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Orono Weekly Times, 12 Nov 1997, p. 10

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J~&~J. 10 O ýrono MWeekly TmeýWednesýday% Nýovember 12, 1ý997ý' Nyov. is diabetes month Kevin was in his mid-for- ties and felt age was flnally beglnnlng ta catch up wlth him. His vision was a little blurry sa he went ta have his eyes checked. The optometrist surprlsed hlm wth a ques- tion: 'How long have you had diabetes"? she asked. Sandra was starting ta get embarrassed and afraid to go aut witb frlends. She had ta run ta the bathroom all the time. She talked ta ber fanil- ly dactor about it. He did a simple test and told ber: "You have diabetes". Kevin and Sandra were shocked. Neither af tbemn even knew what dia- betes was. You've possibly been see- ing or bearing quite a bit about diabetes recently. Novemdber is Diabetes Montb, and the Canadian Diabetes Association (CDA) bas been running is largest and most visible public service aware- ness campaign. The theme is "You need ta knoW" and the main target is adult Canadians over age 45. The campalgn is designed to let people know about the rlsks and symptoms of diabetes. CDA bas characterized dia- betes as "a public health issue of epidemic prapor- tions". In addition, November 14 Is World Diabetes Day. Currently, 129 million people Arthur Black Blessed are thec meek: For they shall inherit the earth. Matthew 5:3 A lot of thoroughly scien- tific people would subseribe to that Biblical quote. Most of themn would add that 'the mieek' will turn ont have six legs, a shiny brown carapace and a penchant for living behind stoves and under refrigerators. Cockroaches. Scientists figure if anything can survive flood, plague, drought and/or nuclear Armageddon, il will be the cockroach. -Maybe so, but, a lot of other aimal species appear to be making a bid for the planetary driver's seat. In Ireland, authorities are con- fronting the problemn of 'urban horses' -- herds of hun- dreds, perhaps thousands, of semi-wild horses that roam the suburbs of Dublin at will. ln Moscow il's.'baseinent mosquitoes' that are giving residents a massive collective migraine. Apparently these mosquitoes breed in the watery stîb-basements of Moscows grirn and badly built high rises, emerging each spring in ravenous clouds. "They dont hibernate in the winter" says a Russian spokesman, "and unlike nor- in the world have diabetes and the World Health Organization (WHO) esti- mates that by the year 2025 tiis number will more than double ta 300 million. "Global Awareness" is the theme of Internatianal Diabetes Federation's World Diabetes Day. AIl durlng November, vol- unteers far the CDA will be knocking an doors in your cammunlty. The residential fund-raising campaign helps raise money ta pravide research, educatian, service and advacacy for the millions af Canadians affected by dia- betes. If no one knacks at your door, you can still sup- port people with diabetes by calling the toll-free number, 1-800-BANTING, ta make your donation or ta get more information about diabetes. Diabetes is an often silent disease that is one of the lead- ing causes of death from dis- ease in Canada. "Often silent" because altbougb 1.5 million Canadians (about five percent of the population) have been diagnosed witb diabetes, it is estimated that there are at least another 750,000 people who have the disease but don't knaw it. For further informatian, please cali your local branch of the CDA ar 1-800-BANT- ING. mal mosquitoes, they lay eggs without ever havin- fed on blood. . .we're witnessing the advent of practically a whole new inseci." And then there's The Fighting Muskrat of the Netherlands. I arn not rmak- ing, this up. Back in 1906, a D)utch count visiiing North America fell in love with that lovable li ttle rodent, the muskrat. On a whim. be bought a haîf a dozen of them and had them transported back to Europe. There were a couple or three things the Count obvi- ously didn't know about bis new pets. Number one: each femnale muskrat can produce as rnany as 50 offspring a year. Numnber two: in the Netherlands, the mnuskratbs no natural enemnies. Number three: nexýItot making little muskrats, muskrats most like digging labyrinthine subterranean tunnels. Dutcb officiaIs esti- mate that a single a0u It is capable of excavating approxïmately 1 3 wbeelbar- rows of earth per year. Durham fllegion District HeaIth Gouncil Publlic service announcement The long term care system is evo1vin ig and changing at a rapid rai e. Your input is required inl a local planning initiative ta determine piori- ty issues in long termI care for Durham gegion- The Durham Region District flealth Council is preparlng the 1998/99 Annual Di~strict Service Plan for c0mp~unty-based lang terni care services, ta be sub- mitted t@ the Minister of Hlealth »3y the end of DecembêT. The Annual District _é'ervlce Plan makes recammeildatiOns on funding for servides such as prafes- sianal serices ( nursing, case management, physiothêrapy, occupatianal therapy, speech therapy, social w@rk and dietetics), homema#ing, attendance care, chilren's services (L.e. physiotherapy. occupational therapy, social work and fam- ily support), aduit day pro- grams, caregiver support and counselling and others. Focus groups are being held during the last week af November in locations across Durham Regian ta gain addi- tianal, input from both can- sumers and service providers into the completion of the 1998/99 Annual District Service Plan. The focus group far your community will be held on TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1997 FROM 2:00 - 4:00 P.M. AT THE LIONS CLUB, 26 BEECH AVENUE, BOW- MANVILLE. We look forward ta seemng yau then. Please do not hesitate ta cail tbe DHC at 905-433-4262 if you have any questions. November is GPR month can yoù really die of a broken Ëeart? This year, mare than 45,000 Çanadians will die from a heart attack: a result of cardiclascular disease. 