14Oon eekly Times, Wednesday, November 5è 1997 CLARIFICA TION activity period. Children and staff are sharing interests and abilities. LEADING THIE WAY IN CANADA! The Walking School Bus has become a national pro- ject. Under the direction of Public Health Nurse, Shawn Woods, we are on our way to puttlng tato place a safe and healthy way for our children to get to and from school. If you are interested in being a part of this exciting partner- shlp with school, parents, community agencies and Public Health - oeil the school and ask for one of the orga- nizers to give you a cali. REPORT CARDS We wlll continue to be uslng the pilot report card from the M inistry. TIs is not the form we were given to use last year. The new report willl be shared wlth you durlng the November interview ses- sion. As part of the, process, you may be ýgiven the third page (the page for the com- ments of parents concernlng the student's achidevements, goals and home support) to conslder/comnplete. ting at the picnic table. The picture last week was very dark and did flot show the entire halloween display. We apologize for any Newcastle Public School News (tatended for last week) Parent Volunteers The number of aduits (one belng the teacher) necessary to accompany classes on trips is set down by Board Policy. Sometimes we need to active- ly recruit parents/grandpar- ents/comrnunity members to accompany the class on an excursion. At other tirnes we find ourselves in a deliclous dilemma of having s0 many adults taterested In coming along that we do not have room on the bus. Should this situation arise the first adults/parents to indicate their interest In providing supervision after the request is made and as of the date published will be enlisted. Should we have a need for a specffic gender eg. the teach- er is female and we need 3 helpers. the first 5 to offer their services are also femnale - we would go down the vol- unteer ist until we found a male willtag to provide prop- er supervision in washroom situations. There will be Uies when due to the nature of the activlty and/or location the teacher wlll request certain parents to asslst. SCHOOL DENTAL PROGRAM TI-is screenlng program i s done on ail children ta K, 2, special education classes and tadivduai children new to the school. Should you wish your child to be seen ,and your child Is not in the above men- tioned grades, please contact the school office. Parents will be notified of the results of the screening. For children with acute treatment needs, assistance is available through the Minlstry of Health's Children ta Need of Treatment Prograni for fami- lies who are not covered by tasurance, if the cost of care represents a f1inancial hard- ship. LOST AN» FOUND It may seeni anazing but both our list of lost articles and box of found items con- tinue to grow. Should you notice that your child is miss- tag some article of clotbing, etc. remind theni to check the lost and found box In the foyer. Students and parents are advised to leave expensive or important personal belong-, ings at home. The school cari- not be responsible for mis- placed or stolen possessions. NEW EQUIPMENT Onceagain. the students and staff thank the parents and School Counicil for their efforts In fundraising. Last year, the fund was able to purchase a play unit and a 4 seater teeter-totter for the ktadergarten area; a slidtag addition to the junior play area, a bench for the field and 3 triple hoops - one for each kindergarten, primary and, junior use. They have been in use stace the first of October. The school also purchased and arranged for increase game opportunities for the children. The north end of the old parking lot has been transformed tato a full slzed basketball court. At the tme embarrassment caused by last weeks caption. Shown above is the pic- ture as it shouid have appeared Iast week. of writing this article we are awaiting the painting of the lmnes on the court and sever- al more four squares on the school pavement. NEW ACTIVITIES, NEW INTERESTS We have now had an opportunity to experience the benefits of the 30 minute Lýiij-È Funeral Home THOUGHTFULNESS, SERVICE & CONCERN A Famlly Owned Business, Offering: Traditional Funeral Services Prearranged & Prepaid Services - Cremation Arrangements Alternatives to Traditional Funerals - Out of Town Shipping Cory Kuipers - President 53 Division Street Bowmanville, Ontario LiC MZ 1623-5668 OFF STREET PARKING W THANK YOU Teachers from IKirby Centennial P.S. Swould like t express our gratitude to lKirby 0 United Church, our colleagues, students, par- 1 ~9ents, grandiparents, and horn honkers for 0 their support while we'are on unpaicl leave to 0 protest Bill 160.0 S During these trying times, your support 09 has been very uplifting. I4 Jlfirby Teachers0 Page 8 of last week's paper showed the Matchett family of 31 Mill St. Orono beside their Halloween dis- Play. This display was of a family of bagged leaves sit- for Mayor l Authorized by the C.F.0. of the Diane Hamre Campaign