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Orono Weekly Times, 1 Oct 1997, p. 7

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Orono Weekldy Timies, Wednesclay, October 1, l1997 - 7 Thne Brown Hornets 2nd release From Parliam ent Ale x Shephen 'ýrdê As your mïem--ber of Parliamenit 1 want to apol- gize for the charade that took place during question periodi and ensulng discussions after the delive7ry of last week's Throne Speech. MPs from ail sides of the House-- engaged in endless verbiage and selected memoc- ry loss ail of which the media passed on to us. The Primi-e Minister had bis mike turned o ;-ff im the middle of bis speech be."cause hewa taking twice as lon-g to say the same thing. And then there was Preston Manning. He kept trying to get media attention by saying .th~e Throne Speech failed to address the issue of tax cuts when the document clearly mentioned them. One of his fin;-al comments starkly potrayed bis lack of national viàsion when he said he "Ieft the best for the last" then went on to discuss western Canada and how the national government falled to address that reglon's prob- lems. We heard the NDP leader conclude that Canadians need to spend more money on social, prograrns. Well if throwing money at social pro- grains was the answer to our social tuls we clearly would have no social problems based on past spending., The one redeeming aspect of last week's question period and discussions, is that no one had to take the block seriously. MPs oflen left their seat when the separatists took the floor. But the moýst ludicrous stratements, thiat seemed ta get toa much media attention, were those made by former Mulroney cabinet minister Pat Carney. A senatar wallowing in the pulctrough she spewed off about B.C.,succeàssion. If she reaily had any intesinial for- titude sh e would resign from th11at cusy job anid run for oc'ffi Ce. ,Sa as your member of Parl irent these -are some of thereasons why I apologize. You the public are subjected ta this nonsense. No wonder many of you have deveioped' suich a negative view of aur gavernrmental instittions. The Mhroýne Specc î- ould have been portrayed3 as an opportunlty ta expreýcss the direction the nation Is going ta take as we enter a niew cen- tury. it could have 'been the road map ta what will be an exclting and chailenging time. .We heard nothing about science and technology, an area the federal governmnent strongly embraces. Or the gavernment plans, wlthin budgetary constraints, ta increase spendlng in areas which will help aur comnu- nities, embrace important technological tools that will better aur lives'socially and economlcally. For example there was the establishment af the Millenn lum Scholarship Fund, which attempts ta equali7e oppartunities for aur youth tao acquire an educa- 1l they realized they share an interest in the Blues and start- ed playing together. After high school the, Brown Hornets released their first CD, but they had ta wait tilI they were ail 19 years aId before they could play the night clubs. The club circuit takes The Brown Hornets across Southern Ontario and into the States. Ail of the songs on the new release are Brown Hornets originals. Walters, Tomlinson and Tait collabo- rate on ail the songs with Walters writing most of the lyrics. Walters also provides most of the vocals for the group. The- group's sound is described by Mîke TFomlinson as "New Blues." Just like country music needed a new saund hence the birth of "New Country", blues became stagnant and begged for a new sound, therefore "New Blues.t" The Brown Hornets will, host a release party on Saturday, October Il in Oshawa at Dines-eez, 375 King St. W., with the band taking the stage at 10 p.m. tion in the areas of high tech- nology - a step in the Èîghtý direction. Then there are Programs like School Net; linking aur secondary schools together on the internet; the Canadian Tecbnology Network, assist- ing with the engineering and commercialization of local technologies: Horizons Plus, giving lo '1cal busi,ýness sectors the skils ý,to make them export ready. They are ail part of a conu-mitment to upgrade the skidls of Canadians. In Durham we need to upgrade aur understanding of how the Information Highway can be a tool for finding employment andý career apportunities. I will work with