Oro cWe1Te.e Vesday Octbber29, 1997 15 r y Phyll Winter cetalnly bas corne early this year and so sud- denly. Saturday I was out wlth a llght- jacket and Sunday a wlnter coat would bave been appropriate. The new furnace was work- ing well on Sunday. the Church was nice and warm. This month has been Pastor Appreclation monih, the Choir opened the Service wih Rev. lack's favourite hymn. "Lord 0f The Dance" and then he and his wlf,Lorraîne were called to stand together and Lorraine was presented wih a lovely bouquet and David wth a glft and card slgned by ail pre- sent. Carol Gardner spoke on how much we here ai Kendal appreclate ail the work they bave done and the activities ihey have Initiated in, our Congregation. Lorraine gave her thanks and David told us of the time that he had planned to use this hymn, "Lord 0f The Dance" after his Sermon and when he announced it the organlst sald "No" he said 'Why not" shie sald 1 don't play ht, soyou wlll have to sing someting else. David sald that ever since he has been almost afraid to use IL. Tlhe Christ Candile was lit and Prayers were given for concerns, the Gatherlng Hyrnns were, "He Had Made Me Glad", "I Have Declde'd-To Follow Jesus". The choir sang "It Is Not An Easy Road". The chlldren were called forward. David asked them how many of ihem liked to daydream? How many like to dream at nlght? Did ihey drean inh colour or black and white? He told them that dreams are exciing, some- times we go off in space, sornetirnes ht Is a chance for Jesus to corne into our lives. David told them about the lit- île boy that lived i the Church, he slept on a mat before the altar. This boy heard someone cal bis naine, he went to the priesi and asked if It was he who called hlm and was told, no. T7his happened three times, the priesi iold hlm thatIt hi ght be God calling to hlm so lis- ten, and let God cail to you. The chldren's hymn was, "Brighien The Corner". The Prayer of Self- Exainination and the Words of Assurance were given. The Scriptures were from Colossians 2: 6-10; Luke 5: 27-32. The Sermon was tltled, "Sometblng to Belleve In». 1David used a clip from the show Nothing Sacred and showed it to us on the TV, he s aid mat they had used It at their Confessional talking about having an abortIon. also it showed a fainily i con- ffict, the young boy takes the car and drives if full speed into a tree, trying to Idl ihm- self. The young woman asked COLUMN lis Lowery failure to communicate wlth those in your own home, a loss of falth. We, repeated our, Aflirination of Faith. We are not alone. We live I God's world. We believe I God. This Is a statement. Who has cre- ated and Is creating. Who bas corne In Jesus,- the word made flesh. If you want to know God, look at Jesus, He was like us. Mary was not made to be an Idol, she was hurnan, like us. To reconcile and make new, Who works in us and others by the spirit. He camne to heal us both i body and i spirit. We trust I God. We live by Falth. The small cblld shows us total faith i a par- ent when they wIll jump from somethlng ito your ams, they don't question that you wll catch them. We are cailed to be the church, to celebrate God's presence to live wlth respect i creation, to love others. to seek justice and resist evil, to proclalm Jesus, crucffied and rlsen, oui-judge and oui- hope. In life, ln d@ath, ln life beyond death, God Is with us. We are not alone. Thanks be to God. The- hyrrin, -What A Filend We Have In Jesus", was sung. The Prayer of Thankfulness and the Offering was given. The Prayer of Concern and Comritment was followed by mhe closing bymn, "Stand By Me". A time of fellowship fol- lowed initme CE room., Don'i forget the Kendal U.C.W. will be holding a Bake Sale at the Kendal Orange Hall on Saiurday November 8tb, this will be i conjunc- tion wlth the, Kendal Hilîs L. O.BA The Kendal choir will be holding a Musical Evening on Sunday Nov. 9th. Pot-luck supper followed by music at 6 p.m. Newtonville U.C.W. is once again havlng Ham Suppers and Eniertalnment on November 8th and November l4th, 6:30 p.m., cost $10-00. Phyllis Loweiy Newcastle Lions Club News The Lions Club of Newcastle met ln the Lions Room ai the Newcastle Communiy Hall for their reg- ular meeting on October 22nd. President George Rickard offichated with 25 Mernbers present as well as guests Troy Young, Hans Verkruisen, Steve Rtchie, and Jane Ogden, President of the Bewdley Lions Club who was accompanying her hus- band RC John Ogden on bis official visit to the Newcastle club. Afier' dinner Lion Terry Gïýàhain gave a short expIa- nation of the visitation pro- grain mat exlsts between al Lions Clubs. Ten-y relnforced the Importance of visitlng other clubs to get Ideas and strengtben the bond of the Lions Communiiy. He also commented on the visitation contesi ihai exisis at this Lions District. Next, Reglonal Cbalrman, John Ogden, on bis official visit, was Introduced by Lion Gord Moulton. John spoke on the International Presideni's theme, "proud past and brighter- future" whlch District Governor George Foui-nier has adopted and asked hlm to promote. John, also spoke on the Lions Effective Speaking Contest and it's Importance to school childi-en, Lions Youih Exchange