8 Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, October 1,1997. NEWCASTLE CHAMBER C!7COMMERCE RE: FALL FESTIVAL The Newcastle and District Cliamber of Commerce would like to Invite everyone to wliat will be the biggest Fal Festival ever lield in Downtown Newcastle! The festival is one day only, Saturday. October 4. We have added a number of new events to make this fest ival different from anything in the past. Learn about ail sorts of wild animais at the Orono Jungle Cat World show. See cars and trucks from yesteryear at our antique car display. Watdli teains go liead to liead at our 3-on-3 basket- bail tournament. Enjoy the music of the Down on the Corner Gang, Newfoundland sensation Cliarlie Anderson, and the St. Steplien's Higli Scliool band. Sit back and watcliou dancers performn or join in yourselves at our niglit dance. The Orono Jungle Cat Worid wiil have some of itsanimals out at 3:00 p.m. Ail this and, ArthUr Black *Are you one of those folks wio j ust doesn't feel comfort- able li social gatherlngs? No. good at small talk? Just can't seem to get the hang of breaking the ice with strangers and developing pro- found, meaningful relation- ships? Well, have you ever con- sidered getting buck naked and painting yourself like a zebra? Don't laugli. It works for Bruno Beloif. Bruno's a 27- year-old British computer consultant. In lits spare trne, he shucks lits duds, covers himself In black and white stripes and goes out and min- gles. He's being doing it for seven years. Ever since he encountered his first live zebra herd on a trip to Africa. "It was fantastic" says Bruno. -1There Is somnething so self-reliant about a herd of zebras... .wlat impertinence! It was inspiring." You've got to admit, Bruno's got a point. There is somethling deflant about the zebra. Most animals slink around in mousy brown and gray camouflage suits trying to blend into the landscape. And the zebra? The zebra puts on lits formai best bib and tucker, sashays out on the runway and says "Catch me if you can. sucker!" .Wliatever the zebras moti- vation, tliey captured Bruno Beloff s heart. He can't watt to get home fromi work, get skinny, paint hImself up and bit the party circuit. Bruino was undlerstandably alittie skittish at first. Hie'd our old time favourites the Arts and Crafts dispiays, Newcastle Firefigliter's Pancake Breakfast, BIA Bed Race, Optimist Club Bike Decorating Contest and Gaines. In al its the most fun your family can have In one day and it is ail freel (Breakfast not included) Just show up, rain or shine, and enjoy a downtown festival the way its meant to bel Festivities start at 8:00 a.m. and mun until 4:00 p.m. Dance begins at 8:00 p.m. Remember tliat's Saturday, October 4, in historie down- town Newcastle. For more information see our signs around town or cal Clamber of Commerce President Troy Young at 983-6103. Corne Out and have fun! visit the iargeiy deserted beaclies of Norfolk, or paw at the lieatlier in remote corners of Scotland, unwilling to get reaiiy convivial. But he's grown bolder of late. Nowadays lie slows up in busy pubs and even canters down the crowded streets of lis own liome town of Brighton. And liow do people react? Well, liow would you react if you saw a naked man paint- ed like a zebra strolling down thie street? People don't quite know how to react. But so far, no one's called the police. Or tried to throw a saddle on hlm. 'On the wlole, the public is really positive and open, even in London" reports Bruno. "I've been stunned on occasion by cheers and applause from, the most unlikely onlookers. No one las ever got angry with me, not once." "Besides" says Bruno, "in England, people go out of their way to avoid other peo- pIe--but not zebras." t is no whiimsical, spur-of- the-momnent fashion impulse that Bruno's obeying. The special body paint required costs Bruno about $300 per application, and the transfor- mnation from HIomo Sapiens to zebra takes a full tlree lours, durinig whicli the zeb-ra -- .er, Bruno - lias to Bob WViIIsher announces intention to soek ro-election Newcastle Village resident, and current Northumberlafld-Clarington Board of Education Chairperson, Bob Willslier lias announceýd lis intention to seek re-eI&4-tion as a Scliool Board 'rrust(.e-. In announc- ing lits c--ndidacy Mr. Willsher said lie was running again because the new District Sclio@i Board District # 14 presented cliallenges and concerns tlât lie could flot walk away fréln. 