~,J3ronoW~ekly Tlsnes, Wednesday, October 15, 1997 - Il ) ME Fîrefighters busy wîth pancake breakfast qTÙ [bi4ts J#om9<çwca5t(fe by Betty Formosa 1Gond Jose was kept busy Firefighters - Pancake the Newcastle Pommunity fllpping pancakes at the Breakfast mhat was held at Hall on Saturday-- October 4. Jumping cas tie a great success The Newcastle Flrefighters held a pancake breakfast in the Newcastle Communlty Centre on Saturday October 4th to help ralse funds for the purchase of five new defibu- lators for the town. Everyone who attended mhe breakfast would like to say thankyou to ail the ffrefighters and their familles for ail their hard work and dedication and also for the deliclous meal that they prepared and served mhat day. The Newcastle Lions Club held their annual dog walk-a- thon in, the Village of Newcastle on Saturday October 4. Ail funds ralsed from the walk-a-thon wlll be used for the future training of dogs for the bllnd and hearing impaired. 1Children of alil ages enjoyed painting the pumnpkins In the dining shelter that was set up on the lawn on the west side of the Newcastle Communlty Centre on Saturday October 4. Ail proceeds from the pumpkin painting wlll be used for the Clarlngton Project. The jumping castle that was on mhe lawn on mhe west side of- the Newcastle Communlty Centre on Saturday October 4 was mhe hit of the day at the-Newcastle FaIl Festival. It, had been gen- erously donated to mhe lst Newcastle Scouts by the Airzone Party and Play Centre in Oshawa to help mhem ralse funds for an upcomlng trip. Airzone Party and Play Centre also -donated al me helîum fllled balloons and prizes that mhe, children received. A big mhankyou goes out from ahl mhe lst Newcastle Scouts to mhe manager and employees of mhe Airzone Party and Play Centre. I.G.A. employee Elizabeth Risebrough was kept busy al day Saturday October 4th by helping parents f11 Iin some of mhe important Information on the free I.D. Kits for Klds that were available in front of the local I.G.A. store In Newcastle. Once the informa- tion was recorded mhen it was off to mhe next, station where Police Officer John Grant fln-. ger pnlnted each, chfld before sending mhem into mhe I.G. A. where mhey had mheir picture taken. ITo help celebrate mhe St. Francis of Assisi Feast Day the members of the St. Francis of Assisi- Roman CamholicChurch in Newcastle held a special service in rememnbrance of St. Francis in tir churcli on Saturday October 4. Everyone in tme community and surrounding villages were invlted to attend. Once mhe service was over everyone in attendance went outside where the Parlsh Piest Father 1Randy Foster said a short Prayer after which a few hymns were sung and mhen Famher Randy (contlnued page 12) NewcastleLiý ons Club dog waUc-a-t ho n Janet Hodden along with her dog Austin and Newcastle Lions Club miember Ed Majer took timre out to poise for a picture before setting out on one of the routes for the dog walk a-mhon mhat was held in the Town of Newcastle on Saturday October 4. e Wedding Cakes ~ * Cakes for ail Occasions ePastries-Donuts-Pies 0 e J Bread & Buis S& Tea Room 1'roprietors: Gary & Carol Vreeker 983-9779 Main Street, Oronio Closed Sunday & Moriday rý,N 1 Northcutt Elliott PiEJ Funeral Home THOUGHITFULNESS, SERVICE & CONCERN A ramlly Owned Business, Offeing: Traditionai Funeral Services Prearranged & Prepaid Services - Cremation Arrangements Alternatives to Traditional Funerais - Out of Town Shipping Cory Kuipers - President 53 Division Street 623-5668 Bowmanville, Ontario LiC 2Z8- OFF STREET PARKING S Jodi Stewart Independent Tupperware!' Consultant (905 9836358Custom Kitchen Planning Micrbwave Cooking Classes .uppeWare Bridai Showers e u p rw r Fundraisers t