........... eeld Tinmesý,Wedàiday, Novembeir . ..1.97 .....) OPEN LETTERS...... An openi letter to the school comrnunlty. The staff of Orono Public School feel it is our responsi- bflity ta uphold anid protect the educational rights of the students ti Ontario. We have had the privilege to elect a tr-ustee to relay the concerris and issues of the public to local school boards. If the government proceeds with Bill 160, the trustee that you elect locally will have little savy ti the education of our stu- dents. We question who, ti a dernocratlc society, will have a voice ti theeducational sys- tems tI this province. The opinions of the general public wlll make littie difference. Parent councils wlll be able ta make fewer decisions that affect their chldren's educa- tion. If you warit a change, wth whom will you ta]k local- ly? The governrnent will con- trol ail of the educational tax dollars with littie or no atten- tion to local needs or local concerris. The immediate issues of concerri are: - class size - what wlll the limit be? - the use of noncertified teachers (L.e., in the ltbrary, indergarten. music, physi- cal education and guidanice positions) a preparation Urne (to pre- pare and plan quallty pro- grammes and to commun- cate wth parerits clos ely on an arigotag basis) Thank you for your moral support, phone cails, pres- ence on the protest line and thoughtful treats. You have helped to make this political protest a cornmunlty endeav- our whlch hopefully will enrlch the quality of educa- tion for "OUR" children now and ti the future. Your involvement helps to validate our cause and demonstrates the Importance of each volce at this trne. Yours ti the interest of our students The Orono Public School Staff C. Baley, S. Bek, M. Bird, L. Brown, N. Caron, A. DeLaat. J. Dupuls, P. Martin, J. McCrea, C. O'Neill, G. Osmond, T. Spurreil, C. Montreui, M.Hopcraft, N. Hood, M. Miller, M. Abrarnof THIS NEWSPAPER Gu 1 Sharing a Heaithier Futurd Corne FIy With Me by Roy Forrester Thirty-five were Jaken for a most enjoyable flight over, the lands âloflg the Oak Rdges Moraine with the showing of ldes by Lou Wise, a week-end pilot, conservattofllst and photographer. The showing Was held in the Kendal United Church Hall antd spon- sored by SAGA and the Willow Beach Naturalists. The hour artld a half showtng held the total interest of the audience throughout. "Corne Fly With Me" was a sertes of slides pre- sented in moving picture forrn allowing tirne to enjoy the scenerY taken by Lou Wise frc)r his Cherokee Cessia' from 1000 to 1500 feet. The openLflg sertes were of cloud fofrnations, sunrises and sunsets. This was followed by mani- made patterns onthe land below formed by Parking lots, farm fields, and two sub-divisions. SAs a consdrvatonst Wise outlined rntfy of the major wetlands along the Moraine, as well1 as the forested areas wtth the largest betng the Gan- araska Forest. River valleys and gapping excavations of aggregate, especially in Uxbridge Township were also fea- tures of the slides. The commnentary by Lou Wise added greatly to the outing. Lift weights, l lift your spirits! Net Ume yoLre caang te weigt of the wortd on your shoulders, (et physiat adtvtyq Iten te [od. Sharing a Heaithier Futurd - ýPcR)7£lPr7 Subscribe to the Orono Weekly Times Yp~v~l'v~ Brigitte Brown PMV EA]RTS ift Certificates Pediuresavailable. Manicures BRIDAL Waxing SPECIALS Nail Extensions Ear Candling ESTHETIC STUDIO AVAILABLE ' 171 Mill St., Orono, Ontario LOB iMO - 905-983-8169 BALLS RIADIO & T.V. REPAIR REPAIRS TO MOST MAKES STEREOS, COLOUR AND B&W T.V.s AND V.C.R.s P.O. Box 27 R.R. 2, Orono, Ont. (905) 983-5721 MF