1Most ibeart attack victinis are foundl by a family mem- ber. Would you know what ta do? Many of these deaths are preventable. Yau can learn how ta brcame a heart saver by leariçig cardiopulmonary resuscitatian (CPR) - a first aid techiiique for someone whase heart bas stopped. When the only thing that stands between your country and the North Atlantic, you can understand why the Dutch are a tad nervous about their muskrai population. Last year they trapped and killed 326,893 critters, with- out even making a dent in the muskrat population. Lasi month, officiais in The Hague authorized the hiring of another 500 trappers, even though as onc trapper puts it "This is a war we cannot wn." Ah, but thats on the the other side of the ocean, right? Nothing ta worry about here in Canada. Wrong. The ani- maIs are on the move here too. Have you visited a park lately? Canada Geese have taken aver. Ravens are steal- ing groceries out of the back of pick-tîps framn Whitehorse ta Flin Flan. The biggest and sassiest raccoons Ive ever seen live not in the bush, but in the back alîcys of dawn- town Toronto. You have ta watch your step when you go for a walk after sunset by English Bay ini downtowni Vancouver. Thats when the skunks carne out. Tbiey prac- tically eat fromn your liand. This inliing 1 nearly got rnugged by craw. He was droppÎing camrs oil my drive- way., Missed me by six inicl- es. Comnicidenice? Maybe. But virn digging oui my biard hiat justi ii case. An ounce of prevention One way ta prevent heart attacks is ta avoid hiigh risk activities. We've aIl heard tbe saying "An ounce of preven- tion Is worth a pound of cure". You should be aware that smoking. high blood Pressur-e. -lgh cholesterol le- els, obesity, a family history of heart disease and previous heart attacks put you at risk ofhlaving a hleart attack. Recognize the symnptomas Recognizing a cardiavascu- lar emergency may be your toughest job. It's not easy ta accept that someone Is having a heart attack and could die very soan - especially if that person is a famnily member Or close frlend. One of the first symptoms of a beart attack is that 'achy breaky' feeling around the heart. It can be severe and crushing, or similar ta a mild case of indigestion. The vic- tim may alsa: * Feel scared or apprehen- sive; " Tum pale: " Feel nauseated and start vomiting; " Sweat profusely:, " Feel dlzzy; " Experience a shartness Of breath; and e Go inta shock or lose con- sciousness. Recycle Appointment te ILibrary Board The Council of the Corporation of the Municipalit>' of Clarington wilI be considering appointments to the Clarington Public Librar>' Board pursuant to the public Liraries Act. Thie Board that is apoited wilI e responsile for the administration of public librar>service in the Municipality of Clarington. Service is voluntary citizen participation and there is no remuneration. COMPOSITION The Board will be comprised of up ta 9 members to be appointed on the following basis by the Council of the Municipalit>' of Clarington: a) Two members shall be persons recommended by the North umberland-Clarington Board of Education. b) One member shall be a person recommended by the Peterborough Victoria Northumberland and Clarington Roman Catholic Separate School Board. c) The remaining members shall be persons nominated and appointed di rectly b>' the Council of the Mun icipalit>' of Clarington. Applicants must be at least 18 yeors of age, be a Canadian Citizen and a resident of the Municipal if> of Clarington. IF you wish to be considered for appointment ta the Clarington Public Librar>' Board, as ane of the members nominated and appointed b>' the cauncil, application farms are available from the Clerk's Department, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville. Completed application forms must be received by 4:30 p.m. on Frîda>', December 5, 1 997. If yau wish ta be considered for appointment ta this Board on recommendation of anc af the Schoal Boards, please contact the applicable office noted below. Northumberland Clarington Board of Education 834 D'Arcy Street Cobourg, ON K9A 4L-2 (905) 372-6871 CIMUNKAPALIYOF ONTARIO Date of Publication* Wednesday,Nov- 12, 19 &26, 1997 Peterborough Victoria Northumberland and Clarington Roman Catholic Separate Board School 1355 Lansdowne Street West Peterborough ON KgJ 7M3ý (705) 748-4861 Marie P, Knight, C.M.0., CMM 11 Deputy Clerk Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperanoe Street, Bowmaniville ON LI C 3A6 P.O. #5118 lm

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