12v- dro~o Weekl~t Times. Wedne~day. October 15, 1997 ) ArthUr Black Had coffee the other day wîth a friend of mine. An ex-, cop. He'd been on the force for eight or ten years, then suddenly last spring he'd resigned. And now it seemed like he igh-t want to talk about it. 1 wasn't sure just how to approachi the subjeet. There was a rumiiour going around that my frienid had suffered a nervous breakdown., But why? Did the constant stress of facing dowvn crazed crack- heads and homicidal psy- chopaths finally gel to him? Was it the unrelenting threat of injury and death? The strain of dealing withthe human race at its violent, boaze and dope-fueled worst? Is thal what gaI to him, I asked as genfly as 1 could. His hand shook slightly as he hoisted the mug to lis-lips. "No," hier said softly. "t was the paperwork. " My friend estimated that he spent three quarters of, each wýorking day making notes, sending memos, filling in formis and typing out reports. I wasn't a police- man" hie said, I was an office clerk who hiappened to carry a gun." It wasni't the pressure of holding down one of the world's most dangerous jobs that got to him. t was the mind numbing boredom of shuffling paper ail day long. My pal is flot alone. A business consultan t by the name of Dianna Booher con- TIDBITS (contnued from page 11) sprinkled the holy water an ail the animnais and blessed them ail taa. The Newcastle Kniights of Columbus were busy selling hamburgers, hot dogs and POP an the front lawn of the St. Francis of Assisi Roman CatholiecChurch in Newcastle an Saturday Oclober 4. Al proceeds fram the sale of the hamnburgers, hot dags and pop will be donated ta the Lions Club ta be used for the- future training of dogs for the blind and hearing impaired. The main attraction of the Newcastle Fail Festival'that was held in the downtawn care of Newcastle of Saturday October 4 was the annual bed race.'tiotti sicles ai the street were llned with hundreds ai spectators wha were there ta cheer on the diffrent partie- ipating.teams as they raced from one end af the street ta the ather in an attempt ta cross the finish line first. congratulations ga ouIta this years winning team the ducted a survey of 2,000 businesses last year. A few of her conclusions: -White collar office work- ers spend 60 percent of their lime chc-ig filing and retrieving OFinted informa- tion. -0f aIl th@~ documents that are printed, copied and dis- tributed by N~orth American business ev,ýrY day, 75 - 80 percent are jieveur referred ta again. -For eveý,fy dollar spent thinking ,up documents, il costs up to $dO to print. copy, distribute, filP and eventually destroy themri But thalts old news, because this is the age of the computer right? Paper shuf- fling is obsdlete in the Brave New ElectrôPic World of the SThe Northumberand-ClarIgitOf Board of Education Leaders in Learning Requesi for TENDERS FOR FUEL ()IL SEALED TENDERS clearly marked as tW contents,, addressed ta The Northumberland-Claringffn Board of Education, wîll be received at The NorthuJmberlanld- Claringlon Educatian Centre, Reception Desk, 834 D'Arcy Street North, Cobourg, Ontario K9A 4L2 until 2:00 p.m. local time 27 October 1997 for the supply of fuel ail at variaus schêOls far the periad January 1, 1998 ta December 31, 1@98. Tender documents -may be requested by telephari0 or picked up at the Plant Department, Building #Y, Northam Industrial Park, 775 Division Street, Cobourg. Telephane 905-372-6871, Extension 274. This tender advertisment may also be accessed on thê internet at http://vaxxine.com/opba. Lawest or any tender nat necessarily acceoÎed. Rq. (Dick) T. Mlowney Director of Education A, L. Willsher Chairperson ôf the Board The_ Nortiaumberland-Clarigtoil Soeard of iucadon Laden ln Leaniing Request for TENDERS AND QUOTATIO)NS During the 1997/98 school year, the _NorthuJmberland- Clarington Board cf Education will be invïidngtenders and/or quotations on a number of commpdities and services. A partial list is provided below: 1. Schoal instructional, maintenance supplies, furniture and equipment. 