( Oon WeklTimsWednesday, October 1, 1997 - 13 CLASSI FI EDS (cortinued from page 14)__ ____________ We the fanily of the late John A. deWitt, would like to say thank-you.to each person who helped us in our brne of loss. Thank-you for your kind thoughtfulness through visits, cards, flowers, food, donations to varlous charities or for holding us ail in your thoughts and prayers. Thank-you for all the kind words, hugs and tears; the burden is flot so heavy when we share the weight. A special thank-you to al the ladies who served a lovely lunch and to the Starkville Communlty for rallyi'ng together and making a generous donation, sinoerelyý the farnly of late John A deWitt 1 ap HAYCOCK. Winnifred Margaret (Win-nie) of Orono. pas sed away peacefully at Oshawa General Hospital on Friday. September 26 1997 ater a short battle with cancer. Survlved by hei loving husbandArchie 1Kngma, daughter JudyDurocher and friend Glen Rose of Banrie, son Mark and his wife Wendy of Coumbus, Ohio; mother Mary Wright of Ingersoli; brothers Howard Johnson and his wife Winnie of St. Thomas, Bob Johnson and his wife :Pat of Niagara Fals, Ted and his wife Delores of Milverton, andi sister Doris McLeod of London: mothçr-in-law Tonia Kingma of Walkerton. sister-in-law Joan Peltier and iher husbanid Ron- of Paincourt, brother-in-law Peter Kingmfa andi wife Jellie of Innerkip: stepsons Rob and fiancee Andrea Ruttan of Harrowsmith. Dnug of Sydenham, and Randy and fiancee Cathy, Mulridge of Picton. Pre-- deceaseti by sister Mickey Watmough (1990) andi brother-in-law Keth McLeod (1993). Winnie will be sadly misseti by four grantichiltiren. one great- grandchild, andi many nieces andi nephews. Frientis were received at the Newcastle Funeral Home, 386 Mill St. South Ojust north of Hwy. 401. Mill Street exit, Newcastle) from .2 - 4 p.m. andi 7 - 8:30 p.m. on Suntiay. September 28, followed by a funeral service at 8:30 p.m. In the chapel of the funeral home. Crerniation. The family would greatly appreciate donations in Winnie's memory to the Canadian Cancer Society, 301-172 Kng St. E., Oshawa, Ont. L1H 102. 1 ac GRANT, Clair In loving memory of a very dear husband. father. grandfather and great- grandfather. who left us and, went, ahead on October 5. 1993. Four years. now. dear. each day with it's own memories. very precious and d eep in our hearts. Love and Miss You. Very Much B3ud, and our Blessed Children. 1 ap oeiRNMENT FLIJ'J06 Goeyrettssistance po- gane nfur ,OIa avaiale For your reorerstflg bitress TIsa alage Iof e gmemiilalgaisad Icm a iI 1-I82915-261SE COLSOCT C0SF Coke. PpFlosbtesif 1451SfCaay etc RaistokesMiUîsèa-tugP edos 5in oaa sen tfU-rre, at-inane.irrinrhnesta$13.91 1-95056279(24hoursi Mota- 8-8 C3flSllAN FRAN'D-SE HW estig ptni semÇ- ig une eSe -Cffista-iniffl wth Ioais steiTtlo- gi. I-bis ebasai FUI frnng ad support Câli-950- 953-7326 FORTUNES MADE AS I NFORMATI ON BROKER Caals fastest gaartg racise No inventrocyN staff. Loaovatltai Caufer gerratesinorre 24 hum r pa La1-9595-1010 BE YO.IOODM Bas Unirrtai aeayesflrgs Beg rng in 4-8 st NS LN31 " BEtWenLxa-aeopçle a-dy 2mrinege1-0G -6169 e010 4773 LEARN ACTIOEERINS Oasses blic N,15- 2117Fa raic(ulat c Sou tta-1 ano Ct Aoh flng RRP P6, Irdsk, C06000 AFXC5RESR LeaOi ronie ax redJa- orbac toei4<eeçug as OaýiOie erticole curses Fa- FR66E501000 is ctlîmU & R Ta SaWoS J1345 PenOns F ý V, gMB, R3T, 2B89-82-665- il,-E :BEST (DVRCnER. Se testPS Diâ00rd rt ty a yMft e n C A-oJst $7900 airolU N Vùta]nEEwi Fa- Tynaýia sf FsTEt naJa Pa sage 1C89 MO M tcra566 Fait81iai Stau sictswt gl irtai ai lan 32 G -W 24X CD RM FI aissa 14 irchOi -ta- ioad a-ara-O sc<tae (1sfis toconl-gl-foris ai di salit Irsiai ,t oeIl gavi aahle ng4 o.- Il- pi"w CI 1 E0-551 -31434 TDordotminttfo -IAJLYESFL' ,RiTER Cli O g I saa- 6u3j n AseCII 0255fa- 501FR5650<193 267 ým-189 1rg Scftcd38 M'là. r vae Str293 Csa Cl-J KiL 6ie dlaroT frds -oa I kp sce aAs of onI ae of Naorti StNews Sa-mSs riteds oa-i aesrig pica- ta-e, yail utfw sctdBCi)a fier aa«tflrq mrit« vhfiaîtu eitrediyaonintly raws aa ffe ice MaI pottitprolucin aci8e, lu st refirý indet on- à MI ta 501 t10siiity tElleBoe Vipy Ftern Nwsa Sgmas Umed. Mox 2«. YiaMmnfe NWF, X1A2R1 Fax 1-403-873-857 enat rrisg9 cor FITZE. Matlia (Riet) At Memorial HosPital. B3owmanville ù;n Monday, September 20, 1997 ln her 63rd yegr. Maria. beloved wifd of Alfred Fitze of Kerldal. Dear mother of Louî & his wife Natalie and pg4ul. Sister- in-law of Haclel K1Cruger.- Sister of Zus. Phris. Dora. Ted. Harry. Tdl'y, Antoflia and the late Ltpuis. Gerry. John and Petêl'* Friends mnay pail at the Morris Funeraj Chapel, 4 Division St.., ownanviIle on Wednesdayf from 2 - 4 and 7 - 9 p.m. Funeral serviC-e complete in our Ct-ape1 on Thursday at Il a.m. Cremation. Donations ta Palliative Care Unit. Memorial Hospital Bo,«rnanvil1e in her memory would be gratefully appfeciatd 1 ac WORLD TEACË?ERS'DAY At their last fegular board meeting, local pchool,,board trustees -voted to recognize October 5 as Wprld Teachers' Day in celebrgtion of the excellence of pub)lic education andi the teacherg who provide the quality sefficeS for our students." World Teache-s' Day is rec- ogn ized by the Qniùted Nations and Education International which represerits 20 million education worký-ers in over 100 countries. UÀ.WILL $4895 SAWLCX3S îNffl BDAJS, çÂs = 1 a-oCPàtIy Ses se'm.rlaue a~rym e Fr0cr atal 18f-66aqj NDsoZd Samls, of loiS " tgfits. Càl 51-28-7 fa 19-258-70710 rev tasS a itoges Ean ,r boa ths v1 i 89 89e.fi OPPWutY. 6d= ate o; v xIomits aaie 564r1r 10 R5 ad5uace Fa9 8r-ay 183.38$9 ASSOLUT E Ao(X l4AJASN -RSFS Appoln,- ntedy 2300Sà t g yl8je Ft3 mattndlffanas 00±a- il11& 12 RiA tio. 0 et dlOo 819-423- 6395 dreonotlf #42 O uensnevilie 1PS1047824-R1O1o2423 OAs YZR COAS ta ufactx -ef o tnSe Attla 51 las ranr)ý,6700 otaaeC 189(7 930 10 13400 si-Maee189 (250M) Re00e Li alS16le Town Office 403-638-3551 fax 403-638-2195 E- $1,995R-20Vf oe1TALEDffvE RT 9M1 sq fI ,ette±ràcâlIR i 0,4000 aiE a-i& ct s sar£- rda-e dîsaad' f0 51ste ln 048101-888-75- ff4 (Optons, lirim4aL l a] a]PY) was$5,624, noS4988 3 x 44 eS$535 rias $6 524 40 x 60 ata$995 9 6f o Sl144Maynctasf pa-ffl l544ý pFf8-fOfEEÇED STEEL BUIfLPNSS Hi891 cidY, Pml 10irai. idonCOmmad ccrncdQoatas Sdead EredtaosFl SPedO For cgJd awe q'd6e Cd a-li f t eà1-8n3e953 DEfS 1 IERCOVER T8-tciY tan-I.yooi> rrn ris. 1100 -l1tea56 FI Pais, 3 hot LtsS te "S c.1-s, 94- ?fe UIase Fe-enaerltes' 1-882-74- 0448 wsatoperca BEAD-ES 0OF SOUTH VW5LTCN -P-t eOty t10Des- fIn Benahtdottg snrss, rnnnd&te drrate snuAbrd actvies. TomIones oendos. OulI Front home. exla-djed say dsUsatuiUt Front Reaty 2-1- 485. 4464 Conc. Rd.6, KENDAL 983-9777 *-1-800-243-3309 E mail: lambierl@mail .durham.net Serving DURHAM & NORTHUMBERLAND LUCIEN LAMBIER Broker Best Morigage Rates as of Sept. 17,1997 Adlustable Rate ...; 2.990% 6 Month .........4.700% 1lYear............ 5.150% 3 Year .... *«'...5.7500% 5 Year ...... -6.250%/ 10 Vear.......... 7.390% We specialize in assisting you ta obtain the best passible mortgage. For ne w or renewal mortgages cati us at: (905) 983-9777 CHARLME REID Sales Representative 25 Years Experience Specializing ini ...- DONNA FLETCHER Sales Person GREAT BUNGALOW - Orono Reducod $5,000 3 bedrooms, 2 fireplaces, formai din- ing room and living room, 2 four piece baths, hardwood floors. 200' x 80' lot. Single car garage.-Bring ail offers... $164,900. Cali Charlie Reid* 623-3393 or 983-5914 ià ý_X cl W.! 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