I 6 Oiùno W~ek1y ~nn~es, Wednesday, Nô~eftIber $, 1997 Family Auto Bantamr Leafs continue winning on road The O.M.H.A. Orono Family Auto Bantam Leafs wound down their gruelling road trip this past week with three wins and a loss. Tuesday, October 28th they overpowered the Haliburton Huskies 8-2. Shots favoured Orono 31-16 in the match. Leaf marksmen were Ryan Tresise with 3, Bob Witheridge with 2, and Greg Shetier. Thursday, October 3 th the Leafs crushed Millbrook 9-2 and held an overwhelming 41- 19 edge in shots. Orono goal scorers were Ryan Tresise with 2, and Greg Bester, Craig McManus, Bob Witheridge, Robbie Thomipson, Jamie Parry, Andrew Beacock and Greg Shetier ail contributing singles. Sunday, November 2 the Leafs travelled to Omemee and beat the Sharks 7-1. Shots were 36-18 in Orono's favour. Jeff Thompson and Ryan Tresise with 2, Andrew Beacock, Craig McManus and Bob Witheridge produced the Leaf tallies. Monday, November 3rd saw Orono make their last stop on a seemingly endless road trip in Little Britain where they tan- gled with a scrappy Mariposa Lightning club. The Lightning led 1 -0 afier one period of play. Mariposa cashed in three power play markers in the mid- dle frame which virtually, silenced any hopes of a Leaf comeback. Final score was 6-0 for the Lightning with Mariposa ho! ing a 26-14 edge in shots as 'ell. It was just Orono's sec -nýd loss in nine league CflcoUters on the sea- son. Leafs travei to Oakwood Thursday, Npvember 6th for game one èf an upcoming weekend tour-nament hosted by Mariposa. Leafs next, home game is a lea gue match-up against Millbrook Fîiday, November 7th at 9 p.m. 'ee you there! Leaflets. ,. Leaf winger Robbie TPompson was knocked out of the, lineup in Thursday's wif over Millbrook as he su fferej a broken collar borie. Hopefily he'Il be back in action in early December.. Not includi ng Monday's loss to Mariposa, thë Leafs had been av 1eraging 6.6 goals per game and allowing only 2.1 against on the year! .-, D.S. O.M.H.A Atom Hockey Orono Accessible Design 'come-from-behind' kings On October 24th the Orono Accessible Design OMHA Atom Hockey team was sim- ply too overpowering for their Cannington counterparts. The Orono goalie had lots of help froin his teamates in a one sided 14-1 victory for the Designers. Following the Cannington win, the Orono Accessible Design Atoms won the "B" side of the Warsaw Tournament on Nov. lst. Early momling play did not agree with the Atoms as they went down 7-4 to Peterborough. Game two of the tourna- ment saw the reversai of for- tunes for- the Designers as they came from behind 2-0 to overtake Sunderland. The final score being 5-2 for Orono. During game three versus Ennismore, Orono had that feeling of "deja vu" when they again feli behind 2-0. Undaunted, the boys regrouped and overtook Ennismore by scoring four in a row to, take home the "'B" Championships. .War Amps, send safe driving message From early to mld- November, War Amps address labels wlll be mailed across Canada wlth the theme: "Motorios and The War Amps - Working Together to MakÏ Drivîng Safer." TIhe address labels are sent as a thank-you for donors to The War Amps key tag mallout earlier this year. The theme was înspired by The War Amps newest pro- gramn, DRIVESAPE, Initlated, after the Association noted that many chldren enrolllng in its Child Amputee (CHAMP) Prograin had lost llmbs in accidents caused by careless drlvlng. The prograin offers safe driving tips, a DRIVESAFE stlcker for vehi- dle windows, an anlmated video and public service announcements. War Amps Chief Executive Officer Cliff Chadderton felt that 1997 was the right time to expand awareness of the message. TMis Includes tellmng the public about the DRMVSAFE program. in the brochure enclosed wlth the mailing. He is pleased at how the message is catching on. "SInce starting DRI VESAPE, we've had a tremendous amount of sup- port from the police, the provincial ministries across Canada concemned with driv- ing, and from drivers puttlng the DRIVESAFE stlcker on their vehicles," Chadderton said. "This support has increased, and proof of this is'that DRIVESAFE recently made the cover of Ontario Police News. With the momentuin growing, we felt It was lime to bring it Into people's homes by telllng thein about it in our brochure," he sald. The War Amps has had help spreading the message froin Meagan, a young CHAMP who lost part of her right arm when the car in which she was travelling was hit by another driver. She appears with Chadderton on the Ontario Police News cover and in The War Arnps DRIVESAPE public service announcements. Chadderton sald: "Our Idea Is simple. We mail out address labels. From the funds generated, we operate CHAMP, and Champs then deliver earnest, sincere mes- sages encouraging safe drlv- Ing." The brochure with the labels describes The War Amps many other programs such as CHAMP, which pro- vides financlal assistance with the cost of artificial limbs, counselling and reglonal Seminars for child amputees. Congratulations Joan & Fred Bumstead on your Golden WI4eddûng A4nniversary Family & friends may join Joan & Fred November 8th/97 at 6 Milison Hil Drive, Orono between 1 pn. & 4 p.m. to help them celebrate. ~Butest LhLes Ou(y. Diane ARE for Mayor Authorized by the C.F.O. of the Diane Hamre Campaign