Staying ln Touch John O'Toole Durham East MPF October 2th to mhe 24th is Srnal Business Week. Last week on my Rogers Cable show, rny guests weý-e Judith Andrew, the executive direc- tor of policy for mhe Canadian Federation of Independent Business and Ken Koury the president of mhe Nutty Chocolatier inx Port Perry. Smiai businesses with fewer than 100 employees account for 96% of Ontario business- es, 32% of ail jobs are in busi- nesses wimh fewer than 50 ernployees. Ontario srnall business Is tme fastest growth area wimh over a 200% increase inx women business owners in mhe past ten y.ears. Support your comrnunity business froni local newspa- pers tojewellers, restaurants, clothiers, hardware stores or convenience stores. Smnall businesses along with BIA's and Chaniber of Commerce groups support cornmunity activities wvith sponsorships of tearns and fundraising effortsý,. They also create jobs. This past weekend was wonderful weather for the Bowmanvllle BIA's annual Applefest. The crowds of peo- ple in our downtown's of both Bowrnanville as well as Port Perry reveals a degree of opti- mism that lias been xissing for the past few years. The great weather and a healthy local economy play an Impor- tant role inxtme life of our conimunities. I ami convinced mhat many of our govern- rnent's policies have helped sniall business. For mhe next few weeks,. public hearings on a number of pieces of legislation wIlll occupy most of the member's time. Ramher than list al me legislation and mhe Bill num- bers. I would encourage you to contact your constituency office at (905) 697-1501 or 1- 800-661-2433 for more details. If you have access to a cable TV service, many of mhe public hearings wlll aiso be televlsed. The Ontario Legisature also lias a web- site which lists detafled ifor- mnation on legislation. My website address is: (John_ copies of the official Hansard debates and a number of reports and. discussion papers. If you are interested inx any toplc from the future of Ontario Hydro to hospital restructurlng, or changes inx municipal govemnance, please contact your constltuency office. Finally, any individual or group mhat wlshes to meet with me or request me to attend mheir meetings, please call. I ama convinced mhat many news reports often devote much of their coverage to mhe controversial aspects of mhe given topic. News clips or sound bites gernerally fail to fully inform the public. Our public today is generaly bet- ter educated and thirstlng for mhe complete story. I arn Impressed mhat rnany public libraries today offer opportu- nities for everyone to access mhe world wide web and local intemret services as weil as traditiona-1 printed materlal1s. I was pleased last wee-k to meet -wlth Mandi Paquin and Marty Geai-y two OAC stu- dents to receive a petition on avoid an Illegal wa]k out. I an opposed to increasIng class sizes but arn convlnced that more teacher student contact will Improve our childrens quality of education. I further do flot want to see unquali- fied people teachlng. Education is for the futures of our clldren and our young aduits. Our students and classroom teachers must not be lost inx the union or gov- ernient rhetorlc. Being an elected member of government Is both a prlv- Ilege and a burden. 1 arn elected to serve ail the people Inx ry riding and indeed the province. Often, 1 find It dliii- cuit to find a balance between belng fiscally responsible and sociaily responsible. There sceers neyer enough to go around. Naturally, 1 draw on my own famly ecperlence of ralsing five chlldren. What i have leamned Is that educa- dion, experience and memio- ries are three things that -no one can take away from you. I have also learned that these are the saine glfts that we caný shuare wlth those around uis to encourage hope and confi- dence inx the future. Eacn speaker chose a number and was caJled upon to describe mheir adventures wearing the Halloween cos- tume bearing that nuxnber. Costumes ranged from Batman mhrough pirates to men lin drag. Two Toastrnasters present- ed Tali Tales. Bomh were curlousity rous- ing and those present chose Bowmanville Toastmaster Denise Marek's Tale as mie one wlith the more surprlsing ending. The public is always wel- corne at a Toastrnaster meet- ing. A special mreeting Is the Division Contest October 25, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. We meet every Tuesday 7:30 - 9:30 at -The Information Centre of Darlington Hydro". Corne and join us for an evenlng of fun and watch Toastmasters Inx action. RECYCLEr- THIS") NEWSPIAPER NOVEMBER 10,, 1997 Cecil Mackesey MAYOR * Proven Experience * Balanced Growth * Fiscal Responsibility * Open & Responsive Government * Concerned About Agriculture Lands Cecil Mackesey will provide the Leadership and Vision our community is Itfs time to eleet a leader that will isten to the Community and respond to ou CAMPAIGN OFFICES, Bowmanville 623-6271 Web Site: http:/I/ -electeec E-mail: &ç