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Orono Weekly Times, 12 Nov 1997, p. 13

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Orono Weely Tnes, Wednesday, Novernber 12, 199-7 -13) CLASSIFIEDS (continued from page 14) Saturday, NOVEMBER lSth, 1997 11:00 a.m. Selling the garage and office equipment of former Kingvar Dodge Dealership at 1428 King Street East, Courtice (Hwy. #2, East of Townline Road); Hydro- Lift 8 ton above Floor Electric Hoist. Kismet 6500 lbs. above Floor Electrie Hoist, In Floor Single Post, Hoist, Blackhawk 1/2 ton-and Canbuilt 3 ton Transmission Stands, Kaydee Cylinder Engine Lift, Vulcan Portable Air Jack, 5 ton FloorJaçk, Jack Stands, Canuck Pallet Lift, Shop Carts, Air Tire Changer (as is), Champair Shop Air Compressor (mod. 74 1 - 5242), Portable Lube Unit, Exhaust Hose, Air Hose, Spring Compressor, Bench Vise, Asst. Used Tires and Wheels, Work Benches, Shelving, Cabinets, Tow Bar, Chrysier Miller Tools, Qty. Manuals, Message Sign Board, Variaus Automotive Parts and Equipment, 2 Microfiche Units, Min~e Clock, 7 File Cabinets,$ 12 Desks, Qgty. Commercial Chairs, etc. etc. etc. Also, Hardtop Camper (sleeps 4), 3 as is Cars. Clear Out Auction-- Owner Retlring TERMS: Cash, Appr. Cheque w/I.D., 'Visa, M/C, Interac Proprietor: Ted Whiting, 905-434-2847 Auctioneer: Frank Stapleton, CAI, ICCA 905-786-2244 1-800-263-9886& 12 ac BOUGHEN In loving memory of Ted, a dear husband, Dad and Poppa who passed away November 14, 1993. When thoughts go As they often do We treasure the memories We have of you. Sadlly nlssed and lovingly remembered Your Fam-ily. 12 ap BOUGHEN TED In lovlng memory of My twin brother who passed away November 14, 1993. Ait hough. we smiie and make noJùuss, No one misses him more than us; And when oid tintes we oft recall, That's when me miss him Most of aiL Always remembered June, Adam and Farnlly 12 ap KEN DAMIES In Memory of Ken Davies (1971-89) Ait hough you may be gone from our liues, you wiii neyer leave our hearts. The strength and passion you gave to life wil aiways be guideposts along our way. Always Remembered Derek, Mike & Friends 12 ac DAV[D VAN DE VELDE In loving memory of a dear son who passed away suddenly November 10, 1995. My heart still aches in scdness My tears I cannot cont roi To have a g reat son like you No one wili ever know Lovingly remembered by Mother Clara, brother Ken, wife Christine and chiîdren. 12 ap In lovîng memaory of a dear husband. Ifatherf, grandfather, and great grandfather who passed away Novembef 12, 1992. Peacefully slè?ping. free from ail pain Safe in God's keeping tili we meet again. In our hearts yPW tTmenfOltJ lingers, Sweetiy tendei, fond and There is not a. day dear Bill, That we do nPt think of YOL Sadly missed by bis wife Hilda and alil is famnily. 12, ap U.C.W. meeting Unit #3 Regular monthly meeting of Unit #3 was held at the home of Isabelle Challice with 14 ladies present, and we were pleased to have several visitors from Unit #l1. Isabelle welcomed every- one and read an article on "Armistice". Following the reading, the ladies were invit- ed to share their "Memories" and what Armistice meant to each one. Somethings very interesting! This period closed with Isabelle giving prayer. At this time Mr. Charles Gray, Clarington Food Bank brought an lnteresting resume on the supplies and work, a grand location has been found and we urge everyone to support this Bank, and help those less for- tunate. Charles