Ste Stephen's Secondary Sehool news- by Sarah Howe Cow fever has hit St. Stephen's again this year. For Oie third consecutive year, Student Ceuncil has regis- tered our school ta Oie Milk Contest. Evexy carton of milk Oiat our studenis buy from Oie cafeteria brings us one step dloser te wlnning a free dance. Speaklng of dances, St. Stephen's hosted their first dance of Oie year on October 2nd. This dance, hosted by Much Music, has been one of our most successful. This wvas just Oie first of four proposed dances te take place this year, Including a joint dance wi Bowmanville H-igh Schoel and Clarke Hlgh School,,and a report semi-formal. October has been a busy month se far at St. Stephen's. The month started eut with the third Walk-a-Thon/Bike- a-Thon. The funïd raiser was a great success wth ene third of the meney gelng te charity. Lucklly for the students, the weather was great that day. Another great way te get exercise is te join the Outdoors Club. This Is one of the newest additions teoi e Ilist of extra-cunricular activi- ties and is rmn by Ms. Nolan. This group will have the chance te participate in many activities including camping and mountain blking. The first excursion was a 16 ilo- metre hike. Ail candidates forum hosted November 4 Anotheropportunity te ,make an inforinal decision is being sponsored by the Bowmanvllle Business and Professional Women'ýs Club. The All Candidates Forum wlll be held on Tuesday, November 4, 1997 from 7:30 p.m. te 9:30 p.m. in the Bowmanvllle High School auditorium. Ail of Oie declared candi- dates for the positions of Mayor, Regional Councillor, Local Ceuncillor, Hydre Cemmissioner, and School Board Trustee have beenf invited te participate. You will have Oie opportunity te, hear' each of Oie candidates speak and te question Oiose mun- ning for Mayor, Regional Councillor, and Local Councillor. These are times of change requirlng courage, flexdility and accountability. More than ever today, we owe it te ourselves te hear that our issues wi]l be addressed by our elected. representa- tives. For further Information please contact Pat Adamns - Publicity Chair at 579-5291. Nature and hiklng enthu- siasts wlll be able te enjey their favourite long-distance fotpath on the, Niagara Escarpment for generations te come, Joanna Bedard, Chair of Oie Ontarle Heritage Foundation (Oie Foundatien) announced' that the Foundation and the Bruce Trail Association (BTA) have agreed te an expanded land trust partnership. "The agreement invelves the transfer of Bruce lrail lands from Oie BTA and Oie Ontario Realty Corporation te the Foundation," sald Ms. Bedard. It marks an impor- tant step in Oie long-stand- ing partnershipbetween Oie Foundatien and Oie UTA. "Itfs a step that builds on the strengths of both organiza- tiens." The Bruce Trail Association views its expand- ing partnership with the Ontario Heritage Foundation .as a significant oppertunity te enhance the mission of both organizations," says Bruce Calvert, President of Oie BTA. For Oie Foundation, Oiis means expanding its vital trust role by holding title of Oie lands for Oie people of ontarie. Fer Oie BTA, this means building and main- taning a feotpath along Oie Niagara Escarpment from Queenston Helghts 'te Tobermory. This work involves trail property man- agement, stewardship, fund- raising, negotiating property acquisitions and donations. "This partnership," says Calvert, "wlll ensure public access to the Niagara Escarpment as well as pro- tection of Oie natural beauty of this World Biospher e Reserve." With the Foundation's role as title holder of lands in trust fer Oie people of Ontario and Oie BTA's role as manager of Oiese properties, Oie environ- mental well-being of Oie lands and access teOie Bruce Trail wiil be secured. The ýtransfer ef land involves 59 BTA properties and- six Ontario Realty Corporation properties, total- mng over 3,500 acres (1,454 hectares). The Foundation's trust role wll be expanded te encompass over 120 preper- ties, ncluding 15 Niagara Escarpment properties already owned by the Foundation. Over Oie past 12 years, Oie Bruce Trail Association and the Ontarie Heritage Foundation have. worked together on an array of initia- Keep e]rwlrOnment clean wîth kidney foundation Many people have neyer considered the ngtgative envi- ronmental effect§ Of an aban- doned vehicle. They don't realize that its fluids leak toxlc substanc@s into the ground and containinate the water table -- a source of dan- ger of people and pets. The Kidney Fundation of Canada is helplPg 9te elimi- nate this problerr'* Each year, Oie K1dney Car Pfogram recy- cles cars, truçks,' vans, motorhomes, boàts, motercy- dles and even sldos. People like this prograff' because of its hassle-free prflees. A