ilPillo l c j i l ii Il .iiii il arSptm e 1E197L1 CLASSIFUEDS continued f rom page 14) GRIST MILL AUCTION CENTRE. Newtonville SAT.. SEPTEMBER 20th 11:00 a.=. Selling numerouS longarms from varlous estates, collections. and sources> Savage 99/250- Lever, Savage 110/7 mm Boit,, Savage 300 Lever, Marlin 94/44W Lever, Ithaca XL900/20 Ga. Auto. Ithaca 900/12 Ga. Semi, Browning Auto 5/12 Ga. Auto. Browning 78/ 6mm single, Rem ington ,722/300S Boit. Remington 812/410 single, Remington 870/12 Ga. Pump, Rem.,742/308 Win., Rem. 740/30-06 Semi, Rem. 1100/,12 Ga. Semi. Rem. 514/22 single, Win., 94/3030, Win. 94/32W, Win. 94/3855,, Win. 94/30 WCF, Win.' Big Bore 94/375 W Lever, Win. 94/3030 RCMP Lever, Win. 94/3030 Wells Fargo. Win. 94/3030 Buffalo Bill, Win. 94/3030 Golden Spike, Kentucky 220A Perc. 50 Cal. various military pieces, Snider, Tower, Ballard, Double Barrel Shotguns. Target 22w/Scope, Wn. 100/38 Semi, Lakefleld 22 Semis, Mossberg 10 Ga. 3/Bolt, Win. 12 Ga. Semi, LeFebvre 12 Ga. SxS, Iver Johnson 12 Ga. related articles, reload equipment. cases/gun cabinets and numierous other 1Firearmis. VALID FAC REQUIRED. Preview at 9:00 a.mi., Auction at 11:00 a.m. Consignments Welcome up to Friday Evening TERMS - Cash, Approvedl Cheque, Visa, M/C, Amex. Interac Auctioneer Frank G. Stapleton, CAl, ICCA Newtonville 905-786-2244 1-800-263-9886 17 ac Newcastle Public Sehool News We welcome back our returning Istudents and staff and extend a special welcome to ail new students and staff. This promises to be an excit- ing year and we look forward to the challenges it wilî pre- sent. The announced new cur- riculum was distributed to al staff on the last day of June and we had the summer bo become familiar with it. The recently, announced new report cards have not yet been made available to the school. LOST AND FOUND At the end of the third day of sehool, we had 3 coats, a sweatshirt and a hat. Since some of the clothing had stu- dent names on the tag those pieces were retumed. Please help us help your chiîdren with fmnding lost garments by putting your child's name on the tag. STUDENT ACCIDENT INSURANCE Ail students should have brought home information from Reliable- Student Insurance. We encourage al parents to serious1y consider this insurance opportunity. It does representexcellent value - especially the dental benefit. Should you wish to purchase insurance, mail the form directly to the company. For further information,- cal Reliable at 1-800-463-5437. "WALK-A-DOG-A-THON" Newcastle -Lion's Club is hosting their 3rd annual walk to raise money for Canine Vision Canada. The 10 km' course will begin at Newcastle Community at 9:00 a.m. on' Saturday, October 4th. Bring your -family friend" and join your nieighibours. If you do not have your own dog, contact a committee member. He/she will trY and make a dog available via the Pet Connection. Pledge sheets will be avail- able in the school office or by calling committee members. Jean Graham 987-3980,-, LEASE OR BU)i Ail vutrîses Iiiode 6 months Warastý and 1 year CAA Memberatîp, NO CREDIT TOO 0000D OR TOO SAD. No tan, doosý Caili Airona Crodt 1-300- GOVERNMENT PUNOS. Suverrmeni assisane cpro. grams Inlormallon avaitable, For yoofur or e istmng business. Teke advanago of lIe govemrtrantrois and loaris. Cai 1-600-915-3615, COLUIECT CASH, Coke, Papei, -boss, M&M, Cadbury, etc. Rstock estabised unique vendoro ln your rnaý No eeuJIing. u lim, pal-lime. K nmoso voimeit $13960. 