was thanked and given a small donation, on. behaîf of Unit #3. A short business period was held and meeting closed with a deliclous luncheon of sandwiches and relishes. We are grateful to Betty Major, who volunteered to take the Secretary's place, re: minutes of meeting. Our next general U.C.W. meeting Is November 27, a noon pot luck dinner and brlng ail Unit reports please. Our next Unit #3 Christmas party Is at the home of Mrs. Margaret Gunters, Division Street. Isabelle Challice Christmas Seal campaign - Canadian Tire Stores 199Q ()7 CLAS%ý,%SUFIE D MARKETPLACE "Advertse Across Otao oAcr-ossetheCount,y GOVERNMENT UO, Gaorant sr tnc r- A CAREER- PPORUN"TYwth Cnaas laigostagi grama infrm atinaaiabte. For yaar neworeiug cai and sroa business fax prepa g o fanimFa -tme business. Take aduvantage at the gaoent ratsas emptomnt panîhons uanit Apr. 30 as service ropresena oas. Cat 1-800-915-3615. Ive Careeir advancoment itooyear round positiona avait WAN T TO BUILD A FINANCIAL PLANNING BUSINESS? able. SoccessaLlt ervice represenitativea eigible ta apptfy Sap.portl Training. Compiance. ilH Staart & Associatea. lor joint ventare owaorsisip ta eisting incarne las baai 1-888-668-1716 'TiseFastet Grow- neai, Excellent emunoration. A praiciency wish fig- ing tedependoant Financtai Planning Company in Canada,. ares end gond peopte skitts reqaired, Contact: B.J. Turn- er lac., Grog Daoenfpoil at 1800-829z8933. CHRISTIAN FRANCHSE. Hago oantn potentiat oenaic- MILLWRtGHTS, WELDERFITTERS, SUPER ViSORS ing tie expltsive Christian market with todayu lochnts- (Eoporienced) Reqaîred tar fuit trou positions, Gaad gy. Home based. Fuit trantng and support. Cait 1-800- milages, medlicai/denau benefîfa. 20 minutes muai of 663-7326. Toronto Anpit Pesse taa resumnetfa 519-853-5707. FORTUNES MADE AS INFORMATION BR1OKER Canadls astest grswng franchise. No inaosîîy. No staff. Lom onerisead. Computer generates icare 24 ONE TiME SPECt;AL hee bedioom home/caifage haus per day.1888891010 ýpackage inciodea ro, ,malt, insutattan, dansawindows, COIiECT CASH. Cake, Pepst, Hosteas, M&M. Cadbaiy, cathedrat ceig,1-2000 reard. Only $1 6,005. Act nom. etc. Rostock estabtisfie unique nendara la yonrsiea. No 1-888-875 0804. Fiee cuit oetttng, toit tîme, pait-time. Minimum inestiroent $1 3,980 SAWMtLL $4825.SAW LOGS INTO BOARDS, ptunks, 1-800-546-279(24 houra), Member B.6B beamos, Large capacity. Beat sawmittvalue anymisere. GOLDEN PRIDE RAWLEIGH OPPORTUNITY. Peape Frel informatian 1-800-566-6899. Norwaod Sammilîs, neoded ta service cutomers ta yoor aieas Fuit or part R. R 2, Kitwothy, Ontaro POE 100O. lime. Cuit nom - cltect (61 3726-0744 as (514)689-0012. FOR A FFREE GIFr CATALOGUE send your fiale and Independeat Distributors, uddreas ta: East Ridge Dstrîbutors, Bau 164, Avoamare, Onfario KOC ICO. Fao 613-346-0540, -e-rouit 24 MONTHS TO Retremesîf Ustîmted earaings,.t rs key acî@îsfc systero. Nt MLM. Fantustic support, nu settîg t800- c,@l,.ntc 322-6169, Et. 8025, 24 Hîs. DET Lose p ta 30 lb. 30 Day pragîam, Stars aI $30 AGC180211-8744. YOUR OWN huaitti business. AmericsttîueoNaa ATETN STUDEN SMuke a lot of rone settîag rat Sciences oflers Homo Sludy iptomna uConîsial hacNaewbrs Nmpioducto anaiahte. Natiing ta puy in Heathi, Business Nutition, Airoathurspy, Magilcl donc'Fstdeliver;I1800-383-3589. Therapy, Ast roogy, Alcuhot & Drug uaseiiing. Mlaay more. Fiee prospectsnt-808-516-1212., COMPUTERS No preions computer eeperieoce sucens- HiP/KNEEEPACM