-uR Subscriptions $2 1.50 + $1,50 G.S.T. $23.00/year. Publications Mail Registration No. 000368 Publishmng 50 Issues Annually at the Office of Publication 5310 Main Street, P.O. Box 209, Orono, Ontario LOB IMO E-Mail Address: orono times@speedIinie.ca Phone/Fax (905) 983-5301 Publisher/ Editor Marg Zwart CounciUlors beware! Monday niglit, September 29th, Rogers Cable, our local cable station was airing live cover- age of the Clarington Council- meeting. My wife was coverlng the meeting in person, so I tuned in to see< what I was missing. 1 was actually a littie embarrassed by mhe coverage I saw. We must of course realize the filin crew are students doing this as part of their schoollng. When one of the councifiors stood up to speak,4 I could flot hear hlm so I turned up the vol- ume on my TV. When the next councillor spoke 1 almost lost my hearing. Then mhe Mayor spoke, and while you could flot hear what she was saying. you could hear one councillor whispering to-anoth- er. After this the TV audience was rewarded with the message "We are having temporary technical difficulties". This could have been an embarrass- ing situation for the councifior if her comments were slighfly more audible. Coucillors beware! You neyer know when what you say will be heard by the viewing public or flot. Incidently, Larry Hannali can be heard- bet- ter on TV mhan at the council meeting. HZ Q LETTERS TO 1L_ý_TH1E EDITOR 'iE NORTHUMBERIAND- CLARINOTON BOARD 0F' EDUCATION From the Office of the Chairperson September 28, 1997 Dear Editor:ý For rnany months those who serve the children of this province have had to endure the constant barrage of nega- tive criticisin from, the Mlnister of Education. Well, we have bad enough of iii The teachers, parents, students and support staff of- On tario's schools do not need to be beaten down any more. It seems to me that the Mfinlster of Education bas a responsibility to be a positive leader in the educationcoin- rnunity. This mreans creating a positive climate for improve- ment and change. This Minister simnpîy does not seern capable of displaylng those skills. It's Uirne for hlmi to go. He can create ail the changes he wanits. If those who, actually implement the changes do not feel involved, then the effectiveness of those greatly diminished. In or der to achieve his financial objective s this Minister feels he rnust create one crisis after another. He, also feels he rnust make teachers, secretarles, custo- dians and administrative sup- port staff feel unworthy. t bas been said that he was moi-, vational speaker before assurning office. This is bard- ly a way to motivate people! How long can teachers continue to face 35 bright and eager faces every rnornxng when they feel the work they are doing is not appreclated? How can we expect the custo- dians to give that extra effort to be more effective if they feel that nobody values wbat they do? How can the school sec- retary be asked to be a part of the school tearn when the Minister considers them excess baggage? How can al of those at.,the Board Office look for creative ways of sup- porting the schools when they feel they are not considered part of the classroom? It is Lrne the Mnister told the people of Ontario the O~WEEKLY Twms OP E -N truth. We 0 have a pretty good education system. Worklng tc0gether we cari mak 1e ît evr-better! Sincerely, R L. wiîîsher ChalrpersPfl The Northumberland- Claringtor' Board of EducaiOr-~ LE'ITER 'f0 THE EDTOR WH-AT WTiiL CLARINGTON LOOK LiKE 1 IN THE NEW MILLENNIUM? Many neWcomers to our rnunIclpalityf, as well as, some long trne residents may flot realize that agriculture Is a multi mimlofi dollar business and the largest business in Clarlngton. Our farnPflng operations offer you thc,ýe wonderful vis- tas of wlde open spaces when you taRe yovîr fanxily out on a Sunday dr-e those spaces also grow tpe food you eat. Whether yoû buy it-from local market gartieners or at the local superàiarket, it has a - source. As farmers, we are that source.. There Is an application before çlariri-gton Coun1cil to change the goning of a fifty acre parcel of land from Permanent Agricultural Res erve (n ftne headwaters of Wilmot çreek) to Industrial. This rnay not seemn significant to you, but it is. This is the first test of aur new OfficiaI plan. It will set a precedent for all future applications for land use chaLnge in agricul- tural lands Le1 Clarington. The applicafit is the Llshrnan International Corporation. They want to bulld a 26,000 square foot factory and içhange the land use1 to Inidustrial froin Permanent Agricultural Reserve. WriY? In Clarington we have an- abundance of land already zoned Industrial and servicedl for water and sewage. The environrnentally sensitive land the Lishmans want to rezorle is not serviced and won't bd for the foresce- able future. If thiÉs application for a factory was in our indus- trial zoned area (where it should be) I would be their biggest supporter. I write thià letter because I arn a fariner. MY farnilyhave fanned in wliat we now cal Clarington flèr 166 years. We have continued to faim over this long period of Urne because thC land here is diverse and productive. If we continue tO protect and respect these lands they will stlll beproducing food for future generittions 166 years froin now. If you enjoy the wlde open spaces our farms provide and the food we groW, please help us preserve this important resource. Make land use change an election issue, it effects your way of life aswel as mine, Sincerely, Elva Reid LETTE RTO THE EDITOR: John Snobelen Minister of Education. Dated September 26, 1997 Dear Minister: The Student Senate at the Northumberland-Clarington Board of Education repre- sents 25,000 students in the board. We, the Senate, are con- cernied with the current issues- involving education in Ontario. The students being most affected by the plans and events are being forgot- ten. If there is a walk-out or a strike, we are concerned that students are going to lose valuable class time and teacher assistance and we are worried about how this will be made Up. If the legisiation is passed, the resuits could be:_ teacher would flot be able to partici-, pate in extra-curricular activi- ties, the loss of extra help froin staff, and unqualified teachers. We hope you will take the turne toconsider our concernis because we are valuable voic- es who ne ed to be heard. It means a lot to us and we hope it means a lot to you. Yours truly, Roseanne Lubitz, Courtice SS. Alison Whitehead, Courtice S.S., Sara Roberts, Bowmanville H.S., Kyle McOustra, Clarke H.S., Amy Hamblin, Campbellford District H.S., Dale Mullings East Northumberland S.S., Jamie Robb, CDCE East., Tiana Knox, Clarke H.S Peggy Schumann, CDCI East. TrM Order leddînq -invitations (rom the Orono T/mes Tlîere's a stVIe fo'r ail tastes! Plone 983-5301 5310 3Jain St.. Orono ORONO- WEEKLY TIMES, (905) 983-5301 Business Cards, Envelopes, Letterheads,' Flyers, Newsletters fuil Colour Printing KENDAL UNITED CHURCII Kendal, Ontario "TheffHeart of Our Comïmunity" Sunday, Oct. 5, 1997 World Communion Sunday 11: 15 a.m. "When Christians Gather" Pleasejoin us Minister: Rev. David Black 786-2950 St. Saviotir s Anglican Church MILL ST., ORONO, ONTARIO Minister: Rev. Ami Tottenham Rectory 987-5678 - Cliurch 983-5594 Sunday Service, Sunday School and Youth Group 9:30 a.m. 1 st & 3rd Sunday of Month HOLY COMMUNION ORONO viPASTORAL CHARGE Mnister a' Rev. Mervyn Russell Secretary Marlene Risebrough 983-5702 Church Office 983-5502 CHURCH SERVICES Kirby United Church at 9:30 a. m.' Orono United Church 11:00 a. m. Sunday Schaol Classes and Nursery facilities available during Church Services A.A. meets every Thursday 730 p.m. TICKETS Annîversary Dinner 983-5550 or 9837-9308 Sing A long Messiah 983-5208 ....................