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Orono Weekly Times, 8 Oct 1997, p. 9

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-amvB-rODrünp ekT1me-s, e sa.Otb8, 1997 - Co-OP holds pumpkin weigh-in to be a L i fe Style Communitv" which would mean a minimal amount of traffic going in and out of the community. Now it is feared the developrnent will be a tra- ditional type of commun ity thus greatly increasi ng traffic flow. Finalists in the kids cate- gory, 14 years of age and under were: Jason, James and Jef Middleton - 228 1/2 lbs., Darryl Kennedy - 178.5 lbs., Jererny Stroobach, - 161 lIbs. and Colleen Kennedy at Last wcekend I, played hooky and went r orth [o sec the fail colours, I'xe corne to the conclusion that the colours of the trees around here are iust as beuatifui and you dont have [odrive so far. On Sunday there was a good attendance at Church, it is nice to sece new faces in the Congregation. The Service opened wt Rev. Black welconilng all and Lighting the Christ C anidle. Concemns were expressed for the health of some who were absent and Thanks were given for mariy Blessings. 1The Gathering hymns were, "We Are G athering Together Unto Hlm", and "Famnily 0f God". The Creed was repeated arid the hymri *'Oly Believe" was surig. The choir sang, "I Found The Answer, I Learried To Pray". 'the childreri carne to the front, Rev. Black said It was s0 good to see 80 iariy chil- dren preserit, and wasr't it a beautiful day, 80 warrn. He told themn that somneone had said that we should have the Service, outside. David told them that we are i the Seasori of Creatiori, he asked themn what were- they Thankful for? They ariswered, newborri pupples, surishirie fanuly, lots of food. He asked where ail these camne&frm? they sald, God. We have 80 mruch to be thankful for, but mnost of ail we are thankful for "God's gift of Jesus who came to use as a baby". The chldren's hyr was, 143 lbs. Finalists in the aduit cate- gory were: Dalve Wyman - 498 lbs., 2nd place Don Hutton, 3rd Place Ron Robinson, and .4th place went to Wayne and Rebecca Kennedy. Dave Wyman told the 0' L U MN 'llus Lowery "Bigger Than AJIlMy Probiems", The Scr,-ipture readin-gs, w ere from A ctu 2:43-47, Luke 22:14-20. The Sermon was tied, "When Christians Gather". When every Ch'lstians gather, no matter where, the Spirit of God is with us. Gathering together lis a place for heaiing. Some say they corne to Churcli for friend- ship, a time to Isec neigh- bours, but really, that isn't the real reason, deep down they have a feeling of empty- ness, something is mlsslng-ti their life, some part of themin s missling. Our Worshlp Service cari not supply what's miss- irig, orly we cari do this but coming to this Service can help us firid what we need. Everything points, to the Presence of God arid the fact that God cares for us, He hasn't giveri up on us. Slriiply by belng here together the sharrig of fellowshlp, we may experience a healing feeling. We may not feel It physlcally but God Is there. God Is there whenever we gather, not Just i Church but where ever we meet with fellow Christians. The Prayerý of Thankfulness was given and the Offerlng reelved. The invitation to the Lord's Table was given. The hynin, Here, 0 My Lord", was, sung anid Communion was served. The Prayer of Concern and Comimitment was given. The Service closed wlth the Times that lie has gone to many weigh-off in the States and to the big ones in Ontario. He felt that the Co- op's weigh-off was as good as and of the bigger competi- tions. He feit if was very welI run and was high on community spirit. singing of the last verses of the hymn, "Here, O My Lord". A time of fellowshlp fol- lowed i the C.E-. roorn. The maie members of Kendal U. C. has such a good lime bowling and golng for coffee, that they have decided to do it agaîn on November lst, 7:30 p.m. at Pinecrest Bowling, i Port Hope. Sunday, the l9th of October Is Kendal U.C, Church Anniversary, Rev. Doug Warren xii be the guest Minister andi on Sunday, October 26th Kendal wîll be having a Pot Luck Supper fol- lowed by a Hymn Slng. Supper starts at 6 p.m. 1Next weekend is Thanskgiving, I