1 Setting up the new Board is a major jlialienge" said Willsher. "Lt appears that many critical decisions con-_ cernlng policles, people and prograin wll bave to be made eariy in the life of the new' Board." He Wignt on to add, "I remain perfectlY s LU. To avoid smudging. Luckily, ]3runo lias an understandig artist, friend who lias agref-d to apply the stripes for frec. But you hàYe to wonder, if Brunohlas thi-s. ..thing.. .about zebras, wliy 4oesn't lie just dress up (or dP)wn) in the pri- vacy of lits own bedroom? "t doesn't ean anything to be a zebra pby yourseif," lie says. -For me t1lison4Y makes sense if peopli@ lave a chance to react to me-, And does liC ever get lone- some? Pine far the company of lits own...Êind? You bet. Tliat's wliy this summer Bruno The z;erpra Belof plans to appear as part of a large lierd of iikezlJniflded zebra wannabes, pr3bably in a pas- turage near dlastonbury. Bruno mayjust be a zebra ahead of lis timfe- There is an Internet new.8 group call ed 'Pet Server' whicli caters to folks wlio likê to pretend to be animais ~ dogs, cats, liorses. There is even a guy by thie namri of Malcolm McKee in LivÈ-rPOOI (another computer con3ultant, suspi- ciously enoui) whlo dresses up in a 20 pou rtd fake fur suit to become eeP the Old Englisli Sheep Dog. So wliadd3ya tliink? Is it catcliing.? Will we one day see naked Canucks runnlng arounld as zebras, pigs and/or oid English Sleepdogs? f can't say for sure. But if fate slould bring you to Vancotiver some day and you're walking downi Granville Avenue and you beliold a bald, clubby guy, naked as a jaybird except for some zebra racing stripes gai- loping toward you, 1 want you to know... t won't be me. want to make sure tliat the interests of the parents and students of Clarington are represented." The new Board is a combi- nation of the current Nýorthumberland-Clarington and Peterborougli County Boards. The number of stu- dents and staff will nearly double. Mr. Willsher was flrst elect- ed as a school board trustee in 1982. He lias served the last two years as Cliairperson of the Board, a position lie also held in 1987. He lias served two terms- as Vice Cliairperson of the Board and claired many of the Board's committees. Willsher, wio is 53 years old, lias been employed for more than 33 -years by General Motors of Canada. He lias worked in the Personnel field for 27 years and is currently Supervis or, Salaried Personnel for the Car Plants. Mr. Willslier expressed concern over the problem of accommodation for students in the Ciarington area. "Courtice and Bowmanville are in a crisis state. The growtli in the Muntclpality lias been amongst the highest in the country. We desperate- ly need new scliools to meet the- influx of students", lie added. "I have been advocaing for years a partnership witli develop ers so new scliools could bc bult waa -ubd!vL-Iorl5 grow», lie said. "Finally the_ Minister of Education lias recognized this approacli and maybe now we can make some lieadway", Willslier added., Running for Truste e again was not an easy decision for Mr. Willslier. "I really strug- gled witli the decision because of the changes the Province lias made to local scliooi governance. I do flot have the Urne to sit and be a moutlipiece for anyone, par- ticularly those wlio do flot understand issues outslde of the metro Toronto area," lie said. "I live my life on the basis if you're not lnvolved then you can't make a differ- ence. Tlie fact- that I have strong disagreements witli tlie Provincial direction is not a surprise". Willsler went on to explain lie sees bis job as Trustee as making suretlie classroom Is not negatively impacted by the clianges. "I dislike experimentation witli tlie education of our chli- dren," lie said. Wllslier added, "I expeet changes to be made on a foundatton of fact, not a political Ideology." Willslier is married to Lynda and lias two sons, Cliris and Steplien wlio were educated in the current Board. They have resided ln Clarington for more thlan 26 years. PROCLAMATsION It is Fereby procaimed tlat the week~of October5tll te lit/ illIe observedas Fire Prevention 'f4eek-. in thie vunicipaity of C(anington. Diane fIamre, Mvayor M~1UNCIPALTYOF ONTARIO Date of publication: October 1, 1997 M. Creighton, Fire Chief Fire Oept. 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, ON LiC 3A6 P.O. #4950 "N1 1...& ' k k 4vINT SIZL ,We carri 'SOLID GOTJD' the #1 Natural 14listic Pet Food!, an-d other 'naine brand*'. $5 off a Full Groorrxiri * Pree Treat for Your Pet *~ Kids get a Free Grold Fis-hi 987-1001Î 40 King St E_, Newcastle £-T M .................. ............ .