1-600-546-2799 (24 tours). Member B.6BB CHRISTIAN4 FRANCHISE. Huge eaimIng potlinal semvis- ing the exposive Christîin narbot mîth tudays lechno- gy. Hanse bas@d. Fl training and suppor- C91Ji 1.00 C13-7326, I NEED Hep, ovor\volelmedI Wit veip got sarbedi Eam substotiil S$S par month part-lima. Fantasics upport. No sellioug, fot MLII. 2 min. macssage 1.800-322-6169j Ei 24U3 Ir YOU'nE SEPLOUS AOOUT STARTING A HOME. BASEOtbusiress, WekIJns, Est 18t;?, jesoire nf thc bsst. For fru inrorductiono pake, wriic or calI: lodepeodent Direcltr1I0. #037$$ Caude Duissurt, 360 Arrowoaod Pae, Kigston. Ontars K7M 3L3,-1351625 FORTUNES MIADE AS INFORMATION BEROKEF;. Canada% fotet g9rWing francisre, No iivontory. N, steff. 1.0w overtread. Coropurer generaies incarne 24 houre par dey. 16669sl FoiES ACTIVATI0NO FALL DIRECT 7.V Digti Satel1 de Systooerm, isaviable WobTV Access teinernat 1ih tacomputer. Ooiy 5S49900, Cuit DircIeTV,- Ptioe.9077-0744. Fau: 800-966-2655 L EARýN AUCTIONE EING. Casesuo trd Nov. 11. 2t167 PFrinformation contact; Sôuthwesterr Orraiioý Sciro1of miAc.(iorreeing, R.R i- !, Woodstoclo, Ontario NOSq ?V6 (195372115. YOiJP OWN ieath buiness. Americun leoitute ot Nlu- rat Scteirses situru Home Study Dipioma CouseocInl: HcaltîS, BstinesNutrtion, AeuhrpMgoî Therapy, Atrotogy, Aoohol & Drug sounaceliîng. Muny mor@. Frc@ prospectus 1-88-516 1212. EARN EXTRA MONEYI Leens brcome Ton Frepurorlun or Rei BookkeepIng by corrasponderrse, For ruc brochures, no obigation, contaict U & R Tie Scironie, 1345 embinla H., Winnipeg, Maoitoba, R3T 28. 1 - 600-665-5144. Erqure about exclusive franchise efite res now uviteble. John Clark 9@7-9900 Murray Paterson 987-4628. CONTINUING jIDUCATION What's the best kept secret in Clarington? Thse Centre for Individual Studie§! The N-C aduit education centre on Maple Qxrove Road is celebrating 10 years Of ser- vice to the commloi-gtY- It conl- tinues to offer liigh school credits for studePltS wishing to complete requifements for a grade 12 dilioma (ask about MATURITV CREDITS!) We offer the best1 most thor- ough and least expensive computer prograi'im town! Instruction fin Microsoft Word, Word p@rfect 6. 1. Excel, Access afld Simply Accounting are ao6ailable. As well - we are offTing after- noon classes for âçlults need- ing help with READING (ADULT BASIC LITERACY). . Register nox'i to take advantage Of tisà wonderful liflong learning ýjpportunity at C.I.S. For moïe informa- tion, please cali 62-3-6505. ANT919ES - SILVER JEWELLERY THE BARN YARD open Weçkends Hwy. 115 to 8th Concessièfl. go east phone (905) 983-5926 INTERNATIONAL AGRICULTUPAt Schnge -4gas 1 - 30 with agricultural ai eerîcon ive'wnrk mith famliy In Astrafle, New Zelaod, Europe, Juat5. Cst/ietil -t1 800-263-1827, Calgary, Abe rae SUNSHINE VILLAGE SKI renort, pin9f, requirecrthusi- Ostic, mOu presenird, reirbla custotirr sprvice staff for ail positonso Reply Boxr 1610, Bonff, AB, TOL OCO. Fao 403- 760-271 SAMILL M495 SAW LOGSITO BOARDS, planks, bearmLarge sapoCity, Sel