wfil be away at a Weddlig in London anid then hope to go up to the Seaforth area, I have been told that there 1 carifIrid the Gravestones of some missing members of the Lowery's. Once you start tiying to find out what happened to the generations that camne before you it cari take you bo some surprislng places. Who knows I might firid some more rela- tives. Residents not warmingd up to Kaîtlin Group (contlnued from page 1) significance of the underpass, council tabled the report tili next Tuesday so residents couîd once again hiave thie opportunity to voice thIIr, concerns. The Port of Newcastle Developi-nent was originally SALE 0F LAND BY PUBLIC TENDER MUNICIPAL TAX SALES ACT TH1E CORPORATION 0F THE MUNICIPALITY 0F CLARINGTON Take Notice fliat tenders are invited for fthe purcliase of the Iand<s) described below and wilI be received until 3:00 p.m. (local time) on Tuesday, Novem6er 18, 1997 at thie Office of thie Clerk, Thie Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington, Municipal Administrative Centre, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario, LI C 3A6. The tenders wiII then be openied in pubiic on tlic same day at 3:.00 p.m. at fhlcsame Municipal Administrative Centre. Description of Lands Minimum Tender Amount 1>) No. 18-17-010-040-00900-0000 $31 ,233.62 Part of Lot 2 1, Concession 2 Formerly Township of Darlington now part of tlie Municipality of Clarington Regional Municipality of Durhiam As Iast descrîbed in Instrument No. 79618, save as except for Part of Lot 21, Concession 2 as registered in thec registry office for flic Registry Division of Durhiam, Municipally known as 2496 Holt Road, Courtice. Zoning: Agricultural (A) 2) No. 18-17-010-1 20-10000-0000 $1 8,494.371 Part of Lot 18, Concession 5 Formerly Township of Darlington now part of thec Municipalily of Clarington Regional Municipality of Durhiam, As last described in Instrument No.N27821, as registcred in tlic Registry Office for tlic Registry Division of Durhiam, Municipally known as S449 Old Scugog Road, Hampton. Zoning: Residentiol Hamiet (RH) 3) No. 18-17-020-060-10900-0000 $37,770.37 Porcel 9-2, Section Concession 2, Newcastle (Bowmonville) being Port of Lot 9, Concession 2, Forrnerly Township of Bowrnr u now paof ohe Municipolity of Claringtonf Regionol Municipality of Durham, designated os Part 1, on Plan i OR-3770, os registered in the Registry Office for the tond Tties Division of Durhamn, Municipally known as 450 Meorns Avenue, Bowmanville. Zoning: (Holding) Urban Residential Type One ((H)R1) (Holding) Urban Residential Type Two «()R2) (Holding) Urban Residential Type Ilire((H)R3) <Holding) Urban Residential Exception (<H)R1 -20) (Holding) Urban Residential Exception ((H)R2-5) <Holding) Urban-Residential Exception ((H)R3-8) 4) No. 18-17-010-020-11852-0000 Lot 27, Plan 97 Formerly Township of Darlington now part of fthc Municipalily of Clarington Regional Municipaliiy of Durham, as registcrcd in flhc Registry Office for tlic Registry Division of Durham, Zoning: Agricultural (A) $2,172e.38 Tenders must be su6mitted in tlic prescribed form and must be accompa- nied by a deposit in flhc form of a money order or of a bank draftor checque certif ied b>' a bank, trust Company or Province of Ontario Savings Office payable ftaflic Municipality (or board) and representing at least 20 per cent of flic tender amount. Thie Municipaîify makes no representation regarding flic tifle to or any oflier mafters related taothlIand to be sold. Responsibiliiy for ascertain- ing fliese matters resfs witli tli potential purcliasers. This sale is govemred by thlic Municipal Tax Sales Acf anidflic Municipal Tax Sales Rules made under tlicAcd. The succcssful purcliaser wil be' requirecl fa pay flic amount tendered plus accumulated taxes and the. rel- evant land trasfer fax. Tiffe: Name of MunicipalitylBoard: Mrs. Lou Ann Birkett, CPP, AMCT The Corporation of the Purchasing Manager Municipality of Clarindton Address of Municipality or Board: 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanvilî 1e, Ontario LIC 3A6 (905)>623-3379 (extension 268)

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