Orono Weekly ~llmes, Wedn~sday, Novemb~r 5; 1997 - 15 Around the Region Durham Regional Police volunteer for Bosnia For the fist time ever Regional Police wilI be tak- ing part in a peace keeping mission. Two Durham Regional Police, Staff Sergeants Tom Cameron and Don Arscott will be leaving for Bosnia on November 21, for a 6 month tour of duty. The two Durham Region Police officerswill join 28 other regional police officers. While in Bosnia they will monitor the local officers. Part of their job will be to train these officers who are flot familiar with policing in a free and democratic society. Arscott and Cameron will be wearing their Durham Regional uniforms along with the light-blue U.N. beret and cravat,. They will also wear a shoulder brassard that com- bines the Durham Region crest, the Canadian fiag and the U.N. crest. Durham Regional Council postpone pay hike Regional Councillors have postponed a proposed pay hike tilI after the November 10 election. The pay raises were rec- ommended to coin pensate for the Provinces elimination of the 1/3 portion of their pay which is tax free. Whitby residents to vote in referendum Residents of the Town of Whitby will have a referen- dumn question on their ballot on November 10. That ques- tion will read: Are you in favour of eliminating the Town of Whitby as munici- pality and being annexed as part of a larger City of Oshawa? ALLERGY ALERT, - The Canadian Food Inspection Agency is wamning consumers with peanut aller- gies not to eat Halbbitter Ritter Sport Plan Chocolate Bars lmported from Germany and sold in 100 g size. The product hias been found to contain peanut ingredients which are not declared on the label. Halbbitter Ritter Sport Plain Chocolate Bars are lmported into Canada by Husky FoodImporters and Distributors, Woodbridge, Ontario. They are sold in Ontario, Quebec and New Brunswick. The UPC code on this product is 050255020001 and the lot number if 25.90 L170-1 Consumption of Halbbiter Sport Plain Chocolate Bars is of concem only for those who are allergic to peanuts. There have been no reported iii- nesses associated with this product. The Canadian importer is- voluntarily recalling this product from the market place. The Canadian Food Inspection Agency is moni- toring the recali. November is Lung Awareness Month Municipal counceils across Durham Region have pro- claimed the month of Novemiber as Lung Awareness Mon)th, in support of The Lung Association Durham Region's Christmas Seal Campaign. "Lung disease is seriîous, and is on the rise. You can caîl The Lung Association's Durham office at (905) 436-1046 for further information on lung disease and programfs or to make, a donation. Every dollar you cari give will help ... When You Can't Breathe, Nothing Else Matters! Teachers strike heads into second week The Peterborou 4 Victoria NortlA,.mberlafld and Claringtofl nRoman Cathollc Sepderate Sehool Board Princbias and "Vice-Prîncipals decide ta join teachers Effective ThursdaY momn- lng, October 30O, 1997, the majorlty of the Principals and Vice-Principals from the Peterborough Victoria Northumberlà.nd and Clarlngton RoPmfl Cathollc Separate Sch&'l Board, have declded to jolr'. the teachers on the picket uines ti support of the provincil Job action-. schools were p4osed to stu- dents, and pflnclpals and Vlce-Prlnclpakè were remlain- lng ti the facffity to respond to parent and student con- cerns, to monitor the safetY and seculty of the prernises and to . asslst parents/guardians ti obtain- ing learning materlals if requested. Effe-ctive Immedi- atelv al pVNC schools are closed to the iili. owve staff are encouraged to renor for work In-jIe eoetv schools. "I am very dlsappointed that this dispute between the province and OltarlO's teach- ers bas not beeri resolved and bas placed the Board hIthis diffcuit situatio~n," states Don Foiz, Director of Education. The Board will continue to share new information updates through the Board's information te-iephone hot- ie at (705) 748-9085 or 1- 800-975-3555, Updates xii also be issued to the media as information becomes avail- able. For further information, please contact the Communications Department at (705) 748-4861. Thank you. - Nancy Sharpe Supervisor of Communications and Freedom of Information/ Protection of Privacy SERVING DURHAM REGION SINCE 1841 FUNERAL SERVICES PRE-ARRANGED & PREPAID '<Wfire -erofessiona([Etiquette is Important' Funeral Oirector8 Paul R. Morris Robert E. Williams Gary M. Conway Doug R. Rutherford ANSWERING YOUR CALL 24 HOURS 623-5480 4 Division St. Bowmanvllle FACILITY PROGRAM TIMES COURTICE Public Swimming Monday'10:30-11:30 ar. COMMUN ITY Monday 2:15 - 4:00 p.m. COMPLEX Tuesday 2:00,- 4:00 p.m. Wednesday 10:30 -11:30 ar. Thursday 10:30 - 11:30 ar.. Thursday 2:45 - 5:00 p.m. Friday 10:30 - 11:30 p.m. Friday 1: 15 - 4:00 p.m. CLARINGTON Public Swimming Wednesday 9:00 - 11:00 ar. FITNESS Wednesday 1:30 - 2:30 p.m. COMPLEX Thursday 10:30 - 11:30 a.m. Friday 10:00 - 11:30 a.m. GARNET Public Skating Thursday 1:00 - 2:30 p.m. RICKARD Friday 10:00 - 11:.30 ar. RECREATION Wednesday 10:00 - 11:30 a.m. COMPLEX Scheduled Tuesday 1:00 - 2:30 p.m. Free Skate DARLINGTON Public Skating Monday 10:00 - 11:30 ar. SPORTS CENTRE Scheduted Monday 1:00 - 2:30 p.m. Free Skate Wednesday 9:00 - 10:30 ar. Friday 10:00 -11:30 am;n PLEASE NOTE: THESE PROGRAMS WILL ONLY BE OPFERED FOR THE DURATION 0F THE DISRUPTION 0F THE EDUCATIONAL SERVICES. ONTARIO gé...n4... t/yaeptwmjoanda(e4t/Atena( a/loe e e xýetae ew, O' d~e awwvea7 o<tue t-,ta ý,Y'vemke 6-,1982. Q~e~ey« eVe1 YdzY. Teachers on the picket line say their morale is stili high. Lynda Booker a teacher at Clarke High School said that students pieket with them every day, and parents brîng them warm food to eat. Orono Public School teachers feel that it will be harder to keep spirits up the longer they are out of the classroom. One Orono teacher said it was disheartening to be on strike while there are no negotiations taking place. A Kirby Centennial Public School teacher said that per- sonally, he was sorry that the government did flot get the injunction they sought, because now this action -by teachers cou id drag on for a long time, keeping them out of the classroom. Kari Francis, an OAC stu- dent at Clarke High School, said that she along with many of her friends ýare very con- cerned that if the strike lasts longer than two weeks, they wilI lose their whole semes- ter. Francis says she does support the teachers, but would rather have them in the classroom while their unions do battle. The fact that they are left in the dark about their future bas many OAC stu- dents frustrated. Neither side looks like it is ready to back down any time soon. RKecycle ý ý jk 1 ý ý ý ýýl %X