Volume 61, Number 39, )RONO WEEKLY TIMES Ser~~vin EstC*rngonan e dse 193 650, GSTlncluded Wednesday, October 8, 1997 498 lb. pumpkin tips scale Resîdents not warming up to Kaitlîn group Dave Wyman grewà this sion. This is the second year seed and good soÎl are 498 lb.. prize winning pump- in a row that Wym-iia's purnip- Wyman's advise to other kin the garden behind lis kmn won at the Co-op Giant pumpkin growverS. This home in a Courtice subdivi- Pumpkin weigh-in. Good year's entry literally tipped the scales. A singie lane bridge on Mill St. to service the com- munity at the lake in Newcastle is unacceptabie according to Brenton Richard of the Newcastle Ratepayers Association. Richard pro- duced a petition of 75 narnes from Newcastle residents who will flot put up with a single lane bridge. Erskin Duncan of the Bond Head Community Association said he was flab- bergasted that council would accept a report that contra- dicts the Officiai Plan and would allow the Kaitiin group to build more coastal deveiopments. Duncan went on to say that alternative lB"t, which would make Toronto St. the mnaini roadway into the developmnent is unacceptable. Other residents questioned the n)eed for a 250 unit hotel at the Port of Newcastle. Bill Danieli, president of Kaitiin Group said lie had four hotel groups that were interested in building the hotel et the Port of Newcastle. These hotel groups wouid like to build a resort style hotel on this prop- erty, which wouid have to have 250 rooms to make it viable. What angered resident most was the fact that Alternative "B" was chosen as the main route rather than Aiternate "A" which would, have Mill St. widened. The plan council was ready to accept would have seen the Mill St. underpass remain intact, with signal liglits aiiowing a single lane of traf- fic through the bridge. Council was under the impression that residents did not want the integrity of the underpass aitered due to its historical significance. Since council got conflict- ing messages from the resi- dents in attendance at Mondays meeting as to the tcontinued page 7) Great day for Newcastle Village Fail Festival Dogs and thieir owners had the change to raise some m)oney, for thie Canine Vision Unliit of the Lions Foundation. T'he Newcastle Lions Club coordinlated this national1 wý,alk wtih the FallFestivail this year. part ic ipanlts ad the choiceofig the 5K or- Ile 10K laliTe \walk xvas not restricted to dogs and thleir owNners .111i1Coombes, pres- ident of the Bowmanville Lions Club, took his goat Pinnochio on the waik again this year. The fun began early at the Faîl Festival with the Fire Fighters association serving a pancake breakfast at 8 aru " At 8:30 the dog wýalk-athon hit the pavenent. Special music was provid- ed by the Down On the Corner Gang, Charlie Anderson, and the St. Stephens Higli Schooi Band. Several contests through out the day like the BIA Bed Race. the Pie Eating contest and the Bike Decorating con- test showcased the varying le\veis of talents within the village. Ail in aIl it was,,a great day. Happenmgs. CLARKE HIGH SCHOOL PARENTS' NIGHT Thursday, October 16, Clarke Hligh School, 6:30 p.m.- 8:30 p.m., for grade 10 to OAC Students. FOUND FOUND FOUIND Aduit bicycle. Cail 983-5932. DURHAM COLLEGE CRAFT SHOW The show wiIl take place November lst and 2nd from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. et 2000 Simcoe Street North in Oshawa. For vendor infor- mation, cal 721-3052. DIALOGUE ON BREAST CANCER: A GLOBAL EPIDEMIC Thursday, October 9, 1997 - 7:00 p.m. Refreshments. Bring your own mug, Courtroom #1, Church Street, Bowmanville. "SEARCH FOR SIGNIFICANCE" SEMINAR SERtES For ladies et Crossroads Christian Assembly. Thursday mornings at 9:30 a.m. with popular seminar speaker, Marlene Bergman, Brampton, Ontario. Marlene will lead women to "discover their uniqueness. Crossroads is Iocated at 978 North Street, Newcastle, at Hwy. #1 15 and Concession #3. To regîster, or for more infor- mation, please caîl 987-9955. HEARTH PLACE COMING EVENTS The popular Stress Buster program of relaxation and guided imagery techniques for cancer patients or caregivers is now being offered in the evenings twice a month on Oct. i 4th and 28th to accommodate those who are not available during the day. The program will run if we have sufficienict registration. 579-4833 to preregister. Classes wilI run from 7:00 - 8:00 p.m. at 86 Coîborne St. W., Oshawa. FEELING YOUR BEST DURING CANCER THERAPY An informnational workshop for people newly diagnosed with cani- cer or about to begin, treatmnent and their caregivers et 7:30 p.mi. at