2. Various services such as plant alterationg, renovations, landscaping, etc. Interested persons and/or firms are ta advise the Manager cf Central Services in writing and note this media for tender advertising. Please send general information ta The Education Centre, BOX< 470, 834 D'Arcy Street, Cobourg, Ontario K9A 4L2. In order ta comply with Ontario/Quebec procurement agreement, cammencing January 1998, al construction projects over $100,000.00 and commodities and services projects over $50,000.00 will be advertised on the internet. R. (Dick) T. Mlowney Director cf Education R. L. Willsher Chairperson cf the Board 'nternet and E-Mail. 1Wrong. A study from San Jose State University con- cludes that computers have nol replaced old technology, They've merely jumped, on ils back, adding to the burden. Office workers don't just answer the regular mail any- (coninued page 13) FORM 7 SALE 0F LAND BY PUBLIC TENDER MUNICIPAL TAX SALES ACT THE-CORPORATION 0F THE MUNICIPALITY 0F CLARINGTON Take Notice that tenders are invited for thec purchase otIcfi ds described below and wilI 6e received until 3:00 p.m. (local time) an Tuesday, November 18, 1997 at the Office af the Clerk, The Corporation cf the Municipolity of Claringtan, Municipal Administrative Centre, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanviîle, Ontario, LI C 3A6. The tenders will then 6e opened in public on the same day at 3:00 p.m. ai the same Municipal Administrative Centre. Description cf Lands Mi nimum Tender Amount 1 ) No. 18-17-010-040-00900-0000 $3 1,233.62 Part cf Lot 21, Concession 2 Formerly Township cf Darlington now part cf the Municipalify af Clarington Regionol Municipalily cf Durham As last described in Instrument No. 79618, save as except for Part cf Lot 21, Concession 2 as registered in thec registry office for thue Registry Division cf Durham, Municipaîly known as 2496 Holt Roid Courtice. Zoning: Agricultural (A) 2) No. 18-17-010-120-10000-0000 $18,494.37 Part cf Loti18, Concession 5 Formerly Township cf Darlingtcn now part cf the Municipalify cf Clarington Regional Municipality cf Durham, As last described in Instrument No.N27821, as registered in thec Registry Office for ftic Registry Division cf Durham, Municipally known as 5449 Oid Scugog Roid Hampton. Zoning: Residential Hamlet (RH) 3) No. 18-17-020-060,-10900-0000 $37,770.37 Parce1 9-2, Section Concession 2, Newcastle (Bowmanville) being Part cf Lot 9, Concession 2, Formerly Township cf Bowmanville now part cf the Municipality cf Clarington Regional Municipality cf Durham, designated as Part 1, on Plan 1 OR-3770, as registered in thue Registry Office for thec Land Titles Division cf Durham, Municipally known as ,450 Meorns Avenue, Bowmanville. Zoning: (Holding) Urban Residential Type One ((H)R1) (Holding) Urban Resîdential Type Two ((H)R2) (Holding) Urban Residential Type Tlree ((H)R3) (Holding) Urbon Residential Exception ((H)RI -20) (Holding) Urban Residentiol Exception ((H)R2-5) (Holding) Urbon Residential Exception ((H)R3-8) ,4) N4o. 18-17-010-020-11852-0000 Lot 27,,Plan 97 Formerly Township cf Dorlington now port cf the Municipolity cf Clorington Regionol Municipolitycf Durham, as registered in the Registry Office for the Registry Division cf Durham, Zoning: Agricultural (A) $2,1 72.38 Tenders must be submitted in tlic prescribed form and must be occompo- nied by o deposit in the form cf o money order or cf o bonk draft or cheque certified by a bonk, trust company or Province cf Ontario Savings Office payable te fthe Municipolity (or board) and reprcsenting et least 20 per cent cf the tender amount. The Municipolily makes ne representotien regording flhe title ta or any ether matters related te the land te be sold. Responsibility for oscertain- ing these matters rests witli the potential purchasers. This sole is governed by flic Municipal Tex Sa les Act and flic Municipal Tex Soles Rules mode under the Act. The successful purchoser wîIl be required te poy flhe omount tendered plus occumuloted taxes and tlic rel- evant lond trosfer fax. Titie: Name of Municipality/Board: Mrs. Lau Ann Birkett, CPP, AMOT The Corporation cf the Purchasing Manager Municipality cf Claringtan Address of Municipality or Board: 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario LIC 3A6 (905) 623-3379 (extension 268) au