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Orono Weekly Times, 5 Nov 1997, p. 1

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RONO WEEKLY TIMES- 1 S ervig astC erigto ad eyond* e 19 7 i 650 GSTIncluded Wednesday,j November 5, 1997 Postmaster retires Last weeks' blunder On twa occasions Cccil Mackesey's name was însert- ed where Diane Hamre's should have been. This error occurred an the front page in the write-up of the Al Candidates Meeting. Our article hiad Mackesey saying he supported the coastal development in Phase 1 of the Port of Newcastle devclopment, and that con- trois were in place ta monitor the traffic ta that develop- ment. Mackesey has gone on record saying he does not support any developinent at the Port of Newcastle. Our apologies ta the can- didates and aur readers for any confusion this article may have caused. Polling station flot accessible The staff of the Orono Post Office held a retiremnent tea for retiring Post Master Carole Boyd on Sunday. People poured into the Rebekka Lodge between 2 and 4 p.m. ta congratulate Carole and wish her ail the best ini her ret-irement. Pictured are the presenit staff of the Post Office along with some past empioyees. From Lcft ta Right are Blain Moffat, Marj Lowery, Jean Allen, Carole Bayd, Connie Hoaey, San.dy Fair, Doreen Wood and Charles Gray. Carole always maintained that when she retired she would cam-e into the Past Office every month asking Uwhere's m ry pension cheque?" 1Cartaonist Dolighan captured this senti- ment in a cartoonl which the staff had framed and gave ta Carole as a gift. It is evident by the desire of the staff ta honaur their boss, the photo album depict- ing many past postal moments, and the apprec ia- tion shown by the, customners that Carole was a great per- son ta work for, and will be missed by ail. Town Hall gears, up tor Centennial celebrations Thursday eveinigs meet- ing of the Town Hall Board and any interested persans was welI attended. In carlier meetings the Town Hall Boarddecidcd that thcy wanted ta, celebrate this i Othbîbrthday by hold- ing as many activities in the Town Hall as possible. Ann .Dreslinski, who chaired the meeting, said the Town Hall Board no langer put on the Canada Day Party because 'it was tao much wark for anc board. Yvonne Maitland offcred ta form a sub-committee ta organize the popular Canada Day parade and picnic once again. Helen Schmidt read a prize winning poemn written by Editb Hamnm for the open- ing of the Towni Hall 100 years ago. It was suggested that another poemn contest be held for the 1lOth Anniversary. It was aiso suggested that the Orono Times run a "Remember Wben" column were readers could send in memaries related ta the Town Hall. An attempt was made at the meeting ta scbedule a special anniversary event for every month of 1998. January lst would sec, the Mayor's Levee helId at the, Orono Town Hall.* A teen dance was penciled in for February. A pub night in March with an "I'm not gaing ta Florida't' theme was suggested. The Horticultural society bas plans for an April meeting in the hall, with a passible cgg bunt organized by the BIA. June woulId sec the annual Strawberry Social in conjunction with the Horticultural. Socicties Garden Show. A sidewalk sale was suggested far the end of the month. 0f course JuIy the lst would be reserved for the Canada Day Party. Helen Schmidt was asked ta conduct a Cemetery Walk in August. The Fire Fighters wauld hold their pancake breakfast at the Town.Hall in September. It was suggested that the BIA would hold a Halloween dance in October, and a Murder Mystery in November. December would be the time for a Christmas dinner and passi- bly an New Years Eve dance. Extra activities suggested were a cuchre tournament, an evening of "The Price is Right"! which bas been suc-, cessfully played in the past in the Town Hall. A Nostalgia Night was suggestcd as well as a QuilIting Bec, a Pioncer Costume Day, 2a Squarc Dance, and athcr events of a histarical nature. Thc next meeting of the Town Hall Board will be on Thursday Nov. 27, at 7 P.M. in thc Town Hall. Intercstcd pcrsons or groups are encaur- aged ta attend so that rio anc is lefi out whcn the plans start ta finalize. TAKE TIME TO REMEMB ER Novemberli Remembrance Day ta many Orono Mrs. Horrocks, an Orono resident who is confined toaa wheel chair, says her inde- pendence has been taken away. Trhe Orono Town Hall is where Mrs. Harrocks and, many others who have diffi- culty climbing stairs have ta vote an November 10. Deputy Clerk Marie Knight said it is up ta the Municipality ta choose which building will be used for palling stations. Mrs. Horrocks points out that the village of Orono has many facilities that are acces- sible ta residents who'are physically chalienged. Buildings such as the Orono voters United Church, the Rcbekka Lodge have been uscd in past electians. Deputy Retuming Officers are able ta go outside ta get votes from persans who are nat able ta came inside. In order ta do this, Mrs. Horrocks will have ta take sameone with her ta ask the DRO ta came outside, she feels this is an inconvenience, and takes away her indepen- dence. "As a disabled persan, and fighting so bard for aur inde- pendence,", said Mrs. Horrocks, "this scems like a stcp back." Volume 61., Number 43 Happenngs. BIG BROTHERS OF CLARINGTON CELEBRATES 20 VEARS Big Brothers of Clarington celebrates 20 years of community ser- vice on Saturday, November 8th at Newcastle Community Hall. The celebration begins at 6:30 p.m. with cocktails, followed by a dinner, dance and Silent Auction. Tickets available at Courtice Convenience, Apple Blossom Shop, Village Card & Gift Shoppe and Big Brothers of Clarington office. ORONO GIRL GUIDES Orono Girl Guides wilI be out selling Chocolatey Mint Cookies dur- ing the month of November. CLARKE HIGH SCHOOL ACADEMIC BANQUET The Academic Banquet scheduled for November 5th will be post- poned to a later date. BOWMANVILLE MUSEUM ANNUAL CHRISTMAS CRAFTS The friends of the Bowmanville Museum Annual Chrstmas Crafts & Bake Sale, Saturday, November l5th, 1997 immediately after the Santa Claus Parade at St. Paul's United Church, Silver & Church Streets. Coffee, Hot Chocolate & Muffins Available. MARTIAL ARTS DEMONSTRATION The demonstration is being held Sunday, November gth, 1997 at 10:00 a.m. Spectators and families are welcome to watch at no Charge. lt is being held, at the Garnet Rickard Rec. Complex, Bowmanville Arena. The clubs involved are: Masaru Karate Club, Newtonville; Bushido Karate-Do, Bowmnanville; and Clarington Wado-Kai, Bowmanvîîle.

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