0r1 ekyTmsWdcdy oeme ,97-1 Pathfinders receive Can ada Cord Celebrate waste reduction week November 3 -:9Y,1997 Leanne Knapp, Melissa Hubling and Ashlee Hendry, mem bers of the Ist Orono Pathfinders received their Canada Cord Monday Night. The Canada Cord is the high- est achievement a Pathfinder can obtain. COÙ"'UNCIL NOTES . *Several West Beach resi- dents told counicil that the plan to save 60% of the West Side Marsh was just an experiment. If the experi- ment fails, the entire marsb will be lost, say the residents. -Susan Barrett, spoke on behiaîf of David Crombe, and the Waterfront Regeneration Trust. Barret thanked coun- cil, staff and residents for the bard work gone into the pro- ject thus fan. She urged coun- cil to approve the "'pinciples of understanding" negotiated between Blue Circle and the Municipality. 1Blue Circle nepresenta- tives declîned the opportunity to speak wben called upon. Mayor Hamne negnetted this decision due to the fact that there was some confusion associated with the possibility of second stone crusher being built at some future date. Council unanimously appnoved the "Pinciples of Understanding" outlined in report ADMIN-47-97. Clarington Councillors say their farewells Monday At the close of Monday's council meeting, Mayor Hamne personally thanked al tbe council membens and staff for their dedicated work over the 1l-ast three yeans. She thanked Councillon Scott for his 6 years and Councillor Hannah for bis 9 years of hard work. Councillon Elliott was not at the meeting. Councillors Dreslinski, Novak and Pingle were also tbanked and the Mayor wisbed themn weilIwbile on the campaign trail. Councillors thenl took tumns thanking each other and staff. Retiring Councillor Scott had presented fellow council membens and staff witb a boutonniere before tbe start of Monday's meeting. The yellow carnation witb the blue ribbon were selected because yellow and blue are tbe Municipal colours. Not only does the flower repre- sent the envinonment, it is also a social, economical and natural symbol. "You don't create flowers, but you nour- isb tbem," said Scott. Tbe blue ribbon symnbolized tbe Officiai Plan. "Politicians like to cut ribbons, doni't cut this one," Scott warned. "Tbie officiai Plan is thiere to pro- tect our future," bie said. The adoption of the Official Plan was seen as -one of tbe major accomipIlib ments ofti s counc il. Crop insurance stats for winter whei, People ask us at AGRI- CORP what value crop insur- ance can have for them. Put slmply, it reduces the finan- cial loss in the event of a crop loss. With winter wheat there are two main types of loss: winter kill and production losses. If you lose crop to win- ter kili, you can be paid a benefit to help offset the cost of plariting the crop. If your These girls will now go on t o special branches, and will participate in the 1998 England trip. TEIACHERh SDUSPEJ NDED Father Moloney, a Math Department Head at St. Stephen's Secondary School in Bowmanville was charged on Friday Oct. 31, by the Durham Regional Police with assauit with a weapon'. The incident is reported to have occurred at the Orono Arena on October lSth, 1997, following a school hockey game. The victim, a grade 12 student at St. Stephen's alleges that after he stepped from the shower and snapped his towel at the-coach, the coach retaliated by striking hlma between 15 - 20 times with the butt end of a hockey stick. The incident was reported to the boy's school, and later to the police. Father Moloney has been suspended without pay until the end of the strike. At the termination of the strike, he will be suspended with pay until the outcome of the charges through the legal sys- tem are known. harvested yield is low, crop Insurance can reduce the financial impact of the low yîeld. Most people know that 1996 was a bad year for win- ter wheat. Just how bad was It? In Ontario there were 347,175 acres of wheat Insured under 6,875 con- tracts. AGRICORP paid dlaims on 6,141 oftfhose con- tracts totalling $30,819,997. After a poor planting season last fail there were 252,966 acres of wheat insured under 5,952 contracts for 1997. Whien planting winter wheat for 1998, consider the risks. Consider crop insur- ance. To enroli in crop insur- ance or for more information cail the Port Perxy AGRICORP office at 1-800-263-8023 (long distance) or 985-2003 (local). November 3rd - 9th is Ontario's thlrteenth annual Waste Reduction Week. In celebration of this week-long event, activities to raise awareness of the 31rs, and encourage the adoption of conservation behaviours, will be held In more than 150 communities throughout Ontario. Residents of Durham Region are encouraged to cel- ebrate Waste Reduction Week by participating in special events, contests, draws and displays. The activities, coor- dinated by, reglonal1 and municipal staff, volunteers, and representatives from businesses and environmen- tai groups, will aim to instill a sense of individual responsi- bility regarding waste man- agement. The theme for this year's Waste Reduction Week is Thînkîng outsîde the Blue Box. "The challenge As to encourage people to move beyond Blue Box Recycling and recognize the benefits of Waste Reduction. Let us ail practice the 3 R's, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle", says Peter Watson, Manager of Waste Management. Special individual theme days wiil be promoted during Waste Reduction Week and they will help people reaflze how the 3R's relate to every- day a ctivities. Waste Reduction Week: November 3rd to November 9th: Monday: 3Rs Awareness, Tuesday: 3Rs Education, Wednesday: Gardening & the 3R's. Thursday: Purchasing & the 3R's, Frnday: Home Maintenance & the 3R's, Saturday: Exchanging & Reuse Day, Sunday: Litter & the 3R'Us. For more information about activities being held in youLr communl-mty or to volun- teer your timne in helping plan events, please contact Region of Durham Works Department at (905) 668- 7721 or 1-800-372-1103. [Order 1'leddin« Invitations Irom the Orono T/mes There's a style ifor ail tastes! Plioîe 983-5301 5310 .Màin St-. Orono SEALED TENDERS, clearly marked as to contents, for the follow- ing requirements isted below, submitted to the Corporationof the Municipality of Clarington, Office ofý the Cterk, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario, LIC'3A6, are invited and wiII be received on the forms and in the envelope provided until the specified closing time and date. Tender documents may be obtained from the Purchasing Office at the above address, for a non-refundable fee of $25.00 (including G.S.T.) Tender 0L97-28 Closlng Time and Date: Clarington Animal Control 2:00 p.m. (local time) Wednesday,November 19, 1997 The work for the Corporation of the Munîcipality of Clarington under the direction of the Property Manager, involves the com- plete renovation of 2,750 square feet of existing vehicle storage space in a Works Department building to meet the, requirements of an Animal Control facility including the remnoval and replace- ment of the slab on grade, construction of interior masonry par- titions, installation of a suspended drywall ceiling, supply and installation of dog kennel gates and screens and ail related plumbing, ventilation and electrical services. A mandator site visit is scheduled for Wednesday, November 12, 1997 from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. C~ MUNICIPALITY OF ONTARIO Mrs. Lou Ann Birkett, c.P.P., A.m.c.T. Purchasing Manager 40 Temperance St. Bowmanville LiC 3A6 Telephone: (905) 623-3379, Ext. 268 PO. #7315 Thomas E. Brown Architect Inc. 349 King Street East Toronto, Ontario M5A 1K9 <416) 364-5710 Date of Publication: Wednesday, November 5, 1997 ------------ L