ENTS, ORTHOPAEDîC, Cardi saiy. Eocting oppoisuniies nom avuttabte ia computer vascataîtNea-roaulrgery, 'Bioodtesn' Gamma Knîfe, progremmîng. We wti fiainsjsif abte applcants. Cuit CMS MilCTî Tnpimerîcan facîtties. Travet assistance, pack- ttof l800-477-9576, age rates MdResosrcu Canada (Toonto! (800(395- CEITFICATE COURISES! Leais incarme las prepaîa- 881, mît rcnInfrtogcoro ion or basic bonkkeepisg by corresondesce. For finee-- - A ' - brochures, n obligation: U & R Ta Scisooto, 1345 Pembina Hwy, Wnnpeg, MB, R3T 266. 1-800-665- Ho oi o ieo21HUNDREDS 0C RE iig 5144 Esquîîe aboutres rasohise erriloies (astter tse aaing? Fer FREE informatise, wruiteHome- ,an Pu1isingCa ox 21076, arde, Ont L4M5Y1. te BEoTiCOMPUTyER tisenaBo u $7.Pprîce D tîneed igi HAVENLY PSYCHtC 1-9000451-3183. $2.9min 18+ 10 aardor aymier n andafJuo 50.0 pu mai, '4 isu DAILY HOROSCOPE 1 -g00-677-7770. FLAT Ns Mouey Down. For Tymunnus toaded 166MMX MoIti îEM media Package: 166 MMl Molorota 566 FaîdModem, E 50 Sterneosarouadsoasd, digital fllt-moton ides, 3.2 GB HD, 24X CD ROM, fultcetour 14 ins oi oetsaded ci - Mitrîtt0U58U!0îMnLi~52t3~fTtiO5 trnt software (ial s tel long for Iis ad, caîlt fi) Instaut ADLT ENTERTAIMENT FREE idel nducenry crei appronat availahie rigit oner tise pisaset Cai 1-800- lfrot -1FiE ctaoge rDcer tise beot by ma idpy 551-3434 To rdu/more mise. Dree, HCVideo 4840 Acore 2015 Moitru, BASUCESSFUL WRITER...wth esr gres homne- SEEBULNG.CtancSpci.osîcin slndy course. Cati todfay loi your FREE 0OOK, 1"800- and Leasing anatiabte.2 x3 5,6.0.2e4 267-1829. 'The Wrting Scisoot, 38 McArthur Avenue, 30 $3,988&0 30 o 14 0 40 $55944.00. 4Q00$,60- Suite 2942, Otawa, ON K1L 6R2. 40 x80 $12244.00. 500x100 S21,566(0 6a120 M28900.00. Otisera. Poneer 1-800 66-42 Across Durham Region on November 7, 1997, Durham Regional Chair Jim Witty, each Canadian Tire store and their local mayor helped kick off The Lung Association Durham Region's 1997 Christmas Seal Campaign, which runs until January. "In Canada and across the world, asthma is on the increase". says Anita Witty, Chairman of The Lung Association Durham Region's Christmas Seal Campaign for the second year. 'We've got to continue fundinig research that looks at causes and pos- sible cures", she says. Each year In Durham Region, 579 children between 10 and 19 years old are hospitalized due to asthma. "Second-hand smoke is killing non-smokers and making people in its path il1", she says. "It's much more serious than we used to think"'. z wn E 1 These are just two of the Issues The Lung Association is battling in its flght against lung disease. The Association has a 97-year history of suc- cessfully fighting lung disease across Canada. The Lung Association is one of Canada's oldest volun- tary health organizations, established to stop the spread of tuberculosis. With this dis- ease under considerable con- trol, The Lung Association now works to prevent and flnd cures for aIl lung disease including, asthma, emphyse- ma and lung cancer. The Lung Assoclation's public health education and research programs are sup- ported by donations to the Christmas Seal Campaign and by other voluntary con- tributions. When You Can7t Breathe, Nothlng Else Matters. Kryslyna Jones 983-6013 bplt y-Ne t ASSOCATES'(D)URHAM)Inc 1050 Simcoe St. N. #103, Oshawa TEL: (905) 721-2112 Orono Village Century Home on large, private lot. Asking... $2099000! . ......... ...

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