z~ OronùWeeldyTixnes. Wednesday~ November 112, 1997 15 WAKEFr"'IEcLD INSURANCE Specialting: @Dsabiltty Income .Mortgage Insurance *Ltfe Insurance @GIC's Investmients *Travel Insurance VOTE ON NOVEMBER 1 Oth 983-9438 83 King Street West Newcastle, Ontaro Li B 1 L2 Tlephone (905) 987-3200 I Matthews &Associates INSURANCE BRO4ERS LTO. Pauline Moto, A.I.I.C., C.I.B. Branch Manager HAMILTONS *INSURANCE SERV'CE idel-334 MAIN ST.; BOX 309 lu ORONO LOB 1iMO Undý,..-.1-905-983-511l5 Fax 1 m905-983-82283 - -C Women in Abuse Relaionships For Hetp Cati "The Denise Ilouse" For Women and Chiltren Toit Frec 1-800-263-3725 or 728-7311 Confidcntiatty Assurcd If you want to drink, That*s your business. If you want to stop, Tha-,t's ours. cati A lcohotics Anonyvmous Lakeshore Districts (416) 728-1020 Rçecyxcle Pleaâse Wes's SmaII Engine Repair We do it ail SNOWBLOWERS, LAWNMOWERS, TRIMMERS, CHAIN SAWS, CH-AIN SAW SH ARPENING VOUNMAME IT, WE DO IT 5105 Main St. Orono for service cail <905) 983-9772 LOOK 1 1! PSYCHICS TELL YOUR FUTURE Cali 1-900-451-3555 Ext. 7549 $3.99 per minr. Must be 18 yrs. Procail Co. (602) 954-7420 k3'I ilil Id LAI 1'] uU ~ti '1' Il lU !k'4{'] i.' [Il uL'M - Fumace Cleaning and Repairs -24 Hr. No Heat Service FREE ESTIMATE S Omar 21 Years Experience Cali9u 54 LARRY JACKSON PLUMBING& HEATINO *Pump Repairs & Installation uNew Work .Repairs -Fumnace Cleaning -Free Estimates For F~iendy Expet Service.. Cail 983-6214 FINANCING f5 AVAILABLE 'We're here ta serve you" RO9ERT E -JACKSON1 HÉating * Ei.Ectricai Air Condfftioning Autoized Consumners Gas Dealer Independent Lennox dealer Furnacesa Air Conditioners & Appliances Main St., Orono 983-6221 PARTNER'S PLUMBING 983-9447 ORONO. ONTARIO Gould Pumps &Water Systems zSeptic Beds- Plumbing nstallationis General Repairs FREE ESTIMATES Formerly Harvey Partner td "Work Wanted" &R CUSTOM FENCINO and Custom Chain Sawing Orono, Ontario 983-9627 Great Rates! This couli bc TOUR spot. ORONO BUILDING ~enîJ &DECORATINO CENTRE Personalized Project Planning Since 1935 85 Station Street, Bus: (905) 983-9167 Orono, Ontario LOB 1 MO Fax: (905) 983-9467 'CHATTERTON ELECTIÇ RESIDENTIAL a COMMERCIAL aINDUSTRIAL POLE UNE CONSTRUCTION Dave Chatterton Tel: (9051) 983-5546 Orono, Ontario If no answer (905) 983-5940 î . WANTED: ODD JOBS Prol 4Painting -General FRepairs mInside and Out RBasement to Roof Cali Clifford Francis 983-5761 "We 'Il getyou ,back on the roadl" Advertise your automotive repair or towing service here! c~Make thi s your new ad! Cali Elaine at 983-5301 *Windows & Doors *Custom Cut Glass and Mirrors *Caulking &' Winterizing 'Screen Repairs Cali HENRY BIER Lcensed Glazier 25 Years Expenience (905) 983-5048, 4798 Ganaraska Rd. 9 KENDAL, ON LOA IJv C.C. SIDINO CONTRACTORS Quality Installers' of Siding & Doors uWholesale .Retail .Siding .Soffit uFacia .Windows uDoors- 1684 Newtonville Rd. Newtonville, ON Carl Christensen 786-3059 A-1 E4 VE5TROUGH Manufacturers of 5" Seamless Eavestrough Wholesale a Retail Quality Installations 1684 Newtonville Rd. Newtonville 7E36-3059 Darlene a Carl Eu'S AUTOMOTIVE AIR CONDITIONING Service & Repairs ta ail makes of Vehcles .:, .*.4. We malse service oeils for off-road equipment ED CAISCADIEN (905) 983-5422 County Rd 9, just east of Kendal 1This Is NO SNOW JOB! A dvertise your plo wirig service' here this win fer. Cail 'Elaine 983-.-5301i General Repaira Inside & Out *Caulking & Insulating, S1 Etc. NO JOB TOO SMAL Book Now For Interior Painting Etc. Cail (905) 983-5761 Clifford 12, 19, 26 ac Jan's Carving Supplies Register Now for 8 week course starting lst week of January 623-2318 12, 19, 26, 3 ac ANNUAL MEETING Durham County Senior Citizen Lodge 200 Station St. W., Orono NOVEMBER 24, 1997 2:00 p.m. Everyone Welcome 12, 19 ac ANNUAL CHRISTMAS BAZAAR Versa Care Centre Newcastle Sat. NOVEMBER IL5 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. 330 King St. W., Newcastle Photos with Santa, Bake Sale, Penny Sale, Draws, Tea Room. SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE 12 ac FALL ROAST BEEF DINNER Orono United Church Saturday, November 15 5:00 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. TICKETS- Adults - $10.0 6 - 12 yrs. - $6.0 Under 6 yrs. FREE CAl!: Joyce Cowan 983-5940, Donna Scott 983-5026, Wilis Barrabail 983-5736 OR any Steward 29, 5, 12 ac NATIONAL POWTERSKATIING CHRISTMAS BREAK '97 ORONO ARENA Beginner Ice Time December 29 & January 2 9 - 10:30 a.m. December 30 & 31 19 - 10 a.rn. Intermediate/Advanced Ice Time Deoember 29 & January 2 10:30 r 12 noon December 30 & 31 10 - Il a.m. HAVE THE EDGE!! with NATIONAL POWJERSKATING PLUS Cail 905-983-1148 to Register tfn Dec. 24th CARI BBEAN Dream Cruiso February 8, 1998 Group Departure on/y 6 cabins left!i Celebrate The l5Oth ANNIVERSARY 0f Orono United Church "Sing-along" "MESSIJAH" featuring the Amadeus Choir of Greater Toronto - Lydia Adams - conductor, Eleanor Daley - Organ and Orchestra. SAT. DECEMBER-6 7:30 p.m. Orono United Church Tickets: $20 available by phoning: Church Office 983-5502 or Marie Tamblyn 983- 5550 or Mary Clare MacKinnon 983-5977 OR mailing: Messiah Tickets: P. O. Box 262, Orono. Ont. LOB IMO. Make cheques payable to Orono United Church "MessiaVX 5, 12, 19, 26, 3 ac FURNACE FUEL- GASOLINE -DIESEL TEXACO - ESSO AND PERFORMANCE PLUS MOTOR OILS & GREASES COOPER FUELS LTDL. RESIDENTIAL e INDUSTRIAL - AGRICULTURAL 4333 Hwy. 2, Newtonville (905) 786-2502 te PMePailng FREE ESTIMATES Doug De vres 23 West Beach Rd. Bowmanville 697-3308 m- ~. ~'r~ n~ir f nr~'î~,i~i~