enoMor l uoenonitere. Frue intormation 1605660 Norwsud Sowemîls, P.R 2, XIlworthy, Ontario P0E 1U0 ADULT ENTERTAINIENT. Order 1the best vodeos by mai and psy aesc.FREE vides 09cr' PFRE eoplicit ceta- oue. Dicreat HMC Vrdo. 4840 Acom 201-H. Montre- ai, Quebec H40 1ILS EARN EXTRA MONEY coling C& M Gifts'Unýiou Loon ot inyn ond grOts.Cali 519258.79095,tas 51 02580-707 Io reoeive trou sallgueý ndn jormalion about 1lion monr. dartul ppsrunly. SATTENTIO SDN Ti Meke elot o ofn eaeliiog shcoat hro Hmproducseavslabie.ttolhlng 10 psy In OW OOWN WN urofstî hM ti n Sundre, Aud.51 iLb raaning, 5 100 8q8retaf$(17,930.) o 113,400 wsqae ct M2500>Plasai the Sundru Tom 0 tsw 43 30351U ta40 3-636 2100. E- ntG99. ,:«D ' 0COTTASJOr4CE KIT: 960 sq. fi, ctodrut aOtiiOg , aleanr mai s,,rc. do3ms, %indomo 9894 ioptîo-s na limla imyapy S;TFEL UILDOIN O POPALZ-E.. Sdasiuded. 25 y040 wae 9564,0W $4,996, 02ex 44 as $6.635, nomi x 62.40o60 mnîg99(), nom $9644. Msny ottiors PRE-NCiEERE STOi..GUIL1IrGS.i-tghcst qualily, trst prIse -iJidsvt~, CommercialEr, nnmîsai uonnels. Salon aod rocrinnoFi Spesialq. For quick, acsurae quotas sal)iak diOk tuli ouo39 Ws Aflordable . lt~ Fast 4 lI~ Easy ~ Otn DIII Dees Il Ail # Ncrflh.ern Qîfl~i-ke $, ~ eS~stern Oenado $130 , aW~temQr'~p~ $WQ ~ C8nr~I bnpe n~ $134 .A)È Qntado $39Q . Neopseo~ ~bcfnaç~e6 Anu~i9~bie. ~Co6 lhi~ i~epÀr ~or datattat ., 'r ~ ': i . . . . . . . . . . . . LUCIEN LAMBIER Broker 4464 Conc. Rd. 6, KENDAL 983-9777 * 1-800-243-3309 E mail: Serving DURHAM & NORTHUMBERLAND Best Morigage Rates as of Sept. 16, 1997 Adjustable Rate .... 2.990% 6 Month------.....4.700% 1 ear. .......... 5.150% 3 Year ........... 5.750% 5 Year--.......----6.250e/ 10 Year .........7.390%/ We specialize in assisting you to obtain the best possible mortgage. For new or renewal mortgages cati us at: (905) 983-9777 CHARLME MID Sales Representative 25 Years Experience Specializing i . DONNA FLETCHER Sales Person OPEN HOUSE, Sunday, September 21, 2 -4 p.m. 59 Saper Creek Dr., Bowmanlville 4 bedrooms, ravine lot plus apartment. Main floor family room, greenhouse kitchen, 3-4pc baths, 2pc bath, 2 year old 16' x 32' inground pool. Double car garage plus 1 bedroom apartment with living room & kitchen. Laundry room and walkout. This home shows great. Charlie Reid* 623-3393 or 983-5914 RESIDENTIAL- VACANT LAND- FARMS COUNTRY PROPERTIES "I arn committed ta Serving ALL Your Real Estate Needs!' Working 364 Days a Year FRANK REAL ESTATE LIMTTED 234 King St. E.,,Bowmanville off: (905) 623-3393 - Res: (905) 983-5914 NEe coll efrto buy 'or seli ..Orono and area's reail estate rep. Krystyna Jones Re alty -Net ASSOCIATES (DURHAM)lnc. 10çfO simCOE ST. N. #103 - OSHAWA m TEL:(905)721-2112 NEW LISTING! Spacious bungalow on IoveIy .70 acre on super country road - Orono,. $ 1 99,900! GLOSSARY 0F LEGAL TERMS Grant: A technical term used in deeds of conveyance to indicate a transfer of an interest or estate in land. Grantee: The party to whorn an interest in real property is conveyed (the buyer). Grantor: The person who conveys an interest in real estate'by deed (the seller). Indenture: A document or deed, usually in duplicate, expressing cer- tain objects between the parties. I-i Feature Home of the Week