per- son with a car te denate sim- ply calîs 1-800-â65-551 i for an information kIt. They then f111 eut Oie donOr form and send ît in. fpe Ontario Automotive Recycling Association (O.A.R.A.) will pick up on beflaîf of The Kidney Foundà.tion, cein- pletely free1 of chaïge, and The Foundatien will provide you with a tax receipt for Oie "bld" or scrap value oÈ Oie vehicle, minimum $75.00- It's a win-wii, situation. The donor wris because hiis/her unwantrd vehicle is disposed of quiclY and effç c- tively, and she/ie receives a tax receipt . idriey patients win because Oie funds raised help support a vàriety of pro- gramns that help Oie 18,000 kidney patients acress Canada. And Oie Çnvir0rnment wins because aý hazardous tives. The BTA bias been an active partner in Oie Niagara Escarpment LandI Acquisition and StewardshiP Program since the Feundation assumed responoibflity for lis administration In 1985 In cooperation wlithOie Ministry of. Natural Resources. The BTA has received funding from Oie Niagara E-scarpment Trust Fund for land acquisi- tien and has aise been Oie recipient of numerous grants from Oie Trust Fund in Oie areas of communication/public edu- cation, stewardship, research and fund-raislng. Given the Foundatien's mandate te protect and pro- mote heritage reseurces of provincial interest, plus its special status as a crown agency, the Foundation Is well-suited te extend Its trust rele te protect Oie lands along Oie Bruce Trafi. The Feundatien Is a part- ner with the Mlnistry of Natural Resources and Niagara Escarpment Commnission in lmplementing the provincial Niagara Escarpment Plan. The Ontario Heritage Foundatien Is a net-for-prof- it agency of Oie government of Ontarie. As the prevince's leaçi heritage agency, the Foundation Is dedicated te preserving, protecting and promoting Ontarlo's cultural and natural heritage fer Oie benefit of present and future generations. environmental element is elimlnated. O.A.RA disposes of donat- ed vehicles according te Mlnistry of Envlronment and Energy standards and covers over 76% of a vehicle's usable parts and resources. These parts are Oien recycled and reused, while any waste is disposed of safely. The Kidney Foundation of Canada is a national, volun- teer erganization dedicated te imprevlng the health and quality of life of people living with kidney disease. Supported by the public and responsive telits beneficlarles, The Klidney Foundation funds research and related clinical educatien; provides services for the speclal needs of indi- viduals living with kidney dis- ease; advecates for access te high quality health care; and, actlvely promotes awareness and cemmltment te organ donation. If you are interested in donating your vehicle, eall toll-free 1-800-565-5511 for more information. 2 * Wedding Cakes iii ~'j *Cakes for ail Occasions *Pastries-Donuts-Pies à %j* Bread & Buns S& Tea Room Proprietors: Gary & Carol Vreeker 983-9779 Main Street, Orono Closed Sunday & Monday ST.%SAVI1uOÀrBuR'S Miii Street, Orono 2 p.m. to 4p.m. Tea, Crafts, Penny Sale, Bake Sale, Fishpond Ta(( 3azaar NOTICE SENIOR CITIZENS AND THE PHYSICALLY DISABLED SIDEWALK AND DRIVEWAY WINDROW SNOW CLEARING PROGRAM The Municipality of Clarington is off ering senior citizens 65 years of age and over and the physically disabled a snow clearing service on municipal sidewalks and for driveway windrows adjacent to single family clwellings, which includes semi-detached, link housing and row housing in the urban areas of Bowmanville, Courtice, Orono, Newcastle Village and in the Hamiets of Bondhead, Newtonville, Tyrone, Leskard, Haydon, Kendal, Solina, Hampton, Burketon, Enniskillen, Maple Grove, Enfield, Mitchell Corners and Kirby. To be eligible for this service, applicants must be 65 years of aga or older or be physically disabled, occupy a single family dwelling, which f ronts onto a Town Street in the specified urban areas or the urbanized areas of the specified hamiets, and have no able bodied persons under the age cf 65 years residing on the property. Senior citizens must provide a copy of a birth certificate or Senior Citizens Number; physically disabled applicants must provide a doctor's certif icate. Application Forms can be obtained from the Public Works Department, Municipal Administrative Centre at 40 Temperance Street in Bowmanville, or caîl 623-3379. If you wish te verify that you qualify for the service, please contact Jan O'Neill at extension 202. AIl applications should be completed and returned to the Municipality of Clarîigton, Public Works Department on or before November 19, 1997. C MUNICIPALITY OF - aringjo ONTARIO Dates of Publication: Wednesday, October 22, 29, 1997 P.O. 7014 Bruce Trail future more secure through partnership