(Council Notes - Oct. 14 - Mr. Stockwell informed council and the public that talks between Blue Circie and the Town had met an impasse. If this impasse could iiot be resolved within the next two weeks, the pro- posai to stop up and close a portion of the Waverly Rd. road allowance, and the pro- posed dedication of a portion of the Blue Circle haul road as a temporary public high- way would have to be tabled and the new counicil would 'have to deal with it. . Mr. Viv Woolford, a Bowmanville resident con- cerned about the lack of shopping available to the Liberty Village residents, asked counicil to alleviate the problemn by allowing a plaza to bc built on the S.E. corner of Liberty St. and Conc. Rd. 3. *Bill Woods, Rhonda Hooper, Dan Hooper and Linda Gasser al spoke regarding report Pl 10-97-- Lishman's application. Bill Woods address in it's entirety can be found on page 3 of this paper. Rhonda Hooper asked that a readable map be made available to the public, and that approval on this applica- tion be deferred until an inter- im report be made including specific details of this appli- cation. Mrs. Hooper asked for another public meeting after the interim report was pre- pared. Linda Gasser's address brought out many inconsis- tencies concerning the Lishman application. The size of the property in ques- tion, was accurate informa- tion used in the preparation of the Environmental Site Assessment? According to Gasser, reports contradict each other as to the exact location of the manufacturing plant on the property. The need for an Environmental Site Assessment was waived, was council aware of this? Gasser too asked that an interim report be prepared so that res- idents can comiment on spe- cific aspects of these applica- tions. In closing Gasser said: "I urge council to revisit the decision made by the Director of Planning regard- ing the Envirotimental Impact Study since the Lishmàn fac- tory is clearly the first phase of a much larger developme nt which would affect several natural features of the larger property. " Dan Hooper brought up the negative effect this devel- opment would have on the Oak Ridges Morrain. Mr. Hooper also wondered how an earth dome would adhere to the fire code. The unsafe entrance way to the property was also questioned. Councillor Scott's motion to have staff come back with a status report and another public meeting be hield at that time, was passed. - Subsequent to a number of Newcastle reýidents voicing their strong objection to developments reiated to the Port of Newcastle, Rob Webb, a solicitor retained by the Kaitlin Group reminded council that their proposais comply with the Officiai Plan. Resident's fears that the 250 room hotel/motel will be used as a casino were not alleviated with Bill Danielîs' reply to councillor Scott's questions regarding the mat- ter. Councillor Scott asked Danielîs three times if he intended to use the hotel as a casino. Danielis answered three times that the Province had turned down bis applica- tion for a casino. He would not give Scott the simple Ilyes" or "no" answer to the question of a future casino within this development. Jack Eilbeck told council that persons fishing in the Graham Creek, one of them in a canoe, were told they were trespassing and asked to leave by Police. A mani fish- ing on the Pier was also asked to leave. Mayor Hamre told Danielîs that actions such as these do noth- ing but erode the public trust. Daniells stated that the lands in question are private prop- erty. Council approved The Kaitlin Group's rezoning application for phase 2 of the development, with an amend- ment that the developer instaîl a pedestrian tunnel beside the Mill St. underpass. That motion carried. The majority of councillors feit ORONO WEEKLY TIMES (905) 983-5301 Business Cards, Envelopes, Letterheads, Flyers, Newsletters Full Colour Prînting SERVING DURHAM REGION SINCE 1841 FUNERAL SERVICES PRE-ARRANGED & PREPAIO '"Weref12rofessiona( £tiquette Lr Important' Funer-al Directors Paul R. Morrds Robert E. Willams Gary M. Conway Doug R. Rutherford ANSWERING VOUR CALL 24 HIOURS 623-5480 4 Division St. Bowmanvilll,