are: back row, Peggy and and Janie frorn the Apple Sliari Flair with Flair. Front Blossom Shop, and Sandra row: Tino and Linda from Topper frorn the Natural Nut. Stutt' s Pharmacy, Yvonne CO"U'ýLLECTIONS FAIR Collections Fair was held Saturday, October 25 in Orono United Church wth an excellent variety of hobby col- lections, sponsored by the Orono United Church Women (U.C.W.). A delightful display of doils by Eleen Stephens, caught everyones attention. Thie once fanious "Eaton Beauty", two speciais "Laurel & Hardy" brought back happy memo- ries. Some very old ones and ail so pretty. Next on line a big display of «Teddy Bears", and this by Isabelle Challice, ail kinds - Polar Bears. Waddington Bear, Canada's Wonderland bear, pandas, Koala etc., Mabel Goode brought exquisite Cocoa Pots (china, antique) and very pretty glass dishes. Helen Schmid. our village hidstorlan, brought miany old antique autograph books, old papers. and a vewy old "Clarke Township" seal, fr-om Orange Lodge in 1800's. Eira Duval brought Camnival lass and also attractive depression glass. 1Marlene Riseborough brought eye-catching china tea pots; of ail kinds and colours.' Dorothy Barnett's, collec- tion of sait and pepper shak- ers and so many colours and kinds. Dorothy Robinson cap- tured everyones attention with the toplc "Readers" and not books, but figurines shown - what else? - "Reading". Alsjo attractive tapestry. Now we corne to Donald and Donna Adamas with 2 dif- ferent displays. Donna brouglit colouirful -Fiesta Ware" disheis and Donald a display of very old "irons" the kind, heated only on wood stoves! Real dandies! Orville Chailice brought a timeiy hobby this fali! Ducks, ail colours, some hand-carved and some china. This one drew mens' attention! Next we moved into next door hall! Bonnie Red had a real fun display of "Frogs". Ail shapes and sizes, and oh! so colour- fui and table of angels! Hazel and Jack Crago, Newcastle, brought a very interesting dispiay of al things, "Buttons" the klnd on clothes! Some interesting pic-, tures, mnade by buttons, and framed! Ail colours and sizes too. Connie Hooey brought two separate hobbies, one of beautiful douas, and one of Royalty, ail loveiy. Derek Barnett brought antique carpentry tools, and of course drawing mens' interest! Hazel Plgott brought some- thing quite rare, as a collec- tion, an attractive display of "Hands" aIl chins, and ail dif- ferent! Along with ail our dispiays, the ladies held a very suc- cessful bake sale of goodies, and also served Icoffee and cookies. Our thanks to ail who helped to make this a very happy event. Our sincere apology for this late report! Isabelle Challice Recyocte Newspaper Darlington Unit return ta high power The Darlington Nuclear Generating Station has received Atomic Energy Control Board permission to retumn its four units to high power. The units, which have been operating at about 55% power level since early sura- mer, had been limited to this power level ini order to make changes to the shutdown sys- tem computer software and other associated systemns. AECB approval was received late last week follow- ing a comprehensive safety system analysis, complete update of appropriate station documentation, and training of station staff on the changes. Darlington staff are i the process of returning the units to high power level. The order I which the units will retum to high power'la: Unit 2, 4, 1 and 3. It is expected that ail units wil] be at high power by mld- November. On Sunday, October 26 It wasdeclded to shut down Unit 3 to locate and fix a, small heavy water leak wlth- i the reactor building. hIall- CANDU reactors there is some bass of heavy water, usually about 5 - 10 kilo- grains per hour. The water is collected i sumps and dri- ers, cleaned and re-used. Over the past few weeks, the rate of bass in Unit 3 has increased to about 20 kilo- grains per hou r. Ail the water is being coliected, but a short out-age wlll allow crews to locate and fix the leak so the uit ý carrin steadily over the wintur months. 8 -Orono lWeýl ThnWednesdayý, il nol'embe5, 1997 Downtown merchants dress up for Halloween NEWCASTLE FUNERAL HOME Xunera[ Director -Car( Good * Personal, professional, affordable servic e, with 25 years * expenience meeting familes' needs, including cremnation and memnorial options. Prepayment terms ofUp toten years. 386 Miii Street South, Newcastle (Yust north~of 401l~ Parkj:ng off 9R&bert Street) (905) 987-3964, a Complete Car & Truck Repairs a *Diesel Engines Il Cummins, Detroit & Cate a Radio Dis patched Tow Trucks. eMobile Mechanical Service Truck. R.R.1, Oono4 Miles North On November iOth, 1997 Re-tElect Ann Dreslinsi Regional Councillor Wards 3 & 4 A n Experience Level That Is Needed Now for Wards 3 & 4 With Resuits That Matter and Can Be Measured - No Municipal Tax increase in the past 5 years - A continued Triple A credit rating for the Region of Durham - Major Municipal Facilities and improvements undertaken without increasing municipal taxes - Continued Economie Growth while maintaining an enviable quality of life Now Ils Not The Time For On-The -Job Training. Some downtown Orono merchants took time from their busy day on Halloween to pose for this picture. They