TLT~TT~ATf~~ Womien in Abuse Relalîonships WAKEFIELD INURACEFo el il Specializing: "l'le Deiiise 1-buse" *Disability Incomée *Mortgatge Insurarice For Womien and Chlidren *Lffie Insurance .GIC's Inuestments *Travel Insurance To rc7280-3172 VOTE ON NO VEMBER 1 Oth 983-9438 Cor 728-7311Asurc 83 Kng Street West Newcastle, Ontario Li B 1 L2 Telephone (905) 987-3200 Matthews &Associates NSURANCE BROKERS LTD Pauline Mate, A...C., C.I.B. Branch Manager HAM ILTONS INSURANCE SERVICE 334 MAIN ST, BOX 309 OIRONO LOB 1iMO ~ 1-905-983-5115 Fax i1-905-983-82213 If' you wanit to drink, Thai's your business. If you wanit t o0Stop), Tasours. Ai Icohiolics Anionymlous Lakeshiore DistricLs' (416) 728-1020 Recy icle Pyas k~~~'I~~ . .Id . 1] U..... I I !'(It~'iI L' JIMI" WANTED: ODD JOBS PARTNER'S PLUMBING - Furnace Cleaning 9 39 4 r and Repairs ORONO, ONTARIO -24 Hr. No Heat Service Gould Pumps &Water Painting FREE ESTIMATES Systems aSeptic Beds uGeneral Repairs Over 21' Years Expenience Plumbing Installations mInside and Out Cail '983-5541 General Repairs *Basement to Roof FREE ESTIMATES Cali Clifford Francis VIRYFormer/y Harvey Par/ner Ltd. 983-5761 PLUMBING& HEATING - Pump Repairs & Installation -New Worl< uRepairs *Furnace Cleaning *Fre Estmales For Friand/y Expert Service Cali 983-6214 FINANCIN I S A VAILABLE ROBERT E JACK-901 HEating * ElEctrical Air Conditioning Aulhonized Cosumers Gis Dealer Independent Lennox dealer Furnacesa Air Condtioners & Appliances Main St., Orono 983-6221 »'Work Wanted" D& R CUSTOM FENCING and Custom Chain Sawing Orono, Ontario 983-9627 Great Rates! This couli bo !PIR spot. ORONO BUILDING & DECORATING CENTRE Personalized Project Planning Since 1935 85 Station Street Orono, Ontaro LOB 1 MO Dave Chatterton Orono, Ontario Bus: (905) 983-9167 Fax: (905) 983-9467 Tel: (905) 983-5546 If na answer (905) 983-5940 L d '5' I * P o go' I o, . a -'I You COuId advertise here!!! Cail today, 983 - 5301 Make this your ad! CailiElaine at 983-5301 Advertise your services here this winter. C.C. SIDINO CONTRACTORS Quality Installers of Siding & Doors *Wholesale uRetail .Siding .Soffit .Facia -Windows uDoors 1684 Newtonville Rd. *Newtonville, ON Carl Christensen 786-3059 A -1 E4 VESTROUGI-4 Mianufecturers of 5" Seam/ess Eavestrough Wholesale a Retail Quality Installations 1684 Newtonville Rd. Newtonville 7836-3059 Darlene uCari ED'S AUTOMOTIVE AIR CONDITIONING Service & Repairs to ail makes of Vehicles We make service cails for off-road equîpment ED CARSCADDEN (905) 983-5422 Couinty Rd 9, just cast of Kendal Advertise your services in this Spot NATIONAL POWJERSKATING Early Mornlng Programs "NEW DATES» Darlington Arena 7 -8 a.m. SESSION 1 October 27, 29, & 30 November 3, 5 & 7 SESSION 2 November 10, 12 & 14 17. 19 &21 "ON THE GO- CONTINENTAL BREAKFAST Included Program Fee - $115.00 or Pre-Register before October ILth - $95.00 TO REGISTER CALL 905-983-1148, "HAVE THE EDGE1» 1, 8, 15, 22. 29. 5Sac ent ..m.s.... un. ORONO TOWN HALL Work on your own Urne. 10t BIRTHDAY No employees. individuals & No Inventory. organizations lnterestedà #I Rated i this birthday Home Business celebration are asked to Doùit Delay Cali Gloria at tend a meeting on today (905) 436-29291 Thursday. October 3th. 1. 8, 15, 22. 29 ac 7:00 p.m. at the Orono Town Hall. Your attendance and Input wflI be appreciated. 22, 29 ac LOOKI! iCLARINGTON OLDER PSYCHICS TELL YOUR FUTURE Cali 1-900-451-3555 Ext. 7549 $3.99 per min. Must be 18 yrs. Procail Co. *(602) 954-7420 VENDORS INVTED to participate li The Orono Craft Show November l4th 4 - 9 p.m. November lSth * 10 -4 p.m. Table rentai for two days $40.00. Please contact Eleanor at 983-9245 or Judy at 983-9494. 29, 5 ac Subscribe Orono Weekly Times 983-5301I ADULT ASOCIATLLÂIN P-ALL & CHRISTMAS BAZAAR Frlday, October 31/97 1l a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Mernorlal Park Communlty Centre Llberty Street South, Bowmanvtlle Lunch: $5.00 Homem-ade Soup, Sandwich, Apple Pie, Bake Table, Crafts, Penny Auction, Chrstmas Glfts. 29 ap FALL ROAST BEEF DINNER Orono United Church Saturday. November 15 5:00 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. TICKETS: Adults - $ 10.00 6 - 12 yrs. - $6.00 Under 6 yrs. FREE CM!: Joyce Cowan 983-5940. Donna Scott 983-5026, Wilis Barraball 983-5736 OR any Steward 29, 5, .12 ac M FURNACE FUEL - GASOLiNE - DIESEL TEXACO - ESSO AND PERFORMANCE PLUS MOTO R QILS & GREASES COOPER FUELS LTD. RESIDENTIAL - INDtJSTRIAL - AGRICULTURAL, 4333 Hwy. 2, Newtonville (905) 786-2502 CHATTERTON ELECTRIC- RESIDENTIAL m COMMERCIAL m INDUSTRIAL POLE LUNE CONSTRUCTION FREE ESTIMATES Doug De Vries 23 West Beach Rd. Bowmanvifle 697-3308 Repair We do ft ail SNOW13LOWERS, LAWNMOWERS, TRIMMERS, CHAIN SAWS, CHAIN SAW SHARPENING YOU NAME IT, WE DO IT 5105 Main St. Orono fo servce sali (905) 983-9772 THE NAIL STATION Career Training Center. Become a nail technician, career training available in artificial nails, ear candling. tips, coatings, pedicures, waxing. (905), 723-8083. Gtneral Repaira Iriside & Out *Painting, Carpentry, Etc. - No Job Too Small *Reiable & Reasonable Cal! (905) 983-5761 Clifford Book Now For Your Winter Panting 22, 29, 5ac Don't miss this once li alilfetimne opportunity. Help us to introduoe CANADIAN DIGITAL SATELLITE T.V. The fastest growlng technologyi 1 1 SERVICES