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Orono Weekly Times, 24 Sep 1997, p. 7

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Oron WeklyTIxesWednsda, Spteber24, l9)7 - 7 Co-.op's 5Oth Anniversary Big Brothermonth, celebrations 1continue Do you have any special talents? Can you sing, juggle, dance, mime,. etc.? Big Brother-s of Clarington is look- ing for you!! Share your tal- ents and support Big Brothers of Clarington. on September 27 Big Brothers of Clarington will be holding their 3rd Annual BBQ and Talent Showcase at Archibald Orchards and Estate Wmneiy from il a.rn. to 4 p.m. There will be games for the children to participate in as weli as face painting, wagon rides, straw rnaze and jump, jumping castle, caricatures, farm animais and much more. See children's entertainer Uncle Mo. Share in a tale frorn story teller Fred Archibald. Big Brothers of Clarington invites you and your farnily and friends to participate li the Talent Showcase. To reg- ister your tirne to perform please eall 623-6646 or 263- 2396. Come out and support Big Brothers by displaying your talent. Wesley Oke - past president, rent president take time to tures and artigles posted in Brian Caswell - past presi-- chat about some o the pic- the "co-op's hall of fame". dent and Gord Barrie - cur- rKENDAL by Phylli Fail is bere- offlclly and the weather Is certaiiy prov- ing the fact. The trees are cbanging colour and the yel- low fmnches are turning to a brownish colour, the sides of the roads are a mass of pur-, pie and yeilow everytbing is takçing on fail colours. Sunday was a beautiful sunny, cool day, there was a good attendance at Churcb with many visitors. The Service opened with the lightlng of the Christ Candie and Prayers of Thankfulness and Concern were given. We were sad- dened, to iearn of the death of two former residents, Hanry Hill and David Thrower. Our sympatby goes out to their families. The Gathering hyrnns were, "Come In, Corne In And Sit Down," "Famiiy of God" and "This Little Light of Mine". The choir sang, "Corne To The Water". The bilîdren were called to the front, David said to thern that we have been talking about the fact that this is Gods world, and asked thern what God had created. He told thern that God had cre- ated ail the people, he gave us 2 eyes, 2 ears, 2 arrns, 2 hands, 2 feet, 1 mouth, 1 nose. Sorne people don't have ail their parts or sorne parts are not workçing, this does not make them iess, than others. Sorne do not hear weli or talk s0 we can bear them, 50 we have hearing aids, micro- phones. Gîod gave some the, brains to make these things. We do not need these things to talk to God or to hear God, God can hear us whether it is noisy or quiet when we talk to Him. The cbildrens hymn was, "This Is My Fathers World". ýjOLUMNû The Prayer of Self- Examination and the Words of Assurance were repeated. The Scrpture readings were, Genesis 3.-1-23, John 14:15- 20. The Sermon was titled, "Wakidng Together". We are ceiebrating the sea- son of Creation, a time to rernember the Power and Maj esty of God. Today we look at the sotr-y of Adam and Eve being kicked out of the Garden of Eden. Eve was tempted by the snake, ate frorn the forbidden tree and fed sorne of the fruit to Adam. After eating this fruit they bothrealized that they were naked and Eve trled to make coverings frorn leaves. God came to thern and they hid but He saw them, God then gave thern certain burdens to bear and made them leave the Garden, God did not abandon then, before they left God made thern warrn ciothes from -animal skins as Eves attempts at making clothes was uselss, the leaves ail fell apart. God made Eve a fur coat. The importance of this message is that, God contin- ues to care for eacb and everY one of us, no matter who we are, wbat our life bas been, or wbaht we bave, to deal with today. Godes strength and wisdorn Is there for us, it is up to us to accept and 'use ItL Nobody needs to know this more th-an parents., TIhe whoie Bible is a story of God being wlth the people, Walking together. Godes pres- ence is to us the same as it was to Mary, the young Jewish girl who discovered that she was pregniant. God came to ber ta a vision and told ber it was His son and she accepted tis, she neyer agata had a vision. Josepb, the mani she was to marry dld not believe Mary but he too, had God conie to hlm inaa vision and toi4 hlm to marry Mary that ît wasHis wiii. Because they 1both believed in God they accepted His wili they neyer bad visions again. God's presende often cornes li the person of a neighbour, a friend, a family member someone who cornes to us and stands by us li a trne of trouble. Ujfe seifletirnes seemns to go around in circles, like the faxily rnoving to the west coast, they made it a habit to always stop to eat at a MacDonalds because they knew the service was fast, the washrooms clean. The littie girl on the 3rd day said as they pulled li for supper moaned, "Ail day ta the car and we are back here again". The littie boy told a lady that they used to live in a bouse but now tbey lived in a car. To tbe children it seemed that they bad not gone anywbere at all. Sometirnes life is like that, but it is not. There is meaning and purpose to liv- ing and God is witb us every step of the way from the pre- sent to the future. Walklng together does not mean to be surgically jotaed at, the bip, it does not mean that we will neyer stray fromn the straight and narrow, the scars on our body prove bow often we stumbie and fali, our cbildren wlil also have scars, Christians and just plain hurnan belngs stumble and fail as parents. God is there like the wise parent He is, He lets us totter on our first baby steps and Is there when we blit-bottorn as we do so, oflen. He is there to kick us out of the nest when we need to try our wings. Ilke the wise father ta the Prodigal Son, God is there waiitng patiently and hopefuily for the return of the penitent wbo bas experienced the sober and bard knocks of the worid. It was Mark Twain wbo said, -when 1 was 18, my father didn't know rnuch, by the time 1 was 25 It was amazing how mucli the old man had iearned". God is there for you, He rnay not corne as an authori- tive voice calmlng a storrn becasue the storrn may be sometbing you need to weath- er tbrougb. He may not come ta a revelation, He may corne in the calming, cornforting volce of a frlend or neigbbour, the smile of a stranger, the sill and traiing of a medical, specialiist or in the quiet cer- tainty that this is Gods world. The Credal Affirmation of Failli was repeated by ail, the hymn -O God Our Help In Ages Past" was sung foliowed by the Offrtag. The Rite of Baptism was celebrated when Stepahnie Lyn Andrews daughter of Fred and Melinda, grand- daughter of Norm and Ruth Andrews was presented for Baptlsm, God parents are LAnce and Mellissa Eggers. The closing hymn was, 'To Abraham And Sarah". Next Sunday we will be bonouding Barbra Savage by making ber an Honourary Steward. For anyone wisbing to drop Rowina Tizzard MacPhal a note or card, she Is now home from the hospital, ber address is R. R. 1, St. Andrews, Nova Scotia BOH Mx. Phllosofacts..You can neyer show kçindness too soon because you neyer know how soon it will be too late. RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE RATES Owner Occupied 6 mo. 5.10% 1 year 5.30% 2 years 6.00% 3 years 6.25% 4 years 6.50% 5 years 6.50% RATES SUBJEOT TO CHANGE- WITHOUIT NOTICE Cail us fo r other deposit rates and services including FREE PERSONAL CHEQUING. Rates subject to change without notice. PAUL MULLER, Branch Manager 15 Chiarles St., Oshawa 728-4658 Office Hours: Monday to Wednesday 9:30 - 5:00 Thursday 9:30 - 7:00 - Friday 9:30 --6.00 ( 's1 w

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