and mhat now Is the time to put the wheels in motion, for next summer. when the exchanges take place._ "The future Is -i oui- young people" John com- mented -so, get out and work wih them". John was thanked by Lion Stan Powell. Cindy Poon, representing the Clarington Public Library, asked to speak to the Lions Club on the Communlty Access Progi-am. A partof Canada's Information Highway straiegy for univer- sal. affordable internet access. CAP is offered by Industry Canada and Is designed to help residents and busInesses i smail and rural communities, bave the saine access to the opportu-î' nities offered by the Information HlUghway as those ln larger urban centers. Though Cindy did not give a total cosi of the prograni, they are asklng for our financlal assistance because the Federal Govemment wlll fund only 50% of the cost up to $30,000.00. Thank you letters were read from the Clarington East Economlc Support (food bank) for the contribution, from Evelyn Norbrup foi-bus tour and from the lst Newcastle Scout Group, for the clubs support over the year, and will continue, to need help. Also received a thank you and cheque for $200.00 from the Newcastle Seniors for the use of the Lions Room in the past. Lion Jean Grahami report- ed on the Dog Walkx-a-thon, adveriising has been com- pleted, and the final tally could be close to $15,000.00. Ili & Visitation Chmn. Roy Watts reporied that Lion Amos Langley fell off a ladder and is reporiedly golng around on ci-utches. Lion Pat Blaker is home from the bos- pital, and Lion Dick Lovekin is recovering ýin Toronto General Hospital. The next regular Newcastle Lions meeting wll take place i the Lions Room ai the Newcastle Community Hall on November 1l. Speaker will be Zone Chairman, Lion Terry Grabam. Guests ai-e wel- corne, please cail Peter DeJong ai 987-5293 for con- firmnation. Subscribe to the Orono Weekly Times SALE 0F LAND BY PUBLIC TENDER MUNICIPAL TAX SALES ACT THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY 0F CLARINGTON Take Notice that tenders are invited For the purcliase of the land(s) described below and will be received until 3:00 p.m. (local time) on Tuesday, November 18, 1997 at the Office of the Clerk, The Corporation of thec Municipalily of Clarington, Municipal Administrative Centre, ý40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario, LiC 3A6. The tenders wiIl then be opened in public on the same day at 3:00 p.m. ot thec same Municipal Administrative Centre. Description of Lands ' %nder Amount 1) No. 18-17-010-040-00900-0000 %ýVz33.62 Part of Lot 21, Concession 2 Formerly Township of Darlinr' now part of flhe Munkcir_'6 V-n Regional Municipal' o As last descrîl i 0. No. 79618, save as P* Lot 21, Concession 2 as r %-eityoffice Oivsion of Durham, r nwn as 2. Hoît Road, Courtice. Zoning: Agricultural (A) 2) No. 18-17-010-120-10000-0000 $1 8,494.37 Part of Loti 8, Concession 5 Formerly Township of Darlington now part of thec Municipality of Clarington Regional Municipality of Durham, As Iast described in Instrument No.N27821, as registered in the Registry Office for thec Registry Division of Durham, Municipally known as 5449 Old Scugog Road, Hampton. Zoning: Residential H amlet (RH) 3) No. 18-17-020-060-10900-0000 $37,770.37 Parcel 9-2, Section Concession 2, Newcastle (Bowmanville) being Part of Lot 9, Concession 2, Formerly Township of Bowmanville now part of flhc Municipality of Clarington Regional Municipality of Durham, designated as Part 1, on Plan 1 OR-3770, as regîstered in the Registry Office for the Land Titles Division of Durham, Municipally known as ,450 Mearns Avenue, Bowmanville. Zoning: (Holding) Urban Residential Type One ((H)R1) (Holding) Urban Residential Type Two ((H)R2) (Holding) Urban Residential Type Tliree ((H)R3) (Holding) Urban Residential Exception ((H)R1 -20) (Holding) Urban Residential Exception ((H)R2-5) (Holding) Urban Residential Exception ((H)R3-8) 4) No. 18-17-010-020-11852-0000 Lot 27, Plan 97 Formerly Township of Darlington now part of the Municipality of Clarington Regional Municipality of Durham, as registered in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of Durham, Zoning: Agricultural {A) $2,1 72.38 Tenders must be submitted in the prescribed form and must be accompa- nied by a deposit in the form of a money order or of a bank draft or cheque certified by a bank, trust company or Province of Ontarioi Savings Office payable to the Municipality (or board) and representing at least 20 per cent of the tender amount. The Municipality makes no representation regardinig the title to or any other matters related to the land to be sold. Responsibility for ascertain- ing these matters rests with the potential purchasers. This sale is governed by the Municipal Tax Sales Act and the Municipal Tax Sales Rules made under thec Act. The successful purchaser wilI be required to pay the amount tendered plus accumulated taxes and the rel- evant land trasfer tax. Title. Name of Municipafity/Board: Mrs. Lou Ann Bîrkett, CPP, AMCT The Corporation of the Purchasing Man ager MunficipaliZy of Clarîngton Address of Municpality or Board: 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario LiC 3At 1905) 623-3379 (extension 268)