the community on these opportunities sa that Durham is in the forefront of change. The programs 1 mention ed above are designed to meet the challenges af a changing society. They probably wan't make tomorrow's headines. But I know, one thïng,, they are certainly going ta have an immense impact an aur lives., ALERT!I A LLERF-iT! Ail residents of Newcastle be advised that wild animais are raamlng the streets! Please whatever you do, DO NOT stay indoors. Corne on out and see them! Orono Jungle Cat World will be a part of thls years Fail Festival, belng held Saturday, October 4 in downtown Newcastle. The exotlc animal dlsplay starts sharply at 3:00 p.m. Please corne on down and be a part of it. Other festivities begin at 8:00 a.m. Corne on out and be a part of It. Brought, to you by the Newcastle and District Chamber of Commerce. The fail fish watchîng etravagaz Have you ever wanted to see a salmon spawning run like those on Canada's west coast? Well, you can right here in Southern Ontario. Many of the creeks withiAn the CLOCAwatershed receive fal migrations, of Chinook salmon not unlike those of Canada's west coast. Late September and early October are the perfec tîtme to observe these monstrous fish, some- times weighing up to 13 kg, as they make their way upstream to spawn. Creeks that usually receive a fal migration are Oshawa, Lynide, Bowrnanville, Soper and sometimes Pringle Creek. Water Safety! Please keep water safety in mind when watcblng the fish and stay at least 1 meter from the streambank. Erosion, sometimes weakens the strearnbank and it may not be able to support the weight of a person standing near the edge. Pedestrian bridges serve as excellent vlewing plat- forms. PleaseBe Courteous Please bear in mind that the salmon are at a very sen- sitive stage in their lives, tiy not to approach to close or otherwise disturb them. In the past people have tried to aid, these fish in gettlng upstream by helping them over various physical barri- ers both mnan-macle and nat- ural. MIl heepeople were trying to do the right thing, however they are actually worklnig against Nature. Nature and sometimes man create such barriers> to ensure that fish have their own habitat. A good exampie of this are Brook and Brown Trout that live in the same creek head waters. The trout are very sensitive to distur- bance at this time of year because they are also prepar- ing to spawn. By lifting the salmon past the barriers this gives them access to the trout habitat and may disrupt their spawning. "Salmon are capa- ble of over coming many obstacles that they encounter in their migration," sates Randy Guppy CLOCA Aquatic Resource Coordinator. "Salmon have the ability to jump a distance of over three metres in length and more than one metre vertlcally:' Sometimes people feel salmon can't jump over an obstacle because flhe fish are staying in the pool of water at the base. Remember, salmon think we are predators and if a lot of people are watcbing they wMi not attempt the jump -for fear of being caught." The Aquatic Resources Team for the Conservation Authority wouid like to wlsh everyone success in their fali flsh watching but please keep water safety in mmnd at all times. For more information concerning the salmon run or to arrange a media photo opportunity please contact Randy Guppy or Jeif Andersen at the Authority office (905) 579-0411. Wbat we do on the land is mnirrored i the water. "MIRE PREVENTION WEEI< October 5 to 11, 199 7 Join us for Fire Prevention Week 'Kick-Off' Sunday, October 5th at Station #1 au7 1 a. m. - 4 p. m. 2430 Highway #2, Bowmanville This event wiII include the following. plus much more: -*Simons Jumping Castie -e.-Free Fire Helm ets <Display of Vintage Fire Vehicles C.-Tour our Fire Safety House <*Woodstove Safety 4: Refreshments iproceeds used 4: Have 'your p;cture taken with 'Sparky' to promote community safetyl (ail proceeds to Learn Not to Bum Program') <- Free Draws <Test your skifl with Fire Extinguishers * Station Tours/Photo Dispiay 9M Antique Fre Extnguisher Display, < Brng donation for the *.Bring Fam;1y & vit 'Lucky' the 'Food Drive' F R.Renert Fre Prev, Officer Fire Dept 40 Tempera nce, Street ON AF Bowmanville. ON LI C 3A6 Date of publication: October 1, 1 997 P.O. # 4953 Nwm (77

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