David Webb address to Teachers - RaIIy - Victoria Park Cobourg Oct. 31, 1997 .As a parent with 3 children in this sebool system, I would like to express to you my deep concern for their well being and education while under the attack of this. lunatic govemment. I would next like to express my thanks to ail of you for standing in defence of my children and the education system. Without this political action, I believe a functioning system of education which May need tuning, would have been horribly crippled and totally removed from my sphere of influence. You are to be commended for your demonstration of extreme commitment to the kids and to principles we ail believe in - democracy, faimness and the value of education. 1, like most parents, do not pretend to understand aIl that Bi ,I 160 means to the education systemr, but I do. know that I dont trust Hanrs and his goons at Queen's Park to have the best interests of my children as their highest prÎority. I do believe that they are trying to make a cheaper, flot a better education system and that they are attempting to push through ill-conceived notion about, education in too much of a rush. 1 hear the sound bytes and the rhetoric from both sides and I attempt to pull out the most likely trutb and I will tel! you, the teachers are -by far more believable. How can 1 believe a govemnment whicb was elected on a promise not to cut funding to education and flot to effect the classroom and who then pulls $1/2 billion out of the system. How can 1 believe a govemnment who then dlaims to not have any plans to further reduce education funding and then is caught by a memo clearly indicating a further $600 million cut in funding. How can 1 trust a govemment who thinks that non-certified teachers should teach my kids? How can 1 believe a govemment who thinks that effectively delivering curriculum to My kids doesn't require any preparation. As for people who question what children might learn from the breaking of laws in this political action. I respond that this is education, a tesson in civics. The tesson is that when a government no longer represents the people who put themn there and when a government threatens the future of this province by risking the education of the children, then civil disobedience is necessary. t is a tesson 1 arn happy to have my kids learn. You are the people I entrust my children to every, day and 1 trust you. 1 do not think the current system is flawless and perfect, but 1 also do flot think Arthlur Black -Ah, the poor old Fuzz. They can't Win for losing. Here you have a group of men and wcêmen willing to put their liveS on the line for a fairly paltry paycheqlue and what do they get? Sneers. Jibes. Put DOwfls- There's a story going around about a guy who wit- nesses 'a brute of a thug putting the boots to his (the Harris understands how to better it. 1 do trust that you cou Id make changes to better the system. I support your action and encourage you to hold the Uine. 1 suggest that your representatives be pro- active in suggesting- more effective changes - such as your 5-point plan and that they counter Lying Dave Johuson's every rnove one for one in the media. 1 will continue ta express îny support of your action with other parents and community members and especially with my provincial representatives. Parents do care and we support your stand!!! In Solidarity!!! thug's) wife. So the guy phones the police station, only to be told by an answer- ing service that "no offîcer is available to take your caîl, but if you'Illleave your namne and number, the first avail- able agent will get back to you.le Stuff that, thinks the guy who hangs up and inspira- tionally calîs the local Dunkin' Donuts outlet. "Let me speak to a police officer please" he tells the server droid who answers. Within seconds a cop is on the phone, and a squad carý is dis- patched to the scene of the crime. Great story -- but bogus. It's an Urban Legend -- one of those stories that's so good it ought to be true, but isn't. The fact is, we, the public are pre-disposed to snicker at cops. t helps us to feel supe- rior. Cops, after aIl, are the folks who can flag us down on the highway, stop us in the shopping maIl or pretty much pull us up anywhere they like and lecture us for misbehav- iour like no one bas lectured ug gince we were in knee pants in front of our mother. Which helps to explain the public glee that greeted a story which appeared in newspapers around the world last month:: New London, Conn.: A city that doesn't want police officers with 'too high an IQ' has been sued by an appicant who lost a job because of his high score on an intelligence test. Robert Jordan dlaims the city of New London, Connecticut, dis- criminated against him based on his intelligence and violat- ed his constitutional rights. He says an assistant manager told him: 'We don't like to hire people that have too high an IQ to be cops in this city'. "I know I would be a good cop," says Jordan, "but 1 had the misfortune of selecting too many correct answers." A would'be cop who was too smart to be a cop. Perfect. Fits right into the Urban Legend. Why is it we the public -- we fat burghers who take it for granted that the cops wîll always be there to do our dirty work -- feel such delight when we read stories like the foregoing? Or the foliowing: An old lady is driving along the highway, steering with her elbows as she knits away. She is swerving aIl over the road. A highway patrolman pulls alongside and shouts through the bullhorn, "PULL OVER! " The ittie old lady loioks up smiling and says "No, itfs (continued page 12) NOVEMBER 10, 1997 CeilMackesey MAYOR " Proven Experience " Balanced Growth " Fiscal Responsibility " Open & Responsive Government " Concerned About Agriculture Lands Cecil Mackesey will provide the Leadership and Vision, our community is seeking. It's time to eleet a- leader that will listen to the Community and respond to our concerns. CAMPAIGÇN OFFIC:ES Bowmanville 623-6271 Web Site: http: //www.durham.nlet/~electcec Orono 983-9562 E-mail: electcec@,7durham.flet OronoWeeklyTimc,<3,Mrednesd,ýyNovemb-erS,1997-11