate that peo- pie on assistance dlo migrate to centers out of the region. 1In the pending municipal elections this year, this dis- entanglement of who pays and who delivers whlch ser- vices will naturally be an opportunity to blame our Provincial Government for downiloading. Let me assure you that the province, is reducing spending and redue- Ing taxes and balancing the budget. It Is worklng, the Ontarîo economy Is the fastest growlng, economy In Canada with over 30,000 net new jobs in August. Ask your municipal politicians to do the same. We simply cannot continue to tax and spend. A question I hear repeat- edly is, should Scugog, Brock, Uxbridge and Clarlngton stay in the Reglon? C* Wedding Cakes eCakes for ail Occasions Pas tri es-Donuts-Pies 0* Bread & Buns, & &Tea Roorn Proprietors': Gary & Carol Vreeker 983-9779 Main Street, Orono Closed Sunday& Monday RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE RATES Owner Occupîed 6 mo. 5.10% 1 year 5.30% 2 years 6.00% 3 years 6.25% 4 years 6.50% 5 years 6.50% RATES SUBJECT TO CHANGE' WITHOUT NOTICE Cail us for other deposit rates and services including FREE PERSONAL CHEQUING. Rates subject to change without notice. PAUL MULLER, Branch M anager 15 C harles St., Oshawa 728-4658 Office Hours: Monday to Wednesday 9:30 - 5:00 Thursday 9:30 - 7:00 - Friday 9:30 - 6:00 m ............