Orono Weékly Times, Wednesd~y. Qetober 1. 1997 I S go-fCE brk antd-..:.s Specializing: *Disability Income * Mortgage Insurance * 14e Insurance* GIC's Investments Travel Insurance 813 King Street West À Newcastle, Ontario Li B 1 L2 Tlephone (905) 987-3200 I Matthews &Associates INSURANCE 8R01<ERS LrD Pauline Mote, ma.IC., C.i.B. Branch Manager HAMILTONS INSURANCE SERVICE 334 MAIN ST.., BOX 309 ORONO LOB 1iMO 1-905-983-51 15 Fax i1-905-983-82213 Women in Abuse Relationships For 1Hcip Cal "Tule Densise îlouse" For Womnen and Clilidren TolFroc-1-800ý-263-3725 or 728-7311l Confldcntialiy Assurcd If you want to drink, Thlats your business. If you want to stop, J'itats ours. cati A. coholics Anonymous Lakesiore Districts (416) 728-1020 Reucyuicle Pleaàse Wes's SmaII Engine Repair We do it ail SNOWBLOWERS. LAWNMOWERS, TRIMMERS, CHAIN SAWS, CHAIN SAW SHARPENING YOU IJAME I, WE DO IT 5105 Main St. Orono 90for service cali (30)983-9772 THE NAIL STATION Career Training Center. Become a nail technlcian, career trainlng available, in artificial nails, ear candling, tips, coatings, pedîcures, waxing. (905) 723-8083. tfn Cona~¶ strcion[,11 p¶irs, UDII4e] rt~i g- -Furnace Cleaning and Repars -24 Hr. No Heat 1-Serice FREE ESTI MATES Over 21 Yrs Experience CALL 983-5541 LARRY JACKSON PLUM13ING & HEATING Pump Repars & Installation New Wor nepairs *Fumace Cleanrîg *Free Estmâtes For friendly Expert Service CALL 983-6214 FINANCING IS AVAILABLE l c 're here to serve you ROBEIRT E. JACKSON HEATING - ELECTRICALI AIR CONDITIONING Authorized consurners gas dealer Independent Lennox dealer furnaces-air conditionersappliances Main St. Orono, Ont. 983-6221, PARTNER'S PLUMBING 983-9447 Orono, Ont. Gould Pumps & Water Systems Septie Beds Piumbinq Installations General Repaira Free Estmates Formerly Harvey Partner Ltd. "Work Wanted" DUR CUSTOfiENSN and CUSTOM CHAIN SAWING ORONO, ONTARIO 98-627 Adve rtise y our services in this Spot ORONO BUILDING ~I!ent~j & DECORATING CENTRE Personalized Project Planning Since 1935 85 STATION STREET ORONO, ONTARIO LOB LMO Bus. (905) 983-9167 Fax (905) 983-9467, CHATTERTON ELECTRIC-- RESIDENTIAL - COMMERCIAL - INDUSTRIAL POLE LUNE CONSTRUCTION Dave Chatterton Orono, Ontaro (905> 983-5546 If no an5wer (905) 983-5940 WANTED ODD JOBS Pro SPainting general repairs inside and out basement to roof Clitford Francis 983-5761 You could advertise here!!! Cali today! 983 - 5301 1~. a> o- m~u~c~ ci> z Advertise Your Services In The Orono Weekly Times C.C. SIDING CONTRACTORS Quality minstallers if siding & doors .WNOLERALE - RETAIL *SWDING e SOFTIT * FACIA VîWINDWS ANU DOORS C166É!Newtonville, Road, Newtcnville, ON Carl Christensen EAVESTROUGH Manufacturers of 5' seamless eaves tloUgh *WHOLESALE * RETAIL - QUALITY INSTALLATIONS 1684 Newtontville Road. Newtonîville. ON Darlene Carl 786-3059 EDYS AUTOMOTIVE AIR CONDTINMING Service and Repairs to ail makes of Vehicles WE DO SERVICE CALLS FOR OFF-ROAD EQUIPMENT ED CARSCADDEN 905-983-5422 County Road #9 Just east of Kendal- Advertise your services in thýis Spot General Repairs Inside & Out *Painting, Carpenty, Etc. a No Job Too Small *Reliable & Reasonable Cali (905) 983- 5761 .Clifford Fail Clean-up Time 1, 8, 15 ap Don't miss thi a lifetime opr Help us to Ir CANADIAN1 SATELLIT The fasteat technoloc entertainmei Work on your No emplo No inven fi Rat Home Bw Don't Delay C today (905)4 LOOK 1 PSYCHICS TE FUTUI Cal 1-900-451-3555 Ext. 7549 $3.99 per mirL Must be 18 yrs. Procali Co. (602) 954-7420 Celebrating the l5Oth Anniversary of Orono United Church -rhe Church At The Heart 0f The Communlty» BAN9UET Saturday, October 18 6:30 p.m. Tickets $25.00 Dahlia- Campbell 983- 9308, Marie Tamblyn 983-5550. Speaker: The Very Rev. Dr. Sang Chul Lee, Former Moderator 0f The United ,' Church Chancellor 0f Victoria University, Toronto. 24, 1, 8, 15Sac The l5Oth ANNIVERSARY of Orono United Church "The Church At The Heart 0f The Community" Sunday, October 19, 11:00 a.m. Guest Speaker:, The Very Rev. Dr. Sang Chul Lee, Former Moderator 0f The United Church Chancellor 0f Victoria University, Toronto Luncheon After ALL VWELCOME 24, 1. 18, 15Sac BUS TRIPS Oct. 7, 18, 21 Casino Rama Oct. 25 - Noir. 5 Elvis Presley Lives! Nov. 8 Royal Wnter Fair Nov. 12 Royal Winter Fair/ Horse Show Nov. 14-16 Buffalo Shopping FURNACE FUEL - GASOLINE DIESEL TEXACO - ESSO AND PERFORMANCE PLUS MOTOR OILS & GREASES COOPER FUELS LTD. RESIDENTIAL e INDUSTRIAL *AGRICULTURAL 4333 Hwy. 2, Newtonville (905) 786-2502 ils once in _______ _____ portunity. rtroduoe NATIONAL DIGITAL - POIERSKATING ME T.V. Early Mornlng Programs growIng "NEW DATES" gy in Darlîngton Arena .nt today. 7 -8 a.m.L own Urne. SESSION i uyees. October 27, 29, & 30 atoy. November 3, 5 & 7 ted SESSION 2 ainess November, 10, 12 & 14 436-2929 "ON THE GO" CONTINENTAL 5. 22, 29 ac BREAKFAST Included Program Fee - $115.00Oor Pre-Register before M October lOth - $95.00 TO REGISTER CALL i 905-983-1148 LL YOUR «HAVE THE EDGE" RE1,8Si15, 22, 29. 5ac B..BALY EDN I G- eri :-' s CstmFariato FREE ESTIMATES Doug De Vres 23 West Beach Rd. - (r